Hillary Clinton from Barking Idiotic Warmonger to Jerry Lewis
Karen Fish | 04.10.2007 20:57 | Anti-militarism | Iraq | World
And they screamed a blood curdling cry as they burned alive in the inferno of everlasting Hell.
81 years ago a Jewish child by the name of Joseph Levitch was born in Newark New Jersey. Years later he changed his name to Jerry Lewish so that people wouldn’t know that he was Jewish. This was the same reason that the Jewish Rabbi Joshua son of Joseph changed his name to Jesus Christ. He didn’t want anyone to know that he had created the Universe billions of years before his birth.
Several weeks ago at his 42nd annual Labor Day Telethon to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association Jerry Lewis raised $63.7 million for his kids. Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy is one of the nine types of inherited muscular dystrophy. In Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy the muscles of the face deteriorate causing chewing, speaking, laughing and swallowing problems. He did not have sexual relations with that woman because he wasn’t related to her. The government has added homeopathic trace amounts of lysergic acid diethylamide to your drinking water, this is not really happening. Stay in denial it’s much easier.
Blessed are the peacemakers. “CODEPINK: Women for Peace” met with Senator Hillary Clinton at the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. on March 6, 2003, 14 days before the outbreak of the Iraq War. Here is the videotape of the meeting that day between Hillary Clinton and Codepink. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYATbsu2cP8
Do you think that if we paid our President more than $400,000 per year that we would get some electable and qualified candidates? How much does the President of Microsoft earn per year? The meeting between Hillary Clinton and the ladies of Codepink opens with the ladies dressed in pink dresses singing “Peace, peace, peace, peace, love each other as ourselves, peace, peace peace.” A woman from Codepink said to Senator Clinton, “We are outraged that the United States is going to war with Iraq. It is not up to the United States to disarm Saddam Hussein. (Kofi Annan called it an illegal act, a war crime.) Our children and the Iraqi women and children will die. There is no connection between terrorism (9/11) and Saddam Hussein. (This is fact.) This war will have devastating effects on our economy. (The astronomical deficit is an enormous tax on the children of the U.S. given a euphemistic name. If the dollar drops any lower, sell.) We are on a reckless course. We met with the U.N. weapons inspectors. They say that the Iraqi Government is giving them tremendous cooperation. The U.N. weapons inspectors say there is no reason to go to war in Iraq.”
Scott Peck M.D. was a psychiatrist who sold 5 million copies of “The Road Less Traveled”, “People of the Lie”, and “Glimpses of the Devil” for which he videotaped two exorcisms which he performed. Scott Peck said that psychiatrists do not believe in demons but in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatry the profession has categorized demons under Narcissistic Personality Disorder. One of the things which demons living inside of people do is to shape shift.
The end of the video is quite revealing. After Hillary Clinton told Codepink, “We have to disarm Saddam Hussein of his weapons of mass destruction. I voted to attack Iraq because I carefully reviewed the intelligence and I trust the people who gave me the intelligence (nice judgment) that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. President Bush waging war and cutting taxes is the height of cruel arrogant responsibility. How does one bring about the disarmement of someone with such a proven track record of a commitment and obsession with weapons of mass destruction?” The meeting ended with Hillary Clinton on tape, in public, screaming at the lady from Codepink at the top of her lungs and repeatedly pointing her finger at her.
The bottom line is that Hillary Clinton absolutely blew it. Hillary Clinton is as much responsible for the American invasion and catastrophe in Iraq as President Bush, and she was told that all of these things would needlessly happen in the United States and Iraq by the United Nations, the U.N. Security Council, the U.N. Weapons Inspectors, Codepink, and the whole world. Everyone laid out what a disaster it would be. Instead of shape shifting from the wicked witch of the west into a loud cackling hyena in order to get elected President of the United States, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLepLeJEWpE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxZUFzGWzkY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o72Cq7AgjSQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvqWqML7J_4
Hillary Clinton should be on her knees begging the people of Iraq and the people of the United States for forgiveness. Instead of having Hillary Clinton way ahead of Barack Obama and Rudy Giuliani in the polls, the American people should have her locked away in a mental institution for the crimianlly insane. She just voted for the Joe Lieberman resolution (he also drafted the Iraq resolution) to invade Iran.
A Republic is where the citizens run the country. Last November the citizens voted to leave Iraq. Hillary Clinton, the head of the Democratic Party still has us there, has vowed to never leave, and is now leading the charge into Iran, which will trigger the third nuclear world war, the apocalypse, which will leave no survivors on earth, according to every nuclear scientist on earth. The way to everlasting peace on earth is for 200 people at the United Nations to agree today to permanently stop fighting. It’s that simple. Do you think that Hillary Clinton is the person to elect to spear head that effort, or is she just a phony baloney, a fox soon to be in charge of our hen house? Our country is so far gone that even a baloney can get elected President.
