California:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,W Bush,A Khashoggi
Tony Ryals | 09.10.2007 02:34
In many ways it is Adnan Khashoggi as well as Paul Singer who are financing the campaign of Rudy Giuliani through money they made in the GenesisIntermedia pump and dump penny stock scam that collapsed around 9/11/01as well as money stolen from U.S. taxpayers and impoverished countries in Africa as well as Peru who were ripped off by the W Bush-Paul Singer 'Vulture Funds' fraud in which W Bush put U.S. funds in accounts directed at 3rd world debt only to have Mr. Singer come along and empty those accounts for his and the Republican Party's personal cash cow that was used to attempt changing California electoral voting system in favor of Rudy Giuliani and the Republican Party !
California Scheming:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,GenesisIntermedia,Adnan Khashoggi,W Bush
by Tony Ryals
I no should longer be surprised by any of this - and yet it is surprising to find that Rudy Giuliani's biggest backer for the U.S. Presidency (Paul Singer) is also one of the biggest beneficiaries and insiders of Adnan Khashoggi's massive penny stock pump and dump and manipulation scheme called GenesisIntermedia.
Rudy Giuliani in his role as U.S. Attorney of Manhatten failed to convict Khashoggi in the 1980's Iran Contra cover up....
9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked Securities Fraud
In many ways it is Adnan Khashoggi as well as Paul Singer who are financing the campaign of Rudy Giuliani through money they made in the GenesisIntermedia pump and dump penny stock scam that collapsed around 9/11/01as well as money stolen from U.S. taxpayers and impoverished countries in Africa as well as Peru who were ripped off by the W Bush-Paul Singer 'Vulture Funds' fraud in which W Bush put U.S. funds in accounts directed at 3rd world debt only to have Mr. Singer come along and empty those accounts for his and the Republican Party's personal cash cow that was used to attempt changing California electoral voting system in favor of Rudy Giuliani and the Republican Party !
Re: Rudy Giuliani's Paul Singer, NY billionaire hedge fund exec
By vulture funds:paul singer,w bush,r giuliani fleecing on 10/4/2007 7:54:49 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at)
Giuliani Campaign's Dirty Secret
The BBC's Greg Palast is one of the world's best investigative reporters. And his latest story doesn't bode well for the Giuliani Campaign or the Bush Administration. Mr. Palast has been following the British law suit against the nation of Zambia, brought by Vulture fund, Debt Advisory International. This is the description of a Vulture Fund described in a recent BBC article:
"Vulture funds - as defined by the International Monetary Fund and Gordon Brown amongst others - are companies which buy up the debt of poor nations cheaply when it is about to be written off and then sue for the full value of the debt plus interest - which might be ten times what they paid for it."
As part of the Palast's BBC investigation, it turns out that American Billionaire Paul Singer, acknowledged inventor of Vulture Funds, is the largest personal contributor to George Bush's campaign, and has now pledged $15 million to the Campaign of Rudy Giuliani.
One has to wonder how much of the funds donated to the Bush Campaign, and promised funds for the Giuliani campaign, were essentially stolen thru quasi legal means from US debt relief funds appropriated by the well meaning US Congress, at the behest of the Bush Administration, for African or third world country Debt Relief.
Billionare Paul Singer's and other Vulture capitalists scam to fleece American Taxpayers appears to work as follows:
Well meaning Americans empathize with the suffering of starving third world citizen, being attacked by a changing climate, overpopulation, civil war and strife, and aids. President Bush magnanimously offers up a program to offer Debt Relief to the third world country, and the US Congress responds by approving funds, which are then held in a US account.
Simultaneously, Vulture funds such as Paul Singer's, knowing that the target country finances are about to be re-capitalized by the US Taxpayers, go out and buy up the debt which was supposed to be forgiven. Here's a recent example:
"...By extraordinary coincidence, the amount claimed is almost exactly the sum which Zambia is due to receive this year as a result of the Gleneagles debt deal..."
The Vulture funds then sue in England or other countries, and gain awards for the junk bonds that were about to be forgiven. After the Court rules in favor of the Vulture fund, the Vulture fund can then tap into the funds approved by the US Congress for debt relief.
In the case of the Vulture fund suit won Friday against Zambia, the $2 million dollar junk bonds bought by the Vulture fund must now be repaid with interest. Debt that the US Government planned on forgiving for $2 million dollars is now worth $40 million due to the British Court settlement.
Once the British Court rules, the only one who can stop the Vulture fund from tapping into funds appropriated by the US Congress for debt relief is President Bush. And so far, President Bush has declined to prevent this misappropriation of debt relief funds:
"...And George Bush can put an end to it all with a stroke of a pen. Under the US Constitution, the President has the power to stop the vultures from collecting a penny in a US courtroom, but he hasn't done it, even though just last month George Bush publicly committed his government to debt relief..."
This probably explains why Paul Singer is President Bush's number one campaign contributor. According to Greg Palast:
" Here they are feeding on poor nations all over the globe. 36th floor, Elliott Associates, home of billionaire Paul Singer. Singer practically invented the vulture fund. In 1996, he bought up some of Peru's debt for $11 million, then threatened to bankrupt Peru if they didn't give him $58 million. He got his $58 million. Then Singer bought some discounted debt from Congo Brazzaville for only about $10 million. His company then sued the Congo and turned the $10 million into $127 million.
Now that President Bush is leaving office in 2008, US Billionaire Paul Singer needs to buy off the incoming US President, as currently the US President is the only one with the power to stop these types of transactions. Its no wonder then that Billionaire Paul Singer has pledged $15 million to the Rudy Giuliani Campaign.
