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Libby Purves - A true child of Geobbles.

Anti-Nazi | 07.10.2007 22:28

I do not know who Libby Purves is, but I do know she is guilty of a very serious misrepresentation that there surely must be laws against.

I stumbled upon the article (linked below) whilst looking for some reporting on the Archbishop of Canterbury's recent visit to the Middle East. There appears to have been very little coverage considering this man is the spiritual leader of some 500 million Christian protestants. Perhaps it is because he has spoken out against military attacks on Iran and Syria.

Under the banner of 'A Guide to Religion and Faith' we have proven lie after proven lie aimed at smearing Iran with blatant propaganda who's only use can be to soften public opinion for more mass slaughter in the Middle East. The false translations were a product of Israeli funded MEMRI, a regular source of such deceptions for war.

Libby Purves (Libby Perverse would be more accurate) obviously needs reminding that one of the ten commandments is that thou shalt not bear false witness.

Not many things can be as hypocritical as a religious column being used to support the mass murder of men, women and children. Truly disgusting.



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perhaps ...

08.10.2007 00:02

you could give us a correct translation of the President's words?


Mis-translations are widely acknowledged.

08.10.2007 08:45

Well, starting with the first one;

"Israel must be wiped off the map"

is the mis-translation of:

"The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e eshghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad)."

Ahmadinejad was quoting someone else so they are not even his words in the first place.

There is this from the TimesOnline article:

'NB The translation of this quote is debated and has also been read as "Israel must disappear from the page of history"'

So they acknowledge that the translation maybe incorrect but still fail to provide a correct one.

One can verify many of the other quotes are mis-translated if one takes the time to read Ahmadinejad's personal web-site, or indeed Iranian news sources, where the words are translated by native Farsi speakers into English and not by Israeli government employees working for an organisation set up by a former Mossad chief (MEMRI).

Ahmadinejad's 's beef is with the apartheid Zionist regime occupying (a UN resolution calls for Israel to withdraw) Jerusalem.

With regard to the Holocaust statements, he has never denied there was a genocide of the Jews in Europe, he questions the number killed (many others do from a purely historical and factual perspective and not because they are anti-semites) and why the Europeans or Americans did not give up their land for a Jewish homeland.

Iran is home to 25,000 Jews that have refused Israels offer of repatriation, which includes an additional $6000 on top of the already handsome package - a home, an income etc. etc.

I suppose you would also like proof that Iran is NOT building a nuclear bomb and proof that they are NOT killing US troops. even though the burden of proof is not on the accused but with the accuser.

Truth is the first victim of war. Controlling the past means controlling the future.


Something is not right

08.10.2007 10:04

No matter what ones opinion on the Holocaust it has to be concede that we are in a very bizzare legal situation where one can be jailed for denying it happened. I cannot think of one single other instance where a law like this exists. Only during the 16th century religious persecutions by the Catholics was such a thing possible.

Today I can say that God does not exist, that Queen Elizabeth is a child of Satan, that Tony Blair kills babies (although that one is in fact true), the moon landings were fake, the earth is flat and so on and I will not be in danger of imprisonment.

What we have in Europe is a law (holocaust denial) which is equivalent to the Heresy laws of the pre-enlightenment era. Is that progress? And what purpose does it serve? Indeed, even questioning such a law now incurs a knee-jerk reaction of wild accusations. Soon it will be illegal to deny anything that the government tells us is the 'truth', including hate-speech for the purpose of making war.


nice try, but no banana

08.10.2007 10:14

I admire your swift attempt to move away from the topic.

If he has been mistranslated, then show us. If you can't,. then don't whinge.



08.10.2007 10:53

From second comment:

"Israel must be wiped off the map"

is the mis-translation of:

"The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e eshghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad)."

There are the Farsi words (obviously romanised) and the literal translation, except the words in square brackets where there is simply no English equivalent. What's your problem?


The problem?

08.10.2007 11:17

There are thirty quotes in Purves' article. Are they all mistranslations?

