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The Respect coalition is in crisis!

Uncle Joe | 22.09.2007 04:28 | Analysis | Workers' Movements | London

Far be it from Uncle Joe to gloat, but I have to say that you heard it here on Indymedia first, a good 21 months before Newsnight got hold of the story.

Here is Uncle Joe's exclusive report on Indymedia 21 months ago:

Yet last night (Friday 21st September 2007), Newsnight reported the very same story!

Yes, they even interviewed Mark Fischer of the CPGB!

The Tripartite axis-of-evil consisting of Galloway, Islamic fundamentalism and the SWP appear to be scratching each others eyes out.

It remains to be seen what will come of this middle class feud, but it is really only of academic relevance to the lives of normal working class people.

Uncle Joe


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What drives them?

22.09.2007 07:09

Respect Coalition is an anagram of Topical Erections.
Now we know why they do it.

Is it really possible to construct a sentance with the words Galloway and Respect included? I guess only in the context of 'complete lack of..'

Rare Damsel

SWP also at breaking point

22.09.2007 10:12

I heard this from a reliable source who is semi-involved with the SWP.
Half the membership are kicking back hard against the parliamentry road SWP are going down as a result of the serios mismanagment and underachievment of RESPECT. The leadership have already shown their support for the parliamentry argument, however, they John Rhys, RESPECT chair and SWP head honcho is no longer on speaking terms with Galloway! SWP have called an emergency meeting happening today, in which regional delegates will have the matter clarified for them by the leadership. Whatever happens, this is a deeply divieded party, and splits are imminent in both SWP and RESPECT. Watch this space!

(A) Sab x

Yeah, yeah..

22.09.2007 14:59

GG is a homophobe and an anti-semite, and the SWP are Islamophobes.

New Labour, oops I mean CPGB, shit, I mean nobody


22.09.2007 15:07

now now people, dont be speaking like this otherwise RESPECT will accuse you of being anti-islamic!

Would someone be so kind as to explain what RESPECT actually stands for because the leaflets they seem to put through doors, seem to always bang on about Islamaphobia, Muslims, Islam and Terrorism.

They seem to forget that the world does exist outside of a Mosque and like the majority of people on Earth not all Muslims are rich, like those such as Salma Yaqoob in RESPECT and as for a Socialist Revolution led by the SWoP shop Party, they would have had more chance had they stayed in the Socialist Alliance, rather than being oppurtunistic and teaming up with a bunch of businessmen and a fat man in a leotard purring in the arms of Rula Lenska .

The RESPECT coalition was a farce to begin with and only really emerged after Galloway was expelled from the Labour Party, in an effort to save his career and not as a result of a genuine call for a break from the Labour Party.

As Galloway himself admits, RESPECT has virtually closed down in many areas and only comes out at election time, something on parr with a Halloween costume. A party in crisis, I don't think so, more like a party being killed off by over inflated egos, oppurtunism and an inward looking perspective.

outrageous infidel

You Miss the Point Uncle Joe Stalin

22.09.2007 21:07

RESPECT are part of the regrouping process of the real left: George knows that, The SWP know it too, and other Socialist organization and trade Unions know it too. But you don’t seem to be aware of it Uncle Joe. Where’s your scoop?.

Everybody and his granny who are highly critical of RESPECT have been talking about, predicting, hoping and praying that they go down the tubes since they were formed and went on to win their first local election campaign.

Most of these people are former left-wingers turned neoliberals who would hate to see a successful left wing party after they have derided and journeyed so far away from the real left – it would make them look stupid after saying there is no such thing as left and right wing these days..

I don’t know how long Uncle Joe predicted they would last 2 years ago because I haven’t read his article, but it appeared way after many of these former lefts, now anti-muslim, anti-trot, anti-Galloway, often anti-Palestinian too, sounded off their propaganda. One very good example of this type, David Arronovitch,, three years ago wrote in the Guardian ¨¨ I give 'em a year¨.[1]

I don’t know if Uncle Joe is just posing as a Stalinist, is a state propagandist, an eco-fundamentalist, or hates all election, but don’t you thing it would be a good thing I there were an alternative to voting for a neoliberal party, and building an extra parliamentary left that can challenge the status quo.