Will the Guiliani Campaign get away with fillings its campaign coffers with funds meant for debt relief suffering Africans? In addition to the morally reprehensible nature of these transactions, was any of the money derived from extortion?
I am looking forward to hearing other Presidental Candidates ask Rudy Giuliani why he is accepting campaign funds from Vulture Capitalists, and if he considers it ethical to be using US Taxpayer funds intended for third world country debt relief to fund his Presidential Campaign.
So whats being done about this? John Conyers has asked President Bush about this; Bush's response - "I didn't know anything about this." I'm sure Conyes will investigate. It looks like Greg Palast's coverage of this issue will be an ongoing effort as this story unfolds. It would also be nice if the IRS looked into whether Billionares such as Singer are actually paying taxes on money they take from the US Treasury, or if these transactions have been totally legal.
Update: This post was cross posted at Daily Kos where it has about 170 comments. Read other bloggers posts on this issue: trifecta, The SmokingGun, leveymg, courant, metacafe, village voice, la times, ny daily news, ny times, democracy now, sociopath,
Posted by Pete McGowan on Feb 17, 2007 | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Rudy Giuliani's Paul Singer, NY billionaire hedge fund exec
By manipulates california politics,penny stocks too ? on 10/4/2007 4:07:31 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at)
And if New York Republican Paul Singer so willingly and radically gives money to manipulate California politics for Republican political ends - how
'conservative' is he when it comes to offshore accounts and manipulating U.S. and other
'securities' and penny stocks from there ? Does he claim Adnan Khashoggi's GenesisIntermedia and Bernard Kerik's Taser stun gun shares were 'naked shorted' as Rudy Giuliani's law firm appears to do ?
- Tony Ryals
Giuliani fundraiser gave big bucks to state ballot measure
Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Printable Version Email This Article
(09-28) 17:42 PDT San Francisco --
A major New York fundraiser for GOP presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani has been revealed as the money man behind a proposed ballot measure that would have changed California's winner-take-all Electoral College vote system - and likely benefited Republicans.
Paul Singer, a billionaire hedge fund executive and Giuliani policy adviser, acknowledged his role to the New York Daily News on Friday just a day after GOP organizers in California said they were folding their effort to collect signatures for the group called Californians for Equal Representation.
The Chronicle reported earlier this week that Missouri attorney Charles Hurtt III was the legal agent for a tax-exempt corporation called "Take Initiative America," which provided the sole donation - $175,000 - to the effort to qualify the measure for the California ballot.
But Hurtt and his organization would not reveal the source of their money - even as Democrats in California threatened legal action and charged that the GOP-backed effort smacked of money laundering. They suggested there were numerous links between the ballot effort and the Giuliani campaign, and challenged the former New York mayor's campaign aides to reveal where the money came from. Giuliani spokesman Jarrod Agen told The Chronicle, "This is completely independent from our campaign, and frankly, it's not an initiative that serves our campaign's best interests."
The Presidential Election Reform Act would have changed the winner-take-all election rules for the 55 electoral votes in Democratic-leaning California. It would have required the electoral votes to be distributed based on the popular vote winner in each congressional district. Many political observers said that would probably have provided an unexpected windfall for Republicans - perhaps as many electoral votes as could be gained in a major state such as Ohio or Pennsylvania - and possibly changed the outcome of the 2008 presidential election.
The news of Singer's donation came after Sacramento attorney Tom Hiltachk, who wrote the Presidential Election Reform Act, and spokesman Kevin Eckery both resigned Thursday from the ballot measure operation. They joined lead fundraiser Marty Wilson, who also is a top fundraiser for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, in abandoning the effort.
The group had begun circulating petitions to gain the necessary voter signatures to put the measure on the June 2008 state ballot.
"I have demanded that Take Initiative America fully disclose the source of its funds and have been assured that it will do so," Hiltachk said in a statement reported Friday by the Daily News. "Nonetheless, I am deeply troubled by their failure to disclose."
But later, Singer revealed himself to the newspaper as the key contributor in the effort. Singer is a founding partner of Elliot Associates - a $7 billion hedge fund reported to be a longtime backer of GOP causes.
Singer is a member of Giuliani's national finance committee and has generated more than $500,000 for the Republican's presidential campaign.
"We heard that (Singer) was interested, but I never spoke with him, and never solicited the donation," Wilson told The Chronicle on Friday.
"I'd heard the Giuliani people were interested (in the ballot measure) and we all said our prayers that it would come in."
But Wilson said he didn't know of Singer's donation.
"It wasn't anything I had anything to do with," Wilson said Friday.
The revelation about Singer was met with outrage by Democratic operatives who had fought the ballot measure and called it a "dirty trick" by Republicans aimed at changing the outcome of the 2008 election.
They said Singer's admission confirmed what they believed all along - that the GOP presidential candidate's backers believed he might have benefited from the effort.
"This puts this money-laundering operation right inside the Giuliani campaign ... with Rudy's top donor and his closest confidants," said Chris Lehane, a Democratic strategist and spokesman for Californians for Fair Election Reform, which fought the GOP-backed ballot measure.
"Federal election law is clear. If you're a presidential candidate, you or your agents can't direct money to a campaign that impacts the presidential campaign ... and there's no better way to rig the campaign than to impact the electoral college system."
But Jonathan Wilcox, a spokesman for Take Initiative America - the Missouri group that provided the funding to the California effort - said Friday that Singer's donation draws no direct connection to the Giuliani campaign.
"People who are active and involved at a high level in partisan politics tend to be a fraternity of the same players ... and tend to give to a wide array of causes," he said.
