burmese solidarity march today
rikki | 30.09.2007 22:08 | SOCPA | London
protestors fill trafalgar square
the start of the march along whitehall
without wishing to cause offence, i feel like demanding equal rights with burmese protestors (in this country obviously)! this is what freedom could look like, and contrasts sharply with the hounding of peaceful anti-war protestors in parliament square documented at length on indymedia. it clearly showed how repression or tolerance is controlled in london on the basis of political whim, and drives a huge hole through the 'security concerns' supposedly behind the SOCPA law governing protest near parliament.
the marchers mainly comprised burmese exiles, some monks, and students, although there was quite a cross-section of people there as well. the small but noisy samba band, 'rhythms of resistance', were welcomed by the burmese and about half way along the route, they were asked to come to the front to help lead the procession.
the only sour brush with officialdom occurred as the protest arrived at battersea park. there, some over-enthusiastic parks 'police' demanded that all the banners were left at the park gates so as not to transgress bye-laws. they also banned any mainstream media from filming in the park. the peaceful crowd complied and gathered round the pagoda to offer prayers for the people of burma.
i don't know whether this was the first facebook-organised protest, but it was probably the biggest, and shows yet another powerful way in which people can self-organise and work together.
there is a constant presence in parliament square for now, and there are daily protests at lunchtime at the burmese embassy.
next week, parliament resumes on monday, and the 'stop the war coalition' is planning a march to parliament square (although at present it seems there may be a ban on this), there will also be a burmese protest that day, and 'justice not vengeance' are also holding a commemoration of the start of the afghanistan invasion.
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Blind Eyes
01.10.2007 01:17
It's no good sitting around in social centres drinking tea and chatting about climate change, animal liberation etc when we've been stripped of our human rights, which we need to fight these various issues.
We all need to stand as one and fight this fascist police state, no matter what cause we're from.
Not QUITE as bad mate!
01.10.2007 16:18
The mere fact that those protesting in London yesterday were not shot out of hand is tesament to the fact that the Burmese regime is more brutal than the British at the moment. But still, fuck all government, and fuck all cops!
(A) Sab x
pavement march
01.10.2007 18:14
I think 'controlled' is the operative word here in relation to tolerance. Thanks for the report but it should mention that it was only allowed on the pavement when marches from the more 'official' protest organisations like Stop the War are allowed to march down the road. Also I would have thought this would be covered by the Public Order act as a 'procession' and excluded under section 132 (3)(a) & (b) of SOCPA.
Brian B
"Cuba opposed foreign interference in Myanmar's affairs."
05.10.2007 14:52
Why the sudden interest in Myanmar (Burma) ?
“The overwhelmingly greatest enemy of Myanmar is not any regime, past or present, but US and Western European imperialism, and those attached to it.”
Everyone should oppose totally the current US based plot to overthrow the government of Burma based on propaganda, imperialist lies and New York and Washington engineered franchised revolution. The ICG (International Crisis group) pushing the regime change is a front group for the Council on Foreign Relations and jewish billionaire and global pirate George Soros who also funds Human Rights Watch, Moveon.org and Moveon’s new front group Avaaz
On ICGs board is Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski who engineered the soviet invasion of Afghanistan to use it as a battle ground to inflict on the Soviet Union a military and moral defeat on the scale the US suffered in Vietnam. Additionally ICGs advisory council is made of multinational energy strip mining conglomerates and looter banks such as JP Morgan and credit Suisse.
The campaign to overthrow the government of Myanmar is based on lies and is nothing more than a Zionist imperialist war, regime change and color coded franchised revolution for the privatization and neo liberal evisceration of Myanmar’s oil, gas, precious gem resources, strategic ports and markets including currently shut down opium production. It’s also a front on the Zionists and imperialists war on China and war on China’s “weapons of mass production”.