However, the SWP are still around and are a significant influence on the real left. With RESPECT they have been successful in electoral politics for the first time. You have to say, it has been a success, although limited in the bigger picture of electoral politics, very significant for a real left party, and the rest of real left. (The Socialist party was the first to get members elected to local councils. Anarachist in Oxford were also elected to local councils).

You have to realise that RESPECT are part of the regrouping process of the real left; they are not the new workers party. As was the Socialist Labour Party, on which the security services spent a lot of time and money destabilizing (You’d be good at that job Uncle Joe. Why don’t you take a wage for it, and do it covertly instead of overtly, or am I wrong.)

The new workers party will arrive, I am sure, probably with George as a member, along with the Socialist Party, former members of the Socialist Alliance, some non SWP members of RESPECT, RESPECT as an SWP faction, some not insignificant others, many high profile names, Ken Loach, Johnaton Coe, the Arctic Mon-key´s and other important cultural figures, and some trade union support too (And of course there´s there’s time for another comeback Arthur).

The Labour Party has left a vacuum for a new real left Party, since it began its journey to the right in the early 90´s. Its unconditional support of neoliberalism has become cultural, so it almost certainly wont return to its Socialist roots.

The vacuum will be filled – that’s for sure, comrades independent of the half life of RESPECT.

If you are reading this George - I´d put my mortgage on it if I had one that your not and are probably holed up in your Portugese villa watching the footy - come and stand in the Cotswolds and you,ve got my vote, comrade!

[1] Same old guff with an added ingredient: Guardian: Saturday June 5, 2004,,1231936,00.html

Harold Hamlet
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GG and SWP have made up

24.09.2007 08:41

I'm sorry to disappoint Uncle Joe, but it looks as if GG and the SWP have made up and a split is not iniment, according to sources very close to the SWP RESPECT NC met up on 22/9/07 and made up their differences. There are questions about the direction of the RESPECT project, we desperately require the trade unions on board in order to shift it leftwards. I think GG should reflect on his celeb career and hope that he sticks to policiticals, he continues to make an arse of himself and he turns people off RESPECT.

red letter

With respec' to red letter....

25.09.2007 00:08

... the social wanker freaks and the arab arse licker Galloway will still come to blows.

I anticipated this turn of events, but given my evident ability to predict the future, I'm not worried by yopur optimistic bullshit.

You will begin to understand that Galloway is a grandstanding opportunist, and the SWP are middle class wannabe revolutionaries.

You really must try better.

After all, you can't get me banned here.

Uncle Joe

I Think I can see why you pulled my previous comment

03.10.2007 04:14

Perhaps the use of the word successful with the IRA, in the comment of mine you pulled from this thread, is a little controversial considerring many innocent people were killed by their military (termed by many as terrorist) operations. As well, I understand it is inappropriate to talk about the killing of innocents in any sort of humouous context, not least because of the families and friends of the people who died are obviously still suffering from their loses of their loved ones to this day,

However, i would like to have the opportunity to re-iterate the point I wanted to make about the SWP: they and in particular Alex Calinicos are not the diabolas they are made out to be. Come on. he is not such a bad lad,

Harold Hamlet
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Phoney baloney

16.11.2007 05:23

I came across this little thread while looking up what's happening in RESPECT from over in Australia.

Given the gossipy, bitchy, infantile nature of the article and subsequent comments I thought I may as well add my bit. What kind of wankers and arseholes wet their pants about left wing groups running into the ground, obviously a bunch of phoneys who pretend they are workers or have some affinity with them by abusing others as middle class wankers.

I couldn't imagine a greater occupation for a middle class bore like Uncle Joe than to write on "indymedia' - I'm sure there lapping it up in factories across England arsewipe. Listen mate, slagging off others as middle class doesn't transform you into anything slightly relevant to working class people, but wank away in your own bubble 'Uncle Joe'.

Dave Latham
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