"I contributed to the Take Initiative America because I believe in proportional voting in the Electoral College," Singer said in a statement e-mailed to the Daily News. "I made the contribution without any restrictions, including whether or how it would need to be disclosed. I left disclosure completely up to" Take Initiative America.
E-mail Carla Marinucci at cmarinucci (at)
This article appeared on page A - 8 of the San Francisco Chronicle
Re: Rudy Giuliani's Paul Singer, NY billionaire hedge fund exec
By GenesisIntermedia,Paul Singer,Adnan Khashoggi on 10/5/2007 8:22:39 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at)
GenesisIntermedia,Paul Singer,Adnan Khashoggi
I no should longer be surprised by any of this - and yet it is surprising to find that f Rudy Giuliani's biggest backer (Paul Singer) is also one of the biggest beneficiaries and insiders of Adnan Khashoggi's massive stock promotion and manipulation called GenesisIntermedia.Paul Singer one of Ruddy Giuliani's biggest financial and presidential campaign backers involved in a massive penny stock fraud with one of Rudy Giuliani's supposed adversaries - Adnan Khashoggi !
I could be wrong but I bet Paul Singer didn't lose in that U.S. penny stock fraud GenesisIntermedia with all its offshore and national and international entanglements,did he ? Nope he and Rudy's other pal Adnan Khashoggi took the American stock market and American penny stock investors or suckers for another ride........
In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the date first above written.
By: ______________________________
Name: Ramy El-Batrawi
Title: President
By: ____________________________
Name: Paul E. Singer
Title: President
Name: Paul E. Singer
Title: General Partner
Re: Rudy Giuliani's Paul Singer, NY billionaire hedge fund exec
By carl icahn,paul singer,genesisintermedia on 10/6/2007 8:03:03 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at)
Apparently Westgate that turns up on google searches of 'paul singer elliot associates' in SEC filings etc.,belongs to Carl Icahn.I only now recall that Icahn like,Rudy Giuliani backer Paul Singer,was also a big 'investor'(insider to the scam more than likely)in the GenesisIntermedia fraud of Adnan Khashoggi.
In many ways the financial backing of Rudy Giuliani by his biggest campaign contributer Paul Singer comes from the Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi the George Herbert Walker Bush Iran Contra figure Rudy Giuliani failed to convict ! And in writing to the U.S. SEC to protect fraudulent companies such as Bernie Kerik's Taser stun gun stock manipulation,Rudy Giuliani has aligned himself clearly to covering up not only for Kerick's scammy Taser buddies but for his supposed nemesis Adnan Khashoggi who Giuliani let walk during Iran Contra trials !
So now Rudy is getting his support from GenesisIntermedia fraud of Khashoggi and Al Batrawi as well as the W Bush and Paul Singer Vulture funds fraud AGAINST POOR AFRICAN NATIONS AND THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WHO FILLED THE COFFERS IN AFRICA THAT PAUL SINGER FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES STOLE WITH GEORGE W BUSH'S KNOWLEDGE AND COLLUSION !
carl icahn genesisintermedia
paul singer genesisintermedia
westgate carl icahn elliot associates paul singer
SEC Info - Marvel Holdings Inc - SC 13D/A - Marvel Entertainment ...High River, United Equities, Westgate, Elliott and Marx expressly disclaim any beneficial ... Dated: April 24, 1997 MARVEL HOLDINGS INC. By: /s/ Carl Icahn ... - 78k - Cached - Similar pages
Re: Rudy Giuliani's Paul Singer, NY billionaire hedge fund exec
By dnc,cayman company,paul singer's elliott vulture fraud on 10/7/2007 12:33:45 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at)
''Elliott-Controlled Kensington International Pursuing $100 Million of Congo's Debt. "A Cayman Islands company that owns more than $100 million of Congo's sovereign debt and is controlled by Elliott Associates [is] a $6.5 billion New York City hedge fund. Kensington has been battling [Congo President Denis] Sassou-Nguesso and French bank BNP Paribas in federal court in the U.S., demanding payment of the debt. In March a judge rejected a motion to dismiss, allowing Kensington's RICO case to go forward.''
Key Parts Of Firm Are Based in Cayman Islands. Two arms of Elliott Associates, Elliot International and Kensington International, are based in the "tax havens" of the Cayman Islands, according to the firm's press releases and trade publications. [Elliot Associates release via BusinessWire, 6/4/2002; Banking Wire, 9/12/2006]
Vulture Funds Register in the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands
To Maintain Secrecy. "Many vulture funds are registered in the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands. It is notoriously difficult to know how many funds there are because companies are often set up to pursue one case against a single country." [The Guardian (London) Final Edition, 3/10/2007]
Dean Calls on Rudy Giuliani to Fully Disclose Involvement in California Right-Wing Power Grab Initiative
Giuliani's Top Fundraiser Contributed $175,000 to Shadowy Front Group
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- News reports this evening reveal that Rudy Giuliani's ties to the ballot initiative to rig the Electoral College in California for the 2008 presidential elections are far deeper that previously known. According to the New York Daily News,Rudy's "top fundraiser" Paul Singer "revealed himself today as the sole financial backer" of the ballot initiative. Singer made the one donation of $175,000 to "Take Initiative America," a shadowy front group financing the initiative. [New York Daily News, 9/28/07,]
Singer also is the billionaire founder of Elliott Associates, the world's largest "vulture fund," whose employees have donated almost $230,000 to the Giuliani campaign, making it the top source of donations.