“ It’s a distraction from the quagmire in ME and Iran. Whenever these guys talk about human rights in some country its almost always a distraction and psychological preparation of masses for the next war” “…And by getting rid of the current regime, Burma will become integrated into the international banking system, which will keep the Burmese enslaved. "International oil and international banking. QRS suspects that the closer you look at these two, the more they are revealed to be one and the same monster. “
“Burma/Myanmar has very large reserves of Gas that China wants and the Zionist US doesn't want it to have for cheap - and so far they've resisted financial infiltration by the moneychangers. Both these factors among others (Drugs, Oil, Precious Gems) are good enough reasons for the zionized US government to get embroiled. There is one thing that we can all agree on, however - it's NOT a humanitarian cause. The fascination with Burma/Myanmar is about power, greed, and most importantly CONTROL.” “In the drug trade, it's all about monopoly.”
“ If Move On (and their new front group Avaaz) were an anti-war group they would have a petition to stop the US/Ethiopian occupation of south Somalia - where this weeks Washington Post article admits the Ethiopian (US-proxy) troops have killed 1000 people in "recent weeks" - instead of having an imperialist pro-war petition against Myanmar where all they can come up with is that the the Myanmar government allegedly shot 9 demonstrators. The "israeli" zionists, funded by our taxes, kill more Palestinians than that every week in Gaza. I don't see any petitions for Palestine from Move On. Note that U.S. assistant secretary of state Jendayi Frazer (who is mentioned in this article as having gone to Mogadishu Somalia recently to support the phony puppet government that the Ethiopians/Americans have set up there to try to justify the occupation) also was the Bush administration speaker at the pro-war rally against Sudan in April 2005 in Washington DC. Move On, and Jewish billionaire George Soros's other groups, have played a large role in inciting war against Sudan as well.
The anti-Sudan and anti-Myanmar propaganda are both tactics in imperialist economic warfare against China.
"China has a trade surplus meaning they have amassed a fortune of currency from selling Americans every disposable consumer item their credit cards can handle. New York billionaires want all that money and control over all the Chinese currency, trade and economic activity the same way they control the US currency thru the Federal Reserve Bank Corporation. The threats to boycott the Olympics are just a extortion shake down to extract huge amounts of cash payoffs in the form of Chinese investments in New York money peoples private equity firm IPOs."
With three countries -- Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam -- vying for the off-shore oil booty in seas where maritime borders are contested, the Cheney gangster cartel hopes to achieve a dominant position to grab that oil. (Burma is right next door. On September 16, 2006, the USA supported a military coup that overthrew Thailand's democratically elected government. Ralph Boyce -- U.S. ambassador to Thailand -- now sports a yellow tie to show his support for the royalist-backed coup, since yellow is the color of the monarchy.”
"Burma is huge in the heroin trade Burma and the Golden Triangle was the largest supplier of heroin for a long time.(until the current administration shut it down to the western drug lords dismay) Now it's Afghanistan and Mexico is coming on fast. In the drug trade, it's all about monopoly. Oil will always be 2nd to the drug trade over all in profits. Just so happens oil is high at the moment." Burma in the news at the moment is about DRUGS! Oil, Drugs, Banking, Precious gems or Gas ? I suspect it's a little of all.
“The overwhelmingly greatest enemy of Myanmar is not any regime, past or present, but US and Western European imperialism, and those attached to it.”
Why the sudden interest in Burma?
US Industry/Think Tank blue print and talking points for the war on china.
Bread and Butter Issues behind Myanmar Protests
China Approves Oil Pipeline to Burma
For the Decisive Victory of Myanmar against Imperialism
China-Myanmar pipelines at
"Cuba opposed foreign interference in Myanmar's affairs."
Burmese FM blames 'opportunists'
He said "neo-colonialism has reared its ugly head" by trying to spread disinformation about human rights
abuses in Burma. "The situation would not have deteriorated had the initial protest of a small group of activists against
the rise in fuel prices had not been exploited by political opportunists," he said.
"They sought to turn the situation into a political showdown aided and abetted by some powerful countries.”
Sanctions , Regime Change , Franchised Color Coded Revolutions, Neo Liberal Reforms, Low Intensity Democracy.