I Googled number 12 at random. It was from

and the article was in English, so it was unlikely to be 'mistranslated'.

No misrepresentation. No mistranslation.


you can believe

08.10.2007 11:17

what you want in your own head,for now.See you on the dark side.

Mr Moon


08.10.2007 12:16

I never said that they were ALL mistranslated. The point is the most inflammatory remark is a mistranslation, followed by another mistranslation, i.e mistranslation after mistranslation. The TimesOnline article sets the tone of the following quotes by using a flagrant and proven mistranslation.

The article you quoted was in relation to the defeat of the IDF by Hizbullah in Lebanon, and of course the words are taken out of context. In fact most of the quotes are not in the least bit inflammatory with regards to Israel, but rather Zionism, and most are indeed out of context.

You appear to be very adept at insinuating things that are incorrect, e.g;

"I admire your swift attempt to move away from the topic. " - I never did anything of the kind.

"If he has been mistranslated, then show us. If you can't,. then don't whinge." - I wasn't whinging and I did show you BEFORE you made that remark.

"No misrepresentation. No mistranslation." err, that's dumb. I have shown you TWICE that he has been mistranslated, and therefore misrepresented. You seem to have a mantra going on their buddy.

If it can be proven a person has lied, then why believe anything they say? That's exactly how it works in a court of law, if a witness is found to be lying on one occasion then all their evidence, no matter whether it's true or not, is dismissed.

Anyway, you can believe the propaganda if you like, that is your choice and the point is it is your choice. When lies go unchallenged and constantly repeated people don't have that choice about what to believe, so why get so upset about a factual redress of the facts?



08.10.2007 12:47

You've found one possible mistranslation among thirty, and she immediately becomes the descendant of Goebbels.

Now, Ahmadinejad's comments have been widely reported in the Western press. The Iranian Foreign Ministry must be aware of the negative comments. They have not, as far as I know, complained and issued their own translation. Silence implies consent. Secondly, if his words were ambiguous, then that's his fault. If he makes speeches that can be misconstrued or misinterpreted, then he should take more care over his words.

And if anyone doesn't believe that 'Zionism' is code for 'Israel', then they must be remarkable naive. Or very easily duped.

monoc lot

of course it's propaganda

08.10.2007 13:56

'30 jaw dropping quotes' without explanation or comment, just an excuse to repeat debunked statements about wiping israel off the map.

the majority of the readers comments on that page sum it all up and for libby purves to have her name attributed to such an 'article' is a real shame.


oh dear me

08.10.2007 14:20

"Ahmadinejad's comments have been widely reported in the Western press.": You don't get it do you, the point is they have been incorrectly reported. Since when has the 'Western press' been the source of truth with regards to the Middle East?

"Silence implies consent": What a ridiculous statement.

"if his words were ambiguous, then that's his fault": But they are/were not ambiguous.

"'Zionism' is code for 'Israel'": No its not, Zionism is a right-wing political movement and Israel is a state. The only people that like to see Zionism linked to Israel are in fact Zionists. Not every Israeli is a Zionist, and not all Zionists are Jews, so stop trying to make them seem the same and those that know different naive or duped.

It's very interesting following your comments how you focus in on little details but completely ignore the wider issue, namely that there is a propaganda war in full swing by the mainstream media against Iran as a precursor to the inevitable military action that is both unjust and illegal. Using your logic If I were to remain silent then surely I would be consenting to such action.

You are just an apologist for this blatant propaganda, or else you are naive and have been duped by the Western press.


anyone read those quotes

08.10.2007 14:36

From the Times article "Ahmadinejad on Israel: 30 jaw-dropping quotes"...

Quotes 6, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 27 (yes almost 50%) make no mention of Israel, Jews or Zionists at all. Anyone have a clever answer for that?

andy capp

Tell me ...

08.10.2007 15:00

Are you a Farsi speaker yourself? If not, how exactly do you know he's been mistranslated?

'Silence implies consent' is actually a well known [to some, anyway] legal phrase.

Oh, he's just after 'Zionists' and not Israel?