The San Francisco Chronicle this week reported that Charles A. Hurth III, who donated $2,000 to Mr. Giuliani in late March is the registered agent for the Missouri-based "Take Initiative America" group. The Chronicle notes that Hurth, who has not disclosed the source of his group's funding nor has any connections to California politics, was also behind a
GOP-funded group called "Choices for America," which tried to put Ralph Nader on the ballot in 2004 to help Bush win the presidency. [San Francisco Chronicle, 9/27/07,]
In light of this latest revelation, DNC Chairman Howard Dean issued the following statement.
"Why wasn't Paul Singer's involvement in this dirty trick aimed at stealing the White House previously disclosed? Given his role in the Giuliani campaign, voters deserve to know the truth about Rudy's involvement in and knowledge about this shameful effort to disenfranchise
"Vulture Funds" Are "Predatory Investors." 'Vulture funds' are"predatory investors who buy a nation's debt for pennies on the dollar and then sue to win repayment of the full value of the initial debt."[Associated Press, 5/22/07]
Singer's Firm is the "Biggest" Vulture Fund. Among vulture funds, "the biggest is Elliott Associates, a hedge fund based in the U.S. and owned by Paul Singer, a billionaire businessman." [The Guardian (London), 3/10/2007]
Elliott Associates Founder and Chairman is Giuliani's Regional Finance Chair, Major Policy Advisor. Giuliani named Paul Singer, the founder of the Elliott group of companies to be his northeast regional finance chair and considers him a "major policy adviser" according to the American Prospect.
[The American Prospect, July-August 2007; Washington Post, 4/18/07]
Elliot Asset Management Was Paid $175,648.39 For Travel By Giuliani's Campaign During The Second Quarter. On 15 occasions during the second quarter, the Giuliani campaign paid Elliot Asset Management, an arm of Paul Singer's company, for
"travel," understood to be for use of their corporate
jet. This more then seven times the amount to the next highest corporate jet provider, Wilson Holdings. [Giuliani Presidential Committee, FEC Report, 2007 Second Quarter, Schedule B, Filed 7/13/07] (full list of transactions attached)
Singer, Elliott Management Is Top Source Of Giuliani Donations Through Early 2007.
According to the Center for Responsive Politics employees of Elliott Management and their dependents have contributed at least $221,300 to Giuliani's campaign through the first quarter of 2007, the most of any company. In the second quarter of 2007, another seven individuals associated with Elliott Associates or Elliott Management contributed
another $4550, keeping it at or near the top of the list. [,

Elliott Sued And Won $58 Million from Peru, Almost a 400% Profit. "On one occasion, Elliott spent $11.8m on 'distressed' Peruvian debt in 1996 and four years later forced Peru to pay almost $58m to redeem it." [The Guardian (London) Final Edition, 3/10/2007]
Elliott Spearheaded 'Vulture Fund' Activity With "Creative" Lawsuit.
Before Belgian laws were changed to prevent creditors from such activity,in 2000 Elliott Associates sued Peru in a Brussels court for tens of millions worth of bonds that cost it only $11.8 million. Elliott's "creative" legal move paved the way for future creditors to seize foreign debt, stake a "holdout" position, and sue for the full worth of the foreign bonds. This was precedent-setting, "the ruling suddenly gave holdouts the teeth to disrupt sovereign debt restructurings." According to the Financial
Times, "That sent the sovereign bond world into a tizzy." [Financial Times,2/18/2007; Michigan Law Review, 3/1/2006]
Elliott-Controlled Kensington International Pursuing $100 Million of Congo's Debt. "A Cayman Islands company that owns more than $100 million of Congo's sovereign debt and is controlled by Elliott Associates [is] a $6.5 billion New York City hedge fund. Kensington has been battling [Congo President Denis] Sassou-Nguesso and French bank BNP Paribas in federal court in the U.S., demanding payment of the debt. In March a judge rejected a motion to dismiss, allowing Kensington's RICO case to go forward.
Kensington has already won four civil judgments in England in the same case, including a $56 million judgment in 2002 and separate judgments of $22 million, $19 million and $1.3 million in 2003." [Fortune International,
Fortune Asia, 6/26/2006; Banking Wire 9/12/2006]
Key Parts Of Firm Are Based in Cayman Islands. Two arms of Elliott Associates, Elliot International and Kensington International, are based in the "tax havens" of the Cayman Islands, according to the firm's press releases and trade publications. [Elliot Associates release via BusinessWire, 6/4/2002; Banking Wire, 9/12/2006]
Vulture Funds Register in the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands
To Maintain Secrecy. "Many vulture funds are registered in the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands. It is notoriously difficult to know how many funds there are because companies are often set up to pursue one case against a single country." [The Guardian (London) Final Edition, 3/10/2007]
UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown: "I Deplore" Vulture Funds. Shortly before becoming Prime Minister, Brown, then the Chancellor, said "I deplore the activities of so-called vulture funds that seek to profit from debts owed by the poorest countries in the world. I am determined to limit the damage done by such funds." [The Mail on Sunday (London), 5/13/07]
Deputy Managing Director of IMF Opposed "Rogue Creditors", Elliot Associates. A past top official of the International Monetary Fund, First Deputy Managing Director Anne O. Krueger, gave a speech called 'A New Approach to Sovereign Debt Restructuring,' targeted at Elliot Associates.
She called for the IMF to adopt a policy that would prevent firms like Elliot Associates from "disrupting negotiations," that would otherwise lead to amicable debt restructuring agreements between the two nations, by seeking repayment through national courts. [The Financial Times, 1/18/2002]
Congo President Furious with Elliott-Controlled Company.
