George Bush Immunized Himself from Nuremberg Prior to Iraq Iran
Karen Fish | 03.10.2007 17:35 | Anti-militarism | World
If you are a peace loving mother of five children in Tehran today and you think that the American Emperor George Bush will never nuke your teeth out because he fears being tried as a war criminal, think again.
The real leader of Iran is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is merely Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s puppet. Recently Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said, “The day will come that George Bush will be brought to a war tribunal to be tried for the catastrophe he caused in Iraq. George Bush has to be called to account for his actions just like Adolf Hitler. Because of George Bush Iraq has no water, no electricity, no hospitals, and no schools.” The Ayatollah did not mention the obvious, that in his quest to steal all of the Middle East Oil, George Bush has so far slaughtered one million innocent Iraqi men, women and children.
The former head of the United Nations Kofi Annan said on numerous occasions, “The U.S. invasion of Iraq was illegal and contravened the Charter of the United Nations. Any decision to invade Iraq should have been made by the U.N. Security Council, not unilaterally by the United States President. I hope that we do not see another Iraq type operation on another country for a long time, without U.N. approval and much broader support from the international community.” In simple terms, Koffi Annan called George Bush’s invasion of Iraq an illegal act and George Bush a person who commited a criminal act, a criminal. The crime was going to war with Iraq.
If you think that after nuking Iran, Emperor Bush is going to be tried at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, for crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide and the crime of aggression then the President of the United States has pulled the wool over your eyes once again. In 2002, just before invading Iraq, George Bush unsigned the United States from the Rome Statute, (which President Clinton signed), which created the International Criminal Court, thereby removing the United States from the jurisdiction of the Court. This is evidence that in 2002 Emperor George Bush planned and deliberately decided to commit crimes against humanity and genocide in the Middle East and he never wanted to be tried for them. Just to make sure, in 2002 the Republican congress passed The Hague Invasion Act which authorized the American President to use military force to free any U.S. military personnel, including the Commander in Chief, held by the Court. Can you imagine President Cheney attacking the Netherlands to free the man labeled a war criminal by the leader of the United Nations?
In 2003 Pope Caesar Bush announced that he was launching a Crusade. The Crusades were a thousand years ago when the Pope marched his Christian Army across Europe slaughtering every Jew in his way to reclaim the Holy Land for Christianity, until the Christian Crusaders stood knee deep in Muslim blood in Jerusalem. Perhaps he did this because the International Criminal Court has no crime against Crusading. However, God the Father, in whose name this Crusade is being waged, carved in stone “Do not Murder”, and “Do not Steal”, “and if you do, I will punish you, your children, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren.” Hopefully, he wasn’t referring to Jenna’s book sales.
In the 1500’s Nostradamus predicted the future coming of 3 anti Christs, the Emperor Napoleon, the Emperor Hitler and Mabus. Napoleon conquered Europe for France but he slid downhill when he decided to attack Russia. This invasion of Russia left his army weakened and few in number. Two years later Napoleon was finally defeated at Waterloo, Belgium. ABBA sang in their hit song “Waterloo”, “I feel like I win when I lose.” and “The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself.”
Adolf Hitler was a keen student of history. He entered into a treaty with Russia as he went about conquering Europe for Germany and the Aryan Race. Had he not changed his mind and ran to conquer Russia we would all be speaking German today. The American people have been so preoccupied with Britney Spears’ custody battle that they have not noticed that the Russian Bear has awoken from hibernation.
Hardline Russian President Vladimir Putin just found a legal loophole which will now allow him to reign as Russian President indefinitely. President Putin is building nuclear reactors in Bushehr Iran and is attending a conference in Tehran with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei shortly. Vladimir Putin is so angry that George Bush is stationing nuclear missiles on his border, in the former Soviet countries Poland and the Czech Republic that he has threatened to aim Russia’s nuclear missiles at Europe. China also this week announced an alliance with Iran. It was China teamed with Russia that beat the United States in Vietnam.
Right now Russia and China are watching the U.S. army get their arms and legs blown off and their military machines and economy crippled in Iraq. When the alcoholic deserter Emperor George Bush invades Iran to conquer two thirds of the world’s oil, the million man nuclear armed armies of Russia and China are going to eliminate the American army and take the oil for themselves. At this point Russia and China will set up their own Nuremberg and try the American Emperor George Bush for war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and the crime of aggression.
The Crusader in Chief is not concerned because he is expecting the Jewish Rabbi who created the Universe to fly down from Heaven on his flying horse and conquer the Heathen who John McCain declared unfit to serve as President of the United States. Unfortunately Emperor Bush does not know that the Revelations story of Prince Jesus flying down from Heaven on his flying white horse to conquer the Beast was written by Greek authors and is a dead on plagiarism of the Greek Myth of Prince Bellerophon on his flying horse Pegasus defeating the snake, goat lion Chimera. Acording to Senator John McCain, anyone who does not believe the Jesus flying horse story is unfit to govern the United States. Bone up on your Chinese and your Russian so that you can understand their fairy tales.