"One of the first and best known cyber campaigns confronting the Rangoon government is Burmanet, an e-mail service that distributes news about the country. A mainstay for activists and journalists covering the country, Burmanet is sponsored in part by the financier George Soros. ….Collecting information about human rights abuses and delivering them to Internet-enabled offices along the Thai border is now one of the group's priority operations."
Soros Foundation in the Service of US-Zionist Interests: The 1997 financial crisis in Southeast Asia was created by sudden without notice withdrawal of capital by the Soros Foundation with the deliberate intention of causing a financial crisis especially for the Muslim countries of Malaysia and Indonesia. It was part of the US plot to expand its economic hegemony over Southeast Asia.
Soros internet overthrows explained: (Low intensity democracy)
Junta , Thugs or Soros: The Soros Threat To Democracy
Billioniare George soros also funded Tienemman square to destabilize China and seize control of Chinas economy.
"Billionaire George Soros"
The ICG International Crisis group pushing the regime change is a front group for the Council on Foreign Relations and billionaire global pirate George Soros who also funds Human Rights Watch, Move On and its front group Avaaz.
On ICGs board is Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski who engineered the soviet invasion of Afghanistan to use it as a battle ground to inflict on the soviet union a military and moral defeat on the scale the US suffered in Vietnam. Additionally ICGs advisory council is made of of multinational energy strip mining conglomerates and looter banks such as JP Morgan and credit Suisse.
The use of satellite data: it should be noted the funding of this comes from … “Bromley’s group got funding from the Open Society Institute and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.” The Open Society Institute is the brainchild of George Soros, who was demonized earlier this week for his funding of Move On and other political activities in the US. Soros’ money is being used to unduly influence the election via front groups, a practice that is called “astroturfing” where a small number of manipulators form fake “grass roots” groups that are then given pulbicity in the press who is under the impression that their opinions are a true grass roots representation.
“The military government in Rangoon has continuously and vehemently chastized Aung San Suu Kyi as being an axehandle of the Americans – the person who supports U.S. policies toward that country. She is portrayed by the military as the puppet of the Americans…. it is highly unlikely that sanctions will result in regime change, which is the goal of that policy.”
International narcotics agenda behind Myanmar instability:
The United Nations credits Myanmar’s central government for leading opium eradication. China has played a major role pressing opium growers to eradicate.
International narcotics agenda behind Myanmar instability
Burma, Opium & the CIA: “ To retaliate against Communist China for its intervention into the Korean War, President Truman had ordered the CIA to organize these Nationalist elements inside Burma for an invasion of China…After their invasions of 1950 were repulsed with heavy casualties, these Nationalist troops camped along the border for another decade and turned to opium trading to finance their operations. Forcing local hill tribes that produced opium, the Nationalist troops supervised a massive increase of opium production on the Shan Plateau of Burma. After the Burmese army evicted them in 1961, the Nationalist forces established a new base camp just across the Burma border in Thailand and from there dominated the Burma opium trade until the mid-1980s…”
What the "Junta" wants: His Excellency U Nyan Win Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar
Well, its said that the fuel crisis sparked off the protests, and this suggests that it has something to do with western controlled institutions.
"The skyrocketing fuel prices are said to be part of the military junta’s economic and financial reform program, coinciding with the high-level mission to Burma by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. "
"The NLD’s basic program, which consists of implementing IMF-dictated reforms to open Burma up to foreign investors, would be just as catastrophic for ordinary working people…” “… will a free and newly elected Aung San Suu Kyi sign on the dotted line with the IMF and World Bank? And will there be a deal for Western support or will she think a little more carefully about the historical precedent and tell foreign investors where to shove it?” ( Of course she will sign….they butter her bread.)
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions
The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros The political agenda of Soros and this group of financial "globalists" will create the conditions for a new outbreak of war, even world war, if it continues to be tolerated.
Israel’s Double Game in Southeast Asia
"Activist media sources essentially saying that the Burmese resistance are tools of the West and that we should not support them...yes, it upsets us. A lot."
Next week which corporate media propaganda blitz do you think you'll be dancing to?
"If and when it comes out that the USuk was behind the uprising (as claimed by the junta at the UN), you're going to look pretty damn silly."
George soros
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