Congo President Denis "Sassou-Nguesso.[is] particularly furious at the hedge funds and other creditors that own hundreds of millions of dollars of his country's sovereign debt--bought at a steep discount after the Republic of Congo defaulted on its loans--and that are trying to collect by chasing down the government's assets all over the world. Bank accounts have been frozen, court judgments obtained, and oil shipments seized. [Sassou-Nguesso] calls the hedge funds 'vultures' that make their home in tax havens, don't disclose their ownership, and stand to make huge profits on their investment in Congo's debt." [Fortune International, 6/26/2006]
Financial Times: Peruvian Government was "Held To Ransom."
"In Peru,the government was held to ransom by a so-called 'vulture fund', Elliott Associates, which bought up distressed debt during a restructuring and forced the Peruvian government to pay the full face value, with the threat of seizing other assets if it did not." [Financial Times, 11/29/01]
SOURCE Democratic National Committee
"John-Boy of Arabia"
Men Are From Mars was not an instant hit when it was first published. Almost ten months after its release, Gray?s flagship book had received little acclaim and climbed no best seller lists.
Enter Adnan Khashoggi and lieutenant Ramy El Batrawi, who, we learned, has also used the nom de guerre ?Remy Al-Batswani,? while running an air carrier for Khashoggi used in illegal shipments of arms to Iran which was eventually placed on the State Department?s list of ?unsavory? companies and barred from doing business with any agency of the U.S. Government. ( link )
"It took a year to get on the best-seller list,? said Jack McKeown, president and publisher of HarperCollins trade group, in an interview.' John Gray is the beneficiary of a turbocharged marketing campaign, in which the author is an active partner.?
So John Gray owes his huge success and resulting fortune to Khashoggi?s ?Saudi Genesis,? an intricate web of rapidly changing corporate fronts and dummy corporations with the word ?Genesis? in their name, involved in wholesale criminal fraud that looks to be a textbook example of a Continuing Criminal Enterprise.
Saudi money picked up John Gray's book (and Gray himself) and ran with it; creating infomercials that drove sales of until they became a worldwide publishing phenomenon.........
Gray is even alleged to be involved, in papers filed in a major lawsuit in Federal Court in Minneapolis, in the recent $200 million looting the Genesis principals engaged in while on their way out of town. His trading account was used in the scheme, alleges the suit.....
"The boys" from Tampa & L.A.
From their base in Tampa Florida, Khashoggi and El Batrawi controlled a network of companies, all using the word ?Genesis? in their name. The number of Khashoggi-owned Genesis companies we've found keeps growing. There is, or was, Genesis Aviation, Inc., Genesis Aviation II, Genesis Diversified Investments, Genesis Studio and Production Corp., Genesis Media Group, Genesis Properties, Genesis Intermedia;; Genesis Delaware; Genesis Florida... The list, it do go on. And on.
Versions of the company have traded under a number of stock symbols: GNNX; NTER; BMOO; GMGI; and GENI... What's the purpose? Clearly this is a difficult company to keep track of...exactly the idea........
?The proof is in the patterns! And so are the trading profits!?
The "Saudi Genesis" companies specialized in marketing to the masses, through infomercials and on the internet. Everything from Plastic Surgeons Cr譥 to ab-energizers to fraudulent get rich quick schemes like ?Trade Your Way to Riches,? created after Ramy El-Batrawi of Genesis approached Jake Bernstein at a seminar in Burbank, California about the possibility of marketing Bernstein's futures trading products through the creation of an infomercial.
Jake Bernstein billed himself as the world's foremost authority on pattern recognition and cycles and author of over 25 trading books. (He must be pretty good at recognizing when its time to leave town, at least, cause he hasn't gone to prison recently.( Bernstein website ) "Jake found an easier way to get rich. Instead of trading futures he would trade on investor gullibility," wrote a whistleblower.
Bernstein starred in an infomercial that aired on 400 TV stations, hyping a video course called Trade Your Way to Riches. A farmer named Harold Henkel told viewers how well Bernstein's approach has worked for him.
Henkel later admitted he lost money trading using Bernstein's products. We hope his ?endorsement fee? made up for it.
Critics were unkind to Jake. ?There's one born every minute. Seasonal Suckers is the cold truth about Jake Bernstein's futures theories.?
"Jake Bernstein has a lousy record trading futures but has made plenty trading on investor gullibility"
The boys at Genesis Intermedia made out like bandits.
Re: Rudy Giuliani's Paul Singer, NY billionaire hedge fund exec
By SEC re genesisintermedia naked short claim on 10/7/2007 8:24:42 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at)
Thank you for taking the time to comment on this release.
Your comments for file number S7-19-07 were received on October 7, 2007.
Please save this page for your records.
Comments received from:
Tony Ryals
Email: endoscam (at)
Dear SEC,
David Patch(who just sent you another pdf file)continues to represent insider traders and even offshore interests and individuals in worthless U.S. penny stocks while fraudulently misrepresenting himself to the SEC and readers of this site(and MANY penny stock scam sites) as an advocate for investors. And one of the MANY scams he has misrepresented to be a victim of 'naked short selling' is Adnan Khashoggi's,'s GenesisIntermedia.
Rudy Giuliani's biggest presidential campaign contributor, Paul Singer,as well as Carl Icahn and Adnan Khashoggi all appear to have benefitted financially from the scam called GenesisIntermedia,didn't they ?Why doesn't the SEC or the DOJ ask Carl Icahn and Paul Singer(hedge fund guy who virually invented vulture funds) if GenesisIntermedia was 'naked shorted' and just how much they and Adnan Khashoggi and Al Batrawi made before the vicious post 9/11 'naked shorting' occured ?(My guess is they didn't lose money.)
