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Keep Our NHS Public - Liverpool public meeting 18th Oct

nfn | 08.10.2007 10:07 | Health | Liverpool

7pm - Friends Meeting House, School Lane, Liverpool (btwn Bluecoat and Hanover St) - 3BT

We need to develop the movement to protect and preserve our NHS, whose vital services and precious resources are being given away to the private sector. All of us rely on the NHS, and all of us will be affected by what is happening to it. The invited speakers have a wealth of experience of working within the NHS and fighting to improve and defend it

Speakers: Prof. Wendy Savage (chair of the national Keep Our NHS Public campaign, and author of Birth & Power); Karen Reissman (psychiatric nurse suspended for speaking out on privatisation, and member of the UNISON Health Service Executive); Dr Andrea Franks (consultant dermatologist at the Countess of Chester Hospital); Ritchie Krueger (from Maghull KONP, which has successfully warded off plans for a privatised GP surgery in Maghull); Dr Alex Scott-Samuel (lectures in Public Health at the University of Liverpool, and is a founder member of the KONP campaign)

We hope that you will bring your own experience and knowledge - as patients, carers, or healthworkers - to join the discussion

Telephone: 0781 347 1548