June 4th 2007: ' TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday said that the demise of the Zionist regime (of Israel) is imminent.'

And tell me - what 'Zionist organisations' not associated with Israel are any concern of Iran's?

'they have been incorrectly reported' - your words. Of the thirty quotes, one has apparently been mistranslated. The other twenty nine? He has been widely reported, and if Purves only gets one quote wrong [and I doubt she's a Farsi speaker, so she's hardly going to know] then she's still 97% accurate. Not exactly 'bearing false witness'.

'One can verify many of the other quotes are mis-translated'. Given us an example.

Out of context? Not really. Here is the full text as given on the official news agency:

'Ahmadinejad said last summer's war between Israel and Hezbollah showed for the first time that the "hegemony of the occupier regime (Israel) had collapsed, and the Lebanese nation pushed the button to begin counting the days until the destruction of the Zionist regime."

"God willing, in the near future we will witness the destruction of the corrupt occupier regime," Ahmadinejad was quoted by IRNA as saying during a speech to foreign guests mostly from African, Arab and neighboring countries who attended ceremonies marking the 18th anniversary of the departure of the Late Founder and Father of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini.'

If there is a propaganda campaign, then Ahmedinejad is giving his enemies plenty of ammunition.

mona glot

dont be lazy lame brain

08.10.2007 16:17

You are still arguing whether he is mis-quoted or not - I have an Iranian friend (an exile who has no love for the current Iranian government) who speaks Farsi fluently. If you cannot accept the translation I've posted TWICE then there is nothing further to discuss.

The article is anti-Iranian propaganda. It has no journalistic or informative value. It is published purely to stir negative emotions against Iran. It is inaccurate by way of deliberate mis-translation, omission and contextual distortion. If that's not propaganda then what is it?

As 'andy capp' said, half of the quotes have nothing to do with Israel, Zionists or Jews. So in the first place that makes it compromised with its byline of 'Ahmadinajad on Israel'.

I would also like to know what is so "jaw-dropping' about many of those quotes as well. "They [the United States] think they are the absolute rulers of the world.", now that to me is a self-evident fact, but obviously to Libby Purves it is simply "jaw-dropping" - wtf?

You have taken the line of the media where everything negative regarding Iran is portrayed as truth unless proof is made otherwise. Such as Iran must prove it's not killing US soldiers, or prove its not developing a bomb. This is completely wrong by any standards. How can people still have this mind set after seeing the exact same nonsense carried out on Iraq just four years ago?

You fail to address any points made of your comments but fully expect me to address yours. Get real and do your own research.


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jaw dropping

08.10.2007 16:57

The Zionist regime is the flag bearer of violation and occupation and this regime is the flag of Satan

the Islamic states should benefit from their economic potential to cut off the hands of the enemies.

The Zionists are the true manifestation of Satan

Zionists are people without any religion. They are lying about being Jewish because religion means brotherhood, friendship and respecting other divine religions

Is there a craft more beautiful, more sublime, more divine, than the craft of giving yourself to martyrdom and becoming holy?

There certainly is a war of propaganda going on. Now imagine the President of the United States said something 'With the help of Jesus Christ we will become martyrs in the fight against ... [fill in blank]'. I think you'd be calling for him to be certified. I think the Iranian President is in the same class.

mona clot

Bush is not a religious fanatic?

08.10.2007 17:44

Bush Quotes:-

When you turn your heart and your life over to Christ, when you accept Christ as the savior, it changes your heart.

I feel like God wants me to run for President. I can't explain it, but I sense my country is going to need me. Something is going to happen... I know it won't be easy on me or my family, but God wants me to do it

God told me to attack Iraq and Afghanistan

I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace.

America is a Nation with a mission - and that mission comes from our most basic beliefs. We have no desire to dominate, no ambitions of empire. Our aim is a democratic peace

Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction.

Enough said.

andy capp

Whoever said I was defending Bush?

08.10.2007 18:38

Having one maniac around is enough. To have two ...

monna lise

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