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A Call To ACTION -The Antiwar movement needs to evolve

Troops Out | 26.09.2007 08:34

Time to Act against Capitalism and Dictatorships

A Call To ACTION -The Antiwar movement needs to evolve

In Burma thousands of people including monks and nuns have marched and demonstrated against the military dictatorship.

It is time for the antiwar movements in the "democratic" nations to draw inspiration from those brave individuals opposing brutal oppression.

For too long the antiwar movement have acted in response to the warmongerors in the western "democracies" . It is time for the antiwar movement to STOP the warmongerors in their tracks.

The western "democracies" have sent troops to Afghanistan and Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of people have died as a direct result of the illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The United States and Israel are preparing to attack Iran and Syria. The United States is providing over 60billion dollars worth of military weapons and equipment to Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the Gulf Elites. The world is a more dangerous place and run by brutal regimes which call themselves "democratic" as if this term absolves them from their brutality and hypocracy.

Writing to political representatives and newspapers is important and all people should be encouraged to lift pen to paper, but further action is needed. To end present wars and stop future wars there needs to be more sustained NON-VIOLENT direct action and civil disobedience.

(1) Activists need to consider different tactics - picketing offices of pro-war politicians, and occupying the offices and buildings of the war-supporting political parties.

(2) Unions need to consider strike action against the occupation of Iraq and the war in Afghanistan. Billions are spent in these useless wars that should be spent on schools, hospitals, a better pension for pensioners, and the general improvement and betterment of society.

(3) Students need to consider days of actions, and organise mass walkouts and sit-in protests against any schools and colleges that invite military recruiters through their doors.

(4) Activists should consider NON-VIOLENT actions against any companies that are profiting from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

These are just a few suggestions but the world needs activists to evolve their tactics towards determined NON-VIOLENT Civil Disobedience and Direct Action.

"no government can exist for a single moment without the cooperation of the people, willing or forced, and if the people withdraw their cooperation in every detail, the government will come to a standstill" - Gandhi

Quick guide to political activism
 http://www.geocitie to_capitalist_ wars/quick_ guide.html

Troops Out


Display the following 3 comments

  1. pacifism equals pacified — ACAB
  2. STWC — Rich
  3. we did in the past, so — reclaim the "present". . . . x etc, plus plus plus plus!