As for Patrick Byrne I wish he could 'invest' his shareholders money in something better and other than NCANS or Swift Boat Captains For Truth,Stormy Simon trust fund,Governor Jon Huntsman's political and securities and 'education' campaigns,etc.,etc.......
Re: Rudy Giuliani's Paul Singer, NY billionaire hedge fund exec
By carl icahn,paul singer,genesisintermedia on 10/6/2007 8:03:03 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at)
Apparently Westgate that turns up on google searches of 'paul singer elliot associates' in SEC filings etc.,belongs to Carl Icahn.I only now recall that Icahn like,Rudy Giuliani backer Paul Singer,was also a big 'investor'(insider to the scam more than likely)in the GenesisIntermedia fraud of Adnan Khashoggi.
In many ways the financial backing of Rudy Giuliani by his biggest campaign contributer Paul Singer comes from the Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi the George Herbert Walker Bush Iran Contra figure Rudy Giuliani failed to convict And in writing to the U.S. SEC to protect fraudulent companies such as Bernie Kerik's Taser stun gun stock manipulation,Rudy Giuliani has aligned himself clearly to covering up not only for Kerick's scammy Taser buddies but for his supposed nemesis Adnan Khashoggi who Giuliani let walk during Iran Contra trials
So now Rudy is getting his support from GenesisIntermedia fraud of Khashoggi and Al Batrawi as well as the W Bush and Paul Singer Vulture funds fraud AGAINST POOR AFRICAN NATIONS AND THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WHO FILLED THE COFFERS IN AFRICA THAT PAUL SINGER FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES STOLE WITH GEORGE W BUSH'S KNOWLEDGE AND COLLUSION
carl icahn genesisintermedia
paul singer genesisintermedia
westgate carl icahn elliot associates paul singer
SEC Info - Marvel Holdings Inc - SC 13D/A - Marvel Entertainment ...High River, United Equities, Westgate, Elliott and Marx expressly disclaim any beneficial ... Dated: April 24, 1997 MARVEL HOLDINGS INC. By: /s/ Carl Icahn ... - 78k - Cached - Similar pages
9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked Securities Fraud
9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Jerome Arnstrong,Markos Moulitsas Zúniga,ICTS Israel, Securacom Kuwait,ragingbull Fraud
Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr.,Securities Fraud,Stormy Simon Striptease and Bloody Murder
Samaritan Pharmaceuticals,a Georgetown University Penny Stock Fraud
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud
WTC,9/11,Logan Airport, Boston:Israeli ICTS 'Security':Barney Frank,Ted Kennedy, John F. Kerry Face Psych Crisis
Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's Terrorist List
Boston Logan Airport,9/11,WTC,Barney Frank,SEC,Israeli Penny Stock Scam and Bloody Murder
Max Keiser ,Al Jazeera,Qatar promote Naked U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
SEC'S Christopher'WMDS'Cox:Georgetown University James Angel Pimps Pink Sheet Penny Stock
Ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow,Michael Moore, Cerberus,Bawag Austria and Cuba
Charles Schwab,Mantas 'AML':Did The CIA's SRA International Eat George W Bush's E-mail ?
U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium SWIFT Finance Fraud
Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court
Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ?
David Grin,Tel Aviv University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel
FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lych,Latham & Watkins conflict
Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed Mustafa and Islamic Usury
Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B. Gonzalez award !?
Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc penny stock frauds
James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny stock share money laundering
Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson
Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange
Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag Austria,offshores...
U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob Bennett,Orrin Hatch ?
Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug trafficking,etc....
Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist flight school ?
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster'
Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ?
NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?
Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud
Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks
Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian and John O'Quinn
John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?;
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen
Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering
To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering
Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers...
CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
Tony Ryals
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adnan khashoggi
09.10.2007 14:18
information centralisation
09.10.2007 14:42
Gaborone/Botswana/Africa, April 14, 2006
Dr. Alexander von Paleske
Ex-Barrister-at-Law, High Court Frankfurt (M)
Rakesh Saxena is fighting his extradition from Canada to Thailand for ten years now. Let's have a look at the spiderweb, of which he is part of.
First to mention is a veteran of arms and shady deals, a close friend of the bin Laden family for decades, an uncle of the late Dodi Fayed, the last partner of Diana Princess of Wales and brother-in-law of the owner of Harrod's Supermarket in London, Al Fayed, his name: Adnan Khashoggi, once called the richest man on earth.
His origin is Saudi Arabia, his favorite place to live is Marbella in Spain and his favorite business are arms deals and the stock market, especially in Vancouver/Canada.
At present, however, he likes more the sand of the beaches of the United Arab Emirates, a better, because safer place to be, when arrest warrants and extradition requests are piling up.
He was involved in the Iran Contra-Affair in the 80s, in which the Pentagon sold weapons to Iran and the profits were used to buy weapons for a CIA sponsored group in Nicaragua, the Contra Rebels. Everything illegal of course, but an army man by the name of Oliver North was day and night putting documents into the shredder, when the scandal was about to be made public. It is good to have such trustworthy people in your house.
Khashoggi was also involved in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a massive washing machine for illegal money from the Medellin drug cartel, Manuel Noriega, and other druglords.
The bank was forcibly closed in 1992 after investigations by a committee of the US senate, in which Senator John Kerry featured prominently.
However Khashoggi, likeable as he is, had and has friends all over the world, so lets forget about the BCCI-Affair and move on to Thailand, to the Bangkok Bank of Commerce.
