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Raw-Rap Roundup

terratech | 06.10.2007 21:37 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World

Can you hear the Raw? The world is alight fighting for Justice or is it as the Poor are still Poor and the Left, well they’ve…… yeah where are they. News for the Activist is here.

Pensioner forced to eat cardboard

A Norfolk pensioner was forced to eat cardboard because he was so poor.

Azerbaijan: Teachers, Doctors In Naxcivan Tend The Fields To Keep Their Jobs

State employees -- be they teachers, doctors, or cleaners -- have been asked to do extra work on weekends, usually manual labour and to be in opposition to this forced Labour in Naxcivan means you will be unemployed and unable to support your family

Che Guevara, revolutionary myth of the twentieth century

Che was the personification of armed revolution, the idol of a whole generation for leftist youths from Mexico to France, and an example of unconditional devotion, to death, to the cause of the socialist revolution. Does he deserve legendary status and is the Mythology just that?

Survey: Muslims more British than rest of population

Many black or Asian people living in Britain feel stronger ties to the country than whites do, according to a new government survey. Have these surveys gone to far?

Rare march in Baghdad against new U.S. wall

More than a thousand Iraqis marched in west Baghdad on Saturday in a rare public demonstration to protest against a wall they say the U.S. military is planning to erect around their neighbourhood.

From Henley to Notting Hill: Class War is on the move again

Bash the Rich, Ian Bone gives an interview and wonders where the Left is as a demonstration of David Cameron is organised.

UK 2017: under surveillance

On Friday, this study, entitled A Report on the Surveillance Society, was picked over by a select group of government mandarins, politicians, police officers and academics in Edinburgh. It is unequivocal in its findings, with its first sentence reading simply: "We live in a surveillance society." The information commissioner, Richard Thomas, endorses the report. He says: "Today, I fear that we are, in fact, waking up to a surveillance society that is already all around us."

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