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Liverpool Anarchist Educational is Class!

Neon Black | 05.10.2007 00:17 | Education | Free Spaces | Liverpool

`We've been conditioned to think that education must be expensive, that it is too complex for ordinary people and must be left to experts, and that it is so vital it is best organised by large and powerful institutions, like the local education authority or the state. Like most things we are taught to believe, this is a lie.' - The Nihilst

A not particularly dirty dozen met in Next To Nowhere this evening, for the first in our 'anarchist educational' series, which will happen once a month until February (or the revolution, whichever is earlier), apart from this month when we're having two!

We began with a presentation on 'free schools', with particular reference to the ones that were established in Liverpool in 1908 and 1970. The group then discussed libertarian education, and the prospects for starting that up in the modern day, as well as how crap capitalist schooling is.

A good time was had by all, we learned useful stuff, and it was a laugh, which is more than you can say for most class(system)rooms. Anyone interested in learning about anarchism could do worse than come to our next session.

Neon Black
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05.10.2007 11:23

I attended a seris of anarchist teach ins back at the turn of the century and they were one of the most informative events I've ever been too! i'm sure some of the same people must be involved with these new ones. Hoep they are as good!

welsh anarcho