The CEO of that bank was in the 90s Krirkkiat Jalichandra. A promsing young man of Indian origin, by the name of Rakesh Saxena was introduced to him.
Saxena was wanted in India for culpable homicide, who cares, was a communist before, while studying in India, who cares and according to the slogan, who is not a communist at age 20 hasn't got a heart, and who is still a communist age 40 hasn't got a brain, and Saxena had brains, he forgot Marx and Engels and concentrated on fraud and corruption the big way and advised his "brother in fraud" Jalichandra accordingly both together a "duo infernale", so to speak.
Money was pumped into a labyrinth of fake companies and "small gifts" in cash and kind were handed out to politicians and friends, a non repayable loan was given to Saxenas friend Adnan Khashoggi, amounting to only 134 million US Dollars, peanuts, so to speak.
However such big fraud, that triggered eventually the Asian Banking Crisis in 1997 cannot go on forever one time the bubble has to burst and in 1996 the scheme collapsed, however Saxena, clever as he was, left in time the sinking ship and fled to a much cooler place, Canada.
Not forgetting, allegedly to take some pocket money with him, only the laughable sum of 88 million US Dollars laughable, because the damage he and Jalichandra allegedly caused amounted to more than three billion US Dollars.
Jalichandra was not so lucky, he got arrested and has been sentenced to 30 years in prison one year ago.
Thailand wanted Saxena extradited, but Saxena did not want, had money enough to hire the best of the best of lawyers and he convinced the Government of Canada, a banker is a banker, that it would be cheaper to put him in self paid house arrest, than into a prison.
So he is still in Canada but not resting, to the contrary. He is as busy as ever.
First came Tim Spicer, the mercenary, Ex-Lieutenant Colonel, OBE, hated by the Irish because soldiers of his unit, when he was stationed in Northern Ireland, killed an innocent Irishman by the name of McBride. These soldiers were later convicted for murder.
However Spicer campaigned and lied for them, so that they were early released and then reinstated in the British Army, they are now on patrol in Iraq, where killing of innocent civilians is rather a day to day event.
Spicer needed money, Saxena had money for his adventure in Sierra Leone.
Tony Buckinghams company Sandline, of which Spicer was the chief executive until 2000, offered their service, in exchange for diamond mining rights, to ousted President Kabbah with old apartheid soldiers of the infamous Buffalo Battalion, and Koevoet, well known killer units, their motto: shoot to kill, and their battleground in those days were the newly independent state of Angola with the refugee camps of SWAPO and the illegally occupied Namibia.
The unit, named Executive Outcomes, was founded and headed by Eeben Barlow, former member of the Buffalo Battalion and then of the Civil Cooperation Buraeu (CCB) the latter an South African apartheid death squad, which can take credit for countless extrajudicial killings inside and outside South Africa including hundreds of SWAPO freedom fighters allegedly killed with poison delivered by a Dr. Wouter Basson and the bodies thrown out of a plane over the Atlantic Ocean.
Saxena offered 10 million US Dollar, he had mining interests there as well, bought with money from the Bangkok Bank of Commerce, and with Saxenas/Bangkok Bank of Commerce money Spicer bought tons of weapons in Bulgaria and elsewhere.
This was the start, of what was later called the Arms to Africa Affair. Active in this scheme there were also Simon Mann and Nick du Toit, both in prison now, one in Zimbabwe, the other one in Equatorial Guinea after the failed coup attempt last year.
This military intervention was in flagrant violation of an UN arms embargo, who cares, and with the approval of the resident British High Commissioner, Penfold. When the things came out, it nearly brought down the Blair Government.
Already before their Sierra Leone job , Spicer, Mann and Buckingham had gone global in 1997, this time to the other end of the globe, Papua New Guinea for a lump sum of 36 million US Dollars to be paid by one of the poorest states on earth.
The Government there fought unsuccessfully against a rebel group on the Island of Bougainville
to get hold of a copper mine, owned by the British company Rio Tinto. The fight erupted because of the environmental disaster, caused by the mine, that threatened to destroy the livelihood of the people there.
Buckingham, Spicer and Simon Mann offered "help", the mercenary way via Sandline and Sandline subcontracting the dreck of the Ex Out mercenaries. Also with them Lafras Luitingh, another former member of the Apartheid-CCB, who can take credit for having been involved in the murder of ANC activist Dr. David Webster on 1st May 1989 in Johannesburg and SWAPO Advocate Anton Lubowski in Windhoek on 12 October 1989.
This time round, however, things did not work out, the army under General Singorok rebelled, the Prime Minister Sir Julius Chan had to resign and Spicer was arrested and later left the country only with the help of the discrete diplomatic pressure by the British government.
Still they made their fortune, as a lot of money had been prepaid .
Meanwhile mercenary godfather and mining baron Tony Buckingham was also active in many African countries, apart from Sierra Leone and Angola, namely Congo Brazzaville, DR Congo, Uganda, Kenya Namibia to name a few.
He was specifically welcomed in Namibia, where the government made him a director of the state owned Offshore Development Company (ODC) and he used his contacts to introduce Ranger Oil Canada to the Government, successfully, Ranger got huge exploration rights. Ranger and Buckingham were close business partners for quite some time.
As a Thank You Buckingham made government officials shareholders in his company Oceanica Fisheries, and the government granted him mining rights in a Tourmaline mine near Karibib, Indigo Sky Gem and Camelthorn Mining, and allowed him to dislodge 1000 small scale miners there and to throw them onto the roadside.
Who greases well, drives well.