Hillary Clinton is a hardline Christian fundamentalist. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a hardline Muslim fundamentalist. Both of these groups believe that by triggering the Apocalypse, Nuclear World War 3, it will bring about the arrival of Jesus Christ, the Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of both Christianity and Islam, to conquer the world for them and bring everlasting peace on earth. These people are the captain of our Titanic. The string quartet is playing, the ship is sinking in the icy Atlantic Ocean and there are no lifeboats. Put away your computers, cherish every last minute, and look on the bright side. At least we still have ice and baloney. Baloney, baloney, la, la, la dee da. EL O EL
81 years ago a Jewish child by the name of Joseph Levitch was born in Newark New Jersey. Years later he changed his name to Jerry Lewish so that people wouldn’t know that he was Jewish. This was the same reason that the Jewish Rabbi Joshua son of Joseph changed his name to Jesus Christ. He didn’t want anyone to know that he had created the Universe billions of years before his birth.
Several weeks ago at his 42nd annual Labor Day Telethon to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association Jerry Lewis raised $63.7 million for his kids. Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy is one of the nine types of inherited muscular dystrophy. In Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy the muscles of the face deteriorate causing chewing, speaking, laughing and swallowing problems. He did not have sexual relations with that woman because he wasn’t related to her. The government has added homeopathic trace amounts of lysergic acid diethylamide to your drinking water, this is not really happening. Stay in denial it’s much easier.
Blessed are the peacemakers. “CODEPINK: Women for Peace” met with Senator Hillary Clinton at the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. on March 6, 2003, 14 days before the outbreak of the Iraq War. Here is the videotape of the meeting that day between Hillary Clinton and Codepink. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYATbsu2cP8
Do you think that if we paid our President more than $400,000 per year that we would get some electable and qualified candidates? How much does the President of Microsoft earn per year? The meeting between Hillary Clinton and the ladies of Codepink opens with the ladies dressed in pink dresses singing “Peace, peace, peace, peace, love each other as ourselves, peace, peace peace.” A woman from Codepink said to Senator Clinton, “We are outraged that the United States is going to war with Iraq. It is not up to the United States to disarm Saddam Hussein. (Kofi Annan called it an illegal act, a war crime.) Our children and the Iraqi women and children will die. There is no connection between terrorism (9/11) and Saddam Hussein. (This is fact.) This war will have devastating effects on our economy. (The astronomical deficit is an enormous tax on the children of the U.S. given a euphemistic name. If the dollar drops any lower, sell.) We are on a reckless course. We met with the U.N. weapons inspectors. They say that the Iraqi Government is giving them tremendous cooperation. The U.N. weapons inspectors say there is no reason to go to war in Iraq.”
Scott Peck M.D. was a psychiatrist who sold 5 million copies of “The Road Less Traveled”, “People of the Lie”, and “Glimpses of the Devil” for which he videotaped two exorcisms which he performed. Scott Peck said that psychiatrists do not believe in demons but in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatry the profession has categorized demons under Narcissistic Personality Disorder. One of the things which demons living inside of people do is to shape shift.
The end of the video is quite revealing. After Hillary Clinton told Codepink, “We have to disarm Saddam Hussein of his weapons of mass destruction. I voted to attack Iraq because I carefully reviewed the intelligence and I trust the people who gave me the intelligence (nice judgment) that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. President Bush waging war and cutting taxes is the height of cruel arrogant responsibility. How does one bring about the disarmement of someone with such a proven track record of a commitment and obsession with weapons of mass destruction?” The meeting ended with Hillary Clinton on tape, in public, screaming at the lady from Codepink at the top of her lungs and repeatedly pointing her finger at her.
The bottom line is that Hillary Clinton absolutely blew it. Hillary Clinton is as much responsible for the American invasion and catastrophe in Iraq as President Bush, and she was told that all of these things would needlessly happen in the United States and Iraq by the United Nations, the U.N. Security Council, the U.N. Weapons Inspectors, Codepink, and the whole world. Everyone laid out what a disaster it would be. Instead of shape shifting from the wicked witch of the west into a loud cackling hyena in order to get elected President of the United States, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLepLeJEWpE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxZUFzGWzkY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o72Cq7AgjSQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvqWqML7J_4
Hillary Clinton should be on her knees begging the people of Iraq and the people of the United States for forgiveness. Instead of having Hillary Clinton way ahead of Barack Obama and Rudy Giuliani in the polls, the American people should have her locked away in a mental institution for the crimianlly insane. She just voted for the Joe Lieberman resolution (he also drafted the Iraq resolution) to invade Iran.
A Republic is where the citizens run the country. Last November the citizens voted to leave Iraq. Hillary Clinton, the head of the Democratic Party still has us there, has vowed to never leave, and is now leading the charge into Iran, which will trigger the third nuclear world war, the apocalypse, which will leave no survivors on earth, according to every nuclear scientist on earth. The way to everlasting peace on earth is for 200 people at the United Nations to agree today to permanently stop fighting. It’s that simple. Do you think that Hillary Clinton is the person to elect to spear head that effort, or is she just a phony baloney, a fox soon to be in charge of our hen house? Our country is so far gone that even a baloney can get elected President.
Hillary Clinton is a hardline Christian fundamentalist. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a hardline Muslim fundamentalist. Both of these groups believe that by triggering the Apocalypse, Nuclear World War 3, it will bring about the arrival of Jesus Christ, the Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of both Christianity and Islam, to conquer the world for them and bring everlasting peace on earth. These people are the captain of our Titanic. The string quartet is playing, the ship is sinking in the icy Atlantic Ocean and there are no lifeboats. Put away your computers, cherish every last minute, and look on the bright side. At least we still have ice and baloney. Baloney, baloney, la, la, la dee da. EL O EL
Karen Fish