The real leader of Iran is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is merely Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s puppet. Recently Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said, “The day will come that George Bush will be brought to a war tribunal to be tried for the catastrophe he caused in Iraq. George Bush has to be called to account for his actions just like Adolf Hitler. Because of George Bush Iraq has no water, no electricity, no hospitals, and no schools.” The Ayatollah did not mention the obvious, that in his quest to steal all of the Middle East Oil, George Bush has so far slaughtered one million innocent Iraqi men, women and children.
The former head of the United Nations Kofi Annan said on numerous occasions, “The U.S. invasion of Iraq was illegal and contravened the Charter of the United Nations. Any decision to invade Iraq should have been made by the U.N. Security Council, not unilaterally by the United States President. I hope that we do not see another Iraq type operation on another country for a long time, without U.N. approval and much broader support from the international community.” In simple terms, Koffi Annan called George Bush’s invasion of Iraq an illegal act and George Bush a person who commited a criminal act, a criminal. The crime was going to war with Iraq.
If you think that after nuking Iran, Emperor Bush is going to be tried at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, for crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide and the crime of aggression then the President of the United States has pulled the wool over your eyes once again. In 2002, just before invading Iraq, George Bush unsigned the United States from the Rome Statute, (which President Clinton signed), which created the International Criminal Court, thereby removing the United States from the jurisdiction of the Court. This is evidence that in 2002 Emperor George Bush planned and deliberately decided to commit crimes against humanity and genocide in the Middle East and he never wanted to be tried for them. Just to make sure, in 2002 the Republican congress passed The Hague Invasion Act which authorized the American President to use military force to free any U.S. military personnel, including the Commander in Chief, held by the Court. Can you imagine President Cheney attacking the Netherlands to free the man labeled a war criminal by the leader of the United Nations?
In 2003 Pope Caesar Bush announced that he was launching a Crusade. The Crusades were a thousand years ago when the Pope marched his Christian Army across Europe slaughtering every Jew in his way to reclaim the Holy Land for Christianity, until the Christian Crusaders stood knee deep in Muslim blood in Jerusalem. Perhaps he did this because the International Criminal Court has no crime against Crusading. However, God the Father, in whose name this Crusade is being waged, carved in stone “Do not Murder”, and “Do not Steal”, “and if you do, I will punish you, your children, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren.” Hopefully, he wasn’t referring to Jenna’s book sales.
In the 1500’s Nostradamus predicted the future coming of 3 anti Christs, the Emperor Napoleon, the Emperor Hitler and Mabus. Napoleon conquered Europe for France but he slid downhill when he decided to attack Russia. This invasion of Russia left his army weakened and few in number. Two years later Napoleon was finally defeated at Waterloo, Belgium. ABBA sang in their hit song “Waterloo”, “I feel like I win when I lose.” and “The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself.”

Adolf Hitler was a keen student of history. He entered into a treaty with Russia as he went about conquering Europe for Germany and the Aryan Race. Had he not changed his mind and ran to conquer Russia we would all be speaking German today. The American people have been so preoccupied with Britney Spears’ custody battle that they have not noticed that the Russian Bear has awoken from hibernation.
Hardline Russian President Vladimir Putin just found a legal loophole which will now allow him to reign as Russian President indefinitely. President Putin is building nuclear reactors in Bushehr Iran and is attending a conference in Tehran with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei shortly. Vladimir Putin is so angry that George Bush is stationing nuclear missiles on his border, in the former Soviet countries Poland and the Czech Republic that he has threatened to aim Russia’s nuclear missiles at Europe. China also this week announced an alliance with Iran. It was China teamed with Russia that beat the United States in Vietnam.
Right now Russia and China are watching the U.S. army get their arms and legs blown off and their military machines and economy crippled in Iraq. When the alcoholic deserter Emperor George Bush invades Iran to conquer two thirds of the world’s oil, the million man nuclear armed armies of Russia and China are going to eliminate the American army and take the oil for themselves. At this point Russia and China will set up their own Nuremberg and try the American Emperor George Bush for war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and the crime of aggression.
The Crusader in Chief is not concerned because he is expecting the Jewish Rabbi who created the Universe to fly down from Heaven on his flying horse and conquer the Heathen who John McCain declared unfit to serve as President of the United States. Unfortunately Emperor Bush does not know that the Revelations story of Prince Jesus flying down from Heaven on his flying white horse to conquer the Beast was written by Greek authors and is a dead on plagiarism of the Greek Myth of Prince Bellerophon on his flying horse Pegasus defeating the snake, goat lion Chimera. Acording to Senator John McCain, anyone who does not believe the Jesus flying horse story is unfit to govern the United States. Bone up on your Chinese and your Russian so that you can understand their fairy tales.
Karen Fish