And South Africa's Mine Minister Mrs. Mlambo-Ngcuka gave a prospecting license with much fanfare in 2001 to Ranger Oil, despite the well known connection to Buckingham and his mercenaries
In Kenya he appointed Sanjivan Ruprah, a well known arms dealer, head of his mining company Branch Energy.
Sanjivan Ruprah became also a close confidant of Charles Taylor in Liberia and of Victor Bout, with whom he worked closely together. Sanjivan Ruprah helped arming the child soldiers in Sierra Leone on behalf of Charles Taylor, those, who committed horrific mayhem amongst the civilian population, including mass killings, hacking of limbs, rape, torture.
Victor Bout, called "Africa's Merchant of Death" is a Russian, who runs a fleet of 50 russian made transport planes. He delivered weapons to the Taleban and Al Qaeda before 2001 and organized chartered flights to Afghanistan, , certainly not for tourists. Bout was fuelling virtually each and every armed conflict in Africa for the last 15 years with his weapons transport and Diamonds as payment, especially in Liberia, Sierra Leone Angola, DR Congo.
After the invasion of Iraq he was hired by American companies. Money talks and a plane is a plane. He was also busy transporting goods to Afghanistan after 2002, who cares.
Ruprah knows Khashoggi, because they shared an office address in London. Kashoggi is a friend of Saxena, Saxena is a friend of Spicer and so forth.
And Khashoggi and Saxena were not just watching, what was happening in Africa, they had also had serious business to do, Khashoggi in America and Saxena in Canada, before both joint forces and went to Vienna Austria.
In 2001 Khashoggi, via his company Ultimate Holdings, based on the Bahamas with a complicated lending scam allegedly pumped up the stock of a Nasdaq bubble company by the name of Genesis Intermedia, in which Ultimate Holdings was the majority shareholder.
The company was built around a book by a John Gray, "Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars".He forgot to add that arms dealers and mercenaries are from hell.
Involved in that scam were Deutsche Bank in Toronto and a slew of criminal stockbrokers and after the scam collapsed in 2001, Khashoggi and his friend El Batrawi were 130 million US Dollar richer, broker houses filed for bankruptcy , the damage amounting to more than 300 million US Dollars.
Deutsche Bank has now settled out of court and is paying, still denying any responsibility, of course.
Meanwhile Saxena in Canada was busy as well. He appointed the leading opposition MP in the Canadian Parliament, John Reynolds as board member in a flimsy company called WaveTech while fighting at the same time an extradition request from Thailand in the courts of Canada. A simple word for that is most likely corruption. A friend, even when bought, in need is a friend indeed.
And he was involved in a scandal around a company in South Africa in 2004 , called Platinum Asset Management. PAM, that later on moved to Botswana and was exposed in August 2005 here by me and the local Sunday Standard.
However shared success is doubled success, so he went to good old Europe in 2000 with his friend Khashoggi. Khashoggi in person, and him being under house arrest via the phone. They linked up with a Filipino by the name of Amador Pastrana.
Pastrana had already earned himself the reputation as being a king of the boiler rooms earning him more than a billion Dollar.
Boiler rooms are cramped small offices, from where selling of shares to unsuspecting clients is organized. They apply high pressure sales pitches on their victims.
Those clients have money but no banking experience, they are neither banker nor broker
The shares they sell to pensioners, and medium income earners are worthless, artificially pumped up Penny stocks and the clients never see their money again.
The most effective and sophisticated fraud scheme to date.
Saxena, Khashoggi and Pastrana bought together the WMP Bank AG in Vienna, Austria renamed it General Commerce Bank and turned it into a boiler room, the fraud organized there amounts, according to press reports, to roughly one billion US Dollar. With 6them the convicted criminals Regis Possino, Raoul Berthaumieu and Sherman Mazur.
In 2001 the Bank was closed.
1 billion in one year.
Meanwhile Spicer did not rest either. He opened a new mercenary company after he left Sandline by the name of Aegis and the Invasion of Iraq brought him a fat contract by the Pentagon to the tune of 293 million US Dollar.
He is now overall in charge of all the mercenaries in Iraq, totaling more than 20.000, quite a few former Executive Outcome dreck.
And Tony Buckingham is busy in Iraq as well.
In 1995 he paid a courtesy call to Iraq, walking in the Hotel lobby of the Al Rasheed Hotel over a distorted picture of former US president Bush and exploring with former Iraq's Oil minister possible oil ventures.
After he Invasion he is back, go with the flow, having good contacts with Iraqi Oil ministry officials and getting a prospecting license in Kurdistan for his company Heritage Oil.
And he quickly closed Sandline on 16th April 2004 after the failed coup in Equatorial Guinea.
The list would be incomplete, without mentioning a group of dealers of weapons of mass destruction.
Gerhard Merz, German, alleged transport officer in the failed coup in Equatorial Guinea, who was arrested in Malabo and died a few days later amidst allegations of torture, transported from 1992 to 1994 nerve gas components for Mustard and Sarin and "know how" for their production from China to Iran with an Israeli international criminal by the name of Regenstreich alias Regev and the support of the Israeli secret service Shin Bet.
Parallel to this group another group headed by an Israeli Nahum Manbar and a British Mi6 agent by the name of Richard Tomlinson also transported nerve gas components and KnowHow from China to Iran with the active support of the Shin Bet and the Mi6.
At the same time the UN weapons inspectors were searching for these weapons in neighboring Iraq
Simon Mann meanwhile is in Chikurubi Maximum Prison in Harare, Buckingham and Spicer in Iraq, Sandline closed down and Aegis opened, hiring mercenaries and doing what they did in Sierra Leone, Angola and now in Iraq: Killing innocent civilians with impunity.