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Dispatches: Politicians: is it one rule for us and another for them?

GW | 25.09.2007 14:58 | Other Press | Repression | London

Last night's Dispatches (repeated Thursday 3.45am) exposed the extent of MPs' perks, the lack of transparency into expenses and top-level collusion to quash attempts to improve standards.

Channel 4 Dispatches: 8pm last night, repeated Thursday 3.45am (=Friday morning). "Nice Work If You Can Get It"

Political journalist Peter Oborne examines the emergence of a new political class that appears to pursue its own interests above that of the country and the British people.

Implicated figures including Jack Straw, a leading lieutenant of the man who claims to want to restore standards to public life.

There are also two previews of Oborne's book on the subject from earlier this month on the Daily Mail website.

Oborne investigates if MPs and politicians in this class are hiding behind the laws they create and how they have succeeded in neutering the watchdogs set up to monitor their behaviour.

Is the real division in British politics not between rival political parties but between an arrogant and self-interested political class and ordinary voters? Oborne asks if this self interest and secrecy is damaging the very heart of our democracy.



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drag em out

25.09.2007 15:47

and string em up fron the nearest lampost



26.09.2007 14:13


btw What democracy - do you mean that 'voting once-around-every-4-years for some overpaid lying politician in the hands of the corporates' scam endorsed by the corporate media so that they can police us whilst said corporate paymasters can rob us with their PPP/PFI schemes etc..
