European race-hate groups planning October London anti-'Islamisation' Demo
anonymous | 25.09.2007 12:48 | Anti-racism | London | World
Various European extremist groups are planning an anti-'Islamisation' demo to be held on Friday, 26 October 2007 in London.
I have received news that various European extremist groups are planning an anti-'Islamisation' demo to be held on Friday, 26 October 2007 in London.
This is planned to coincide with an anti-'Islamo-fascism' Week in the USA, 22-26 October 2007.
The London demo is, as presently planned, to be held the day before an anti-EU demonstration the next day, Saturday.
The Mayor of London has been notified that the organisers are using the cover of a protest against "the persecution of Armenians, Copts and Hindus" (sic) by Islam to promote religious and cultural hate against Muslims in Britain.
All socialist, anti-fascist and democratic organisations are asked to campaign against such a Demo and, if necessary to demand a counter-demonstration against it. This writer will continue to supply news of this demonstration as it is received.
French readers should also refer to and Liberté de Penser for further updates.
Demonstration in London on October 26
The next planned demonstration will take place in London on October 26.
It will have as an aim Islamic persecutions, in particular against the Armenians, Coptes, Hindus, etc…
It will coincide with:
- the week of the awakening on islamo-Fascism in the USA, from the 22 to October 26,
- the rally pro-referendum on October 27
Manifestation à Londres le 26 octobre La prochaine manifestation planifiée aura lieu à Londres le 26 octobre. Elle aura pour objet les persécutions islamiques, notamment contre les Arméniens, Coptes, Hindus, etc...
Elle coïncidera avec :
- la semaine de la prise de conscience sur l'islamo-fascisme aux USA , du 22 au 26 octobre,
- le rally pro-referendum le 27 octobre
Dear Mr Livingstone,
I would like to bring to your notice the intention of European fascists, neo-nazis, racists and Islamophobes to hold a demonstration in London next 26 October.
Recently Mr Freddy Thielemans, Mayor of Brussels, used the European Convention of Human Rights to ban a similar demo on the grounds that it constituted a risk to public order and safety.
About 200 people ignored the ban and about 150 were arrested, including three right-wing MEPs.
Some years ago, in Aberdeen, we were able to use the same Convention --as translated into UK law-- to persuade the Aberdeen City Council to ban a march by the National Front on similar grounds. The ban went ahead and was never challenged in the courts of law.
I would request you please to consider banning any such demonstrations in London on 26 October for similar reasons. Although the ostensible reason given for this demonstration is to protest against "the persecution of Armenians, Copts and Hindus" (sic) the demonstration, as stated, is planned to coincide with an anti-'Islamo-fascism' Week in the USA, 22-26 October.
This demonstration will be an excuse for all manner of undesirables, extreme-right racists, white supremacists and the like to congregate in London, thus giving your city a bad name. It will also provide the BNP and the National Front and its hangers-on an excuse to parade in public to disseminate their poisonous race-hate.
Of course, there is a very strong likelihood of counter-demonstrations by socialists and anti-fascists hence a likelihood of public disorder and violence.
On behalf of all those who would not wish such a demonstration to besmirch the reputation of the City of London, I would earnestly ask you to take urgent action to ensure that these wolves in sheep's clothing are not allowed to go ahead with their pretence of "freedom of speech."
Yours sincerely,
This is planned to coincide with an anti-'Islamo-fascism' Week in the USA, 22-26 October 2007.
The London demo is, as presently planned, to be held the day before an anti-EU demonstration the next day, Saturday.
The Mayor of London has been notified that the organisers are using the cover of a protest against "the persecution of Armenians, Copts and Hindus" (sic) by Islam to promote religious and cultural hate against Muslims in Britain.
All socialist, anti-fascist and democratic organisations are asked to campaign against such a Demo and, if necessary to demand a counter-demonstration against it. This writer will continue to supply news of this demonstration as it is received.
French readers should also refer to and Liberté de Penser for further updates.
Demonstration in London on October 26
The next planned demonstration will take place in London on October 26.
It will have as an aim Islamic persecutions, in particular against the Armenians, Coptes, Hindus, etc…
It will coincide with:
- the week of the awakening on islamo-Fascism in the USA, from the 22 to October 26,
- the rally pro-referendum on October 27
Manifestation à Londres le 26 octobre La prochaine manifestation planifiée aura lieu à Londres le 26 octobre. Elle aura pour objet les persécutions islamiques, notamment contre les Arméniens, Coptes, Hindus, etc...
