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Manchester RBS demo

check | 15.10.2007 10:50

People in Manchester are outside the RBS regional HQ.

Despite there being at the meeting point 3 police vans, including Tactical Aid (riot goons) and evidence gatherers, there's people, music, leaflets and a banner outside the plush new RBS regional HQ building on Deansgate in Manchester.

RBS employs some 5,000 staff in the Greater Manchester area and is the 2nd largest private employer in the area.

It also is responsible for death and destruction around the world, through sponsoring the oil and gas industries - they provide the financial fuel that is accelerating climate change - including involvement in the Welsh LNG pipeline through the Brecon Beacons.

For more info on this day of action, check out

For reports from other places, see here on Indymedia, or



press release

15.10.2007 12:38


Manchester Climate Action targeted the RBS headquarters on Deansgate, Manchester, as part of a national day of action called by the Rising Tide network.

Local groups which formed to mobilise for this year's Camp for Climate Action, have this morning taken action against RBS, a major backer of the aviation industry and the world's self-described ‘Oil and Gas Bank’.

Banners were displayed reading: 'Climate Change: RBS Makes It Happen' and 'No Pipeline! Green Energy Not Gas'. Protesters were greeted by 3 Tactical Aid Unit Vans and security guards, but despite police attempts to stop noise under the public order act, the samba band played and flyers were given out to workers, customers and passers by.

RBS employs some 5,000 staff in the Greater Manchester area and is the 2nd largest private employer in the area.

RBS provides oil companies with the cash to build and operate drilling rigs, pipelines and oil tankers. RBS also profits through the aviation industry. From the Niger Delta to the Arctic, RBS loans play a key role in
forcing open the new carbon frontier, which contributes to environmental destruction,disruption of indigenous peoples and increased conflict across the planet.

RBS is the second-largest bank in Europe and has global assets of over $1120 billion, including UK brands NatWest, Direct Line and Churchill Insurance. Despite creating a heavily green washed public image through
sponsorship of sports and the arts, RBS activities have major destructive impacts on the environment and society. The thirty oil and gas finance deals RBS signed between 2001 and 2006 locked us all into 655 million
tonnes of emissions over the next 15 years, more than the UK’s entire annual emissions.

Manchester Climate Action meet regularly, for more information email: Next meeting is Tuesday 16th, 6pm, Eighth Day café, Oxford Rd (near Manchester Metropolitan University, opposite All Saints Park.)



Hide the following 3 comments


15.10.2007 11:07

Forgot to say that the meeting point for this morning's demo was only advertised on an 'internal' Manchester against climate change (on riseup lists) email list - surprise surprise, the police must read it...


Not necessarily

15.10.2007 11:20

It may be the case that they have an informant in the group.


Be alert.

15.10.2007 11:21

Don't forget that mobile phones should never be taken with you on these occasions. They can be triangulated very accurately by the powers of oppression.

Never take with you and always removed the battery for security if this is an issue.
