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Latest agenda for Feminist Fightback conference, 20 October

Feminist Fightback | 16.10.2007 12:43 | London | South Coast

See below.

For updates and more details see
ENS Women:

Saturday 20 October, University of East London Docklands Campus (Cyprus DLR)

Throughout the day: stalls, exhibitions, film showings including Love, Honour and Disobey, a film by Southall Black Sisters; and A Place of Rage: women in the black civil rights movement; Salt of the Earth, a story of workers', Mexican-Americans' and women's struggle for liberty and dignity

Registration starts

Welcome and introduction to the event. Speakers will include Teodora Todorova from ENS Women/Feminist Fightback organising committee

12.35-1.45 Workshops
a) Is sexy always sexist? Speakers include: K Good (Shark Infested Waters); Sofie Buckland (ENS Women); anti-lads mags campaigners
b) Race, sex, class. Speakers include Priya Gopal, writer and activist
c) No sweat: women sweatshop workers fightback. Speaker from the No Sweat campaign and showing of the film China Blue, about garment workers' struggles in China

1.45-2.15 Lunch
Lunchtime workshop: Women in Darfur. Speaker: Jo Read (Day for Darfur)

2.15-3.30 Workshops
a) Ecofeminism? Socialism, feminism and ecology. Speakers include Women's Environment Network and Laura Sterry (Feminist Fightback)
b) Sexual liberation vs capitalism? Fighting homophobia. Speakers include Maria Exall (Communication Workers' Union executive; LGBT representative on TUC General Council)
c) Introduction to socialist feminism. Speaker: Laura Schwartz (Workers' Liberty)

3.35-4.50 Workshops
a) Feminism, imperialism and women in the Muslim-majority world. Yassamine Mather (Campaign for the Abolition of All Gender Based Misogynistic Legislation and Islamic Punitive Laws in Iran)
b) Debate on women's representation in politics. Speakers: Katy Clark (Labour MP for North Ayrshire and Arran), Jill Mountford (socialist council candidate in Lewisham); Sam Lyle (Warwick University), Ellie Crimbo (Oxford Women in Politics)
c) The "gender pay gap", low pay and the class struggle. Speakers include Marsha jane Thompson (London Unison youth activist); Jean Lane (teaching assistant and Unison activist in Tower Hamlets)

4.55-6 Action workshops
a) The fight for abortion rights. Speakers: RAG Irish pro-choice campaigners, Oxford Pro-Choice Forum, ENS Women, Abortion Rights (invited)
b) Feminists against borders. Speakers include: International Union of Sex Workers and ENS Women

6-7 Closing plenary: what future for socialist feminism?
Speakers include Eva Caradonna (IUSW), Amrit Wilson (South Asia Solidarity Group and author of Dreams, Questions, Struggles: South Asian Women in Britain), Heather Shaw (ENS Women), Laurie Penny (Red Pepper magazine). Collection for striking Fremantle care workers in Barnet

Followed from 8pm by a social at the Ivy House, 8-10 Southampton Row, two minutes from Holborn tube, to raise money for Iranian women's liberation organisations


Feminist Fightback presents


"Show us your art, love!" is an exhibition of work by women artists. This diverse collection aims to raise the profile of new women artists, and to highlight the inequality they face in a male dominated art world. It is hosted by the Feminist Fightback conference (Saturday 20 October - see at the University of East London. Its opening will be celebrated on Friday 19 October with a private view to raise money for the Fremantle care workers' strike.

Come along and make a donation...

Private view
Where: Atrium, UEL Docklands campus (Cyprus DLR)
When: 5-10pm, Friday 19 October 2007

Where, Atrium, UEL
When: 20-21 October

Louise Gold 07746 759 773 /

Feminist Fightback
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You Don't Have to be Religious to be Prolife

18.10.2007 16:16

You Don’t Have To Be Religious To Be Pro-life!

Live & Let Live! is a radical, consistent ethic, atheist and agnostic group, which opposes war, the death penalty, euthanasia, abortion and poverty, because they are violations of the Right to Life and not because of any religious or moral reasons. We believe that ethical conduct between people engenders Respect, Peace, Justice & Reconciliation. We see The Right to Life of people as inseparably entwined and interconnected with the right to a life free from cruelty, injustice, violence, poverty, fear, discrimination and oppression and we support tolerance of different ways of living, cultures, race, and beliefs. We use the 'common ground' approach with our opponents and campaign in a positive spirit unhindered by religious or party political dogma to stop the State Killing.

The Right To Life
The Right to Life is protected by Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 therefore, we oppose any violations to the Right To Life on the grounds of human rights and not on a religious or political basis, whether by:

1. War - we oppose all war (and the arms trade) and in particular the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and urge that the Troops Come Home! We promote peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution and support the Movement for Abolition of War.
2. Abortion - We oppose abortion (where a woman’s life is in real and imminent danger, though we accept the need to separate the mother and child by early delivery, making every attempt, if possible, to save both) and we support women’s rights, free access to non-violent and confidential family planning, including free contraceptives and sterilisation; we support people who choose to give their “unwanted” baby for adoption and we support pro-life feminism and the consistent ethic movement.
Our opposition to abortion is based on the scientific fact that human life begins at fertilisation (see Natural History Museum) and not on any religious or moral grounds.