Elle coïncidera avec :
- la semaine de la prise de conscience sur l'islamo-fascisme aux USA , du 22 au 26 octobre,
- le rally pro-referendum le 27 octobre
Dear Mr Livingstone,
I would like to bring to your notice the intention of European fascists, neo-nazis, racists and Islamophobes to hold a demonstration in London next 26 October.
Recently Mr Freddy Thielemans, Mayor of Brussels, used the European Convention of Human Rights to ban a similar demo on the grounds that it constituted a risk to public order and safety.
About 200 people ignored the ban and about 150 were arrested, including three right-wing MEPs.
Some years ago, in Aberdeen, we were able to use the same Convention --as translated into UK law-- to persuade the Aberdeen City Council to ban a march by the National Front on similar grounds. The ban went ahead and was never challenged in the courts of law.
I would request you please to consider banning any such demonstrations in London on 26 October for similar reasons. Although the ostensible reason given for this demonstration is to protest against "the persecution of Armenians, Copts and Hindus" (sic) the demonstration, as stated, is planned to coincide with an anti-'Islamo-fascism' Week in the USA, 22-26 October.
This demonstration will be an excuse for all manner of undesirables, extreme-right racists, white supremacists and the like to congregate in London, thus giving your city a bad name. It will also provide the BNP and the National Front and its hangers-on an excuse to parade in public to disseminate their poisonous race-hate.
Of course, there is a very strong likelihood of counter-demonstrations by socialists and anti-fascists hence a likelihood of public disorder and violence.
On behalf of all those who would not wish such a demonstration to besmirch the reputation of the City of London, I would earnestly ask you to take urgent action to ensure that these wolves in sheep's clothing are not allowed to go ahead with their pretence of "freedom of speech."
Yours sincerely,
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The Green Party
25.09.2007 13:48
It looks as if the Green Party is considering its support to the demonstration ans so is the European Trade Union Confereration, (never heard of them before thought)
I also see some petty english right wint parties, UKIP, English Democrats,etc... but not a clue of the BNP or the National Front, the real far right.
It looks more like a right wint demonstration against the European Union than a real facist demonstration as you put it, not that I support them, but facts must be said as they are.
And not, I do not believe the Green Party it is anti Muslims thats a load of rubbish.
Wrong Demo!
25.09.2007 14:10
The Islamophobe demo is planned for Friday, 26 October, ie the day before. The Green Party has nothing to do with it.
Not quite
25.09.2007 14:15
Read it carefully!
25.09.2007 14:56
Is that clear now?
much as i
25.09.2007 18:33
it's a slippery slope when you say only this group should be allowed to demo.
tin foiled one
your blog
25.09.2007 20:16
tin foiled one
Racism cannot be Tolerated
25.09.2007 20:29
First of all: there is no real freedom of speech in any capitalist society. There is freedom of expression ... to a point. But when it begins to threaten the state then the screws begin to turn.
Fascism and racism are part of the darker face of capitalism. When 'liberal' capitalism begins to fail then the hard-faced fascists are let out of capital's chest of horrors to victimise minoriities and to distract the problem from capital's overall failures. Before it was anti-Jewish anti-semitism, now it's anti-Muslim anti-semitism.
As Capital collapses the nazis begin to march. They have to be stopped. You can defend them all you like with their 'rights' to do this and that. But believe me, you give them any power and they'll soon send your 'rights' flying out the window!
I agree with you that we should counter their poison with proper information. But these people appeal to low emotions, not logic or reason. That is why I describe them as low-life. You cannot treat them with reason and logic. Only harsher punishments are what they respond to and understand.
We have a choice: treat them with kid gloves and pay the inevitable penalty or come down hard on them now. My option will always be the second.
As I have
26.09.2007 11:13
Winston Smith
wise up
27.09.2007 01:55
Fuck the muslims
wise up
Racism and Fascism are a Virus
28.09.2007 12:29
So what do you do? Go around treating them with idiot compassion like 'Winston Smith'?
Like any virus you have to find a way of getting rid of it. The only way is to stamp on it hard and to ban it. It may continue underground in a limited way but that way it can be kept under control and be prevented from multiplying.
Viruses don't respond to idiot compassion, 'Winston'.
Rory Winter
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