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Burmese in London march to Buddhist pagoda, with correctly sized photos

Mike Wells | 01.10.2007 11:36

March through London in Solidarity with Burmese

The march over Chelsea Bridge
The march over Chelsea Bridge

And into Battersea Park
And into Battersea Park

Approaching Peace Pagoda
Approaching Peace Pagoda

At the Peace Pagoda
At the Peace Pagoda

Lets hope she and others can help sort things out
Lets hope she and others can help sort things out

On the 30th Sept 2007 Burmese monks, nuns and other Burmese marched side by side with Londoners over recent events in Burma. It was a peaceful protest which started in Trafalgar Square and ended with chanting and a spiritual vigil at the Peace Pagoda in Batersea Park. For a politically engaged Londoner the hopes of the Burmese have caused some heart searching. Democracy? We in the UK in theory have a democracy. Some people turn out to vote. The choice of who to vote for is limited. Those who are voted for do not listen to the people (war etc). If democracy changed anything they abolish, or attempt to abolish, it (Latin America countless examples). I hope they can find a new kind of democracy in Myanmar once they have got rid of their current despots (inevitable).

Mike Wells
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