3. Euthanasia - We oppose medical treatments that cause death to patients and any move to introduce assisted suicide or euthanasia. We campaign to ensure that mentally and physically disabled, infirm and elderly people obtain their full rights and that their right to life is fully respected.

4. Eugenics - we oppose the eugenic practice of screening pregnant women for disabled babies in time for an abortion. We support ethical scientific experiments and condemn vivisection of born and preborn disabled humans, and other animals and gene therapy that abuses preborn humans.

5. Executions – we oppose the death penalty in all countries and extra-judicial killings whether the deaths occurred in custody e.g. in prisons or police cells or elsewhere.

6. Globalisation - we are anti-globalisation, because it, controlled by World Trade Organisation, International Monetary Fund and World Bank contributes to world poverty that causes millions of deaths. We expose the link between population control, profit making and government social engineering, which lead to violations of the right to life.
"Man creates his own values, his own rational and effective attachments and his own motives for action. To live is not enough, he needs reasons to live. But without life there are no reasons to live, no values. Life, therefore, as the essential condition of all values, must be cherished above them all, and must be held sacred. Any counterargument is invalid because the mind that advances the argument would not be there if life were not respected..... As sacred, human life must not be destroyed, or played with, or impaired, or wilfully and callously exposed to afflictions." by GIOVANNI BALDELLI from his book ? "SOCIAL ANARCHISM".

Respect the Lives of Animals
Millions of animals are exploited every day for food, consumer products, so-called 'sports' or other forms of entertainment, as models for human disease, or are simply neglected. Issues of major concern include intensive farming, the use of animals in scientific research and testing, improper companion animal care and ongoing pressures on wildlife. We have a duty to protect animals from suffering. Defending animals is about upholding the right to life; particularly, a cruelty free life. We Support the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF ANIMAL RIGHTS.

"Compassion is the sometimes fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else's skin. It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too." (Frederick Buechner)
We have equal compassion towards animal races as that of the human race. Too often the popular media put down people who show compassion towards animals. We are told animals have no feelings – are not sentient – but for people who are close to animals they know this is complete nonsense.
Similarly, we show compassion towards women who are faced with deciding on an abortion. At such a time a woman should receive support and understanding and not judgement or a moralistic telling off.
Difference & Diversity
Live & Let Live! – an old fashioned phrase – new way of living

By saying “Live and Let Live” and supporting people who are different from you and celebrating the diversity of society you show that we have a common bond - the bond of humanity. We help defend human rights and promote tolerance and respect.
Finally, we launched an awareness campaign called Human Rights Action to help people understand that the Human Rights Act protects their rights no matter whether they are - gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, black, Asian, female, disabled, feminist, dissenter, a traveller, victims of crime, victims of abuse by the authorities, innocent people detained up by police or prison, refugees and asylum seekers, people bullied at work or school or anyone from the rest of society who have evidence that their rights have been abused.

The Aims of Live & Let Live!

1 We challenge the mass media stereotype of pro-life people all being religious. We are pro-life and not religious - we are atheist and agnostic! We expose the censorship of secular pro-life views by the media and the distortions of the pro-choice organisations that ignore the existence of pro-life feminists.

2. We challenge organisations like Amnesty International & Human Rights Watch to be consistent in their support for human rights – see the briefing by Debby Wakeham called “The Right To Know – A Briefing on Abortion”.

3. We want the existence of secular pro-life groups and non-religious consistent right to life campaigners in the UK, USA and elsewhere to become better known and understood. For instance, Feminism and Nonviolence Studies Association – Consistent Life - Feminsists For Life of America – Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League (AAPL) Libertarians for Life (LFL) – Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians (PLAGAL)- Left Out – 21st Century Prolifers – Democrats for Life – Student LifeNet – Progressive for Life – Labour Life Group – Prolifers Against Clinic Violence - Pagans for Life – Natural Rights – Writers Against Violence – Progressives for Life – Common Ground.

4 We promote the secular case for the consistent right to life and for the right to different and promote respect for diversity. We tackle subjects ranging from euthanasia of disabled preborn babies to gay men facing capital punishment in countries that oppress gays.

5 We distance ourselves from the so-called “Pro-Life” movement, e.g. SPUC and LIFE. They call themselves pro-life but they have done more harm than good to the cause for the right to life. We say that they are not really pro-life as they exclude the rights of the disabled, they don’t mention war, death penalty or poverty. With regard to abortion, we’re not judgemental towards women who have abortions – we understand their plight and have compassion for how they feel before and after the abortion. We highlight the reasons why women consider abortion in the first place, e.g. a pregnant woman may lose her job or home if she doesn’t have an abortion.

6 We want to bring the Human Rights Act 1998 to life in society through our initiative called Human Rights Action.

7 We promote the rights of animals not to be treated in a cruel way or to be killed by humans for meat, vivisection or any other reason; we believe there is a natural universal kinship between people and animals and we highlight everyday examples of how animals show us they are our friends.

If you wish to know more about any of the subjects above please contact us now at: Live & Let Live!, Debby and Peter Wakeham, (Founders), 88 Cobden Street,
High Town, LUTON, Bedfordshire, LU2 0NG. Email:

Live & Let Live