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Local paper demonises Gatwick campers.

Joe Hill | 20.09.2007 17:20 | No Border Camp 2007 | Migration

This is a photographic copy of the front page article in the local newspaper, the Mid Sussex Times. And below is a copy that a camper sent to the editor and the journalist who signs it, Carolyn Robertson.

front page
front page










Dear Carolyn, and the 'Mid Sussex Times' editor,

Reading your paper today, one gets the impression that your paper is unable to provide unbiased coverage of events taking place. The No Borders camp is full of sensible people who have gathered in solidarity with people (including children) detained inhumanely for having committed no crime. I myself came here for this purpose, as well as to learn more about the issues involved in asylum seekers' and migrants' plights, and our government's responses to these. We challenge the government's inhumane approach, and have every right to do so, for this is, apparently, a free and democratic country.

I am disturbed by your spin - on the front cover - which suggests we are somehow disturbing locals - we are not, and that we are a health and safety problem - we again are not. Who is Mr Marsh, and how did he form these opinions? (Is he perhaps BNP one wonders).

Please, if you write again on this camp, make it clear that on Thursday and Friday there are workshops taking place here at the camp (not just on Sunday), and that the camp is always open to the public, and that the public are very welcome here - we are the public!

Yours sincerely,

Joe Hill


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What are you talking about?

20.09.2007 18:04

This article can hardly be said to be demonising anyone. It's mostly a rehash of No Borders own press release plus a few quotes from the local councilor moaning about potential parking issues. It's pretty good coverage really, certainly not disinformation.

While I am at it... why on earth have indy admins promoted this? It's just a repost of a mainstream media article. Or is it somehow grassroots because it's been photographed?


hardly demonisation...get a grip

20.09.2007 18:11

yes the paper has petty comments and the councillor has predictable worries about parking & lots of strange people arriving in my patch worries etc, but that hardly makes him or them BNP FFS!! You could check out what party he's from before writing, unless you were just trying to make a point. But if you were, um, the article actually provides loads of info that we'd agree with about the camp, about a documentary on TV soon, etc.

If you think that's demonisation, you've not been reading the national papers (about refugees or loads of other issues)!

unbiased my arse


20.09.2007 22:37

if that piece is not demonisation out of welfare chauvinism and fear, what else would be so?


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It's not too bad

21.09.2007 12:42

It's a local paper, and therefore the views of a locally-elected official and representative do matter. "Who is Mr Marsh?" - Erm... it's explained in the piece, and he's someone who will continue to have a local impact long after the protestors have left.

It then points out why the protestors are there, and that police do not think there's a problem. So it's pretty balanced.

It's a shame that the headline doesn't reflect that angle as well - and that there aren't more quotes from the residents (who may be pro as well as anti, if the police are accurate) but I've seen a lot worse.

It's also informative for the protestors. Now you know that a local councillor thinks there are health and safety risks.

Norville B

It's not too bad

21.09.2007 12:42

It's a local paper, and therefore the views of a locally-elected official and representative do matter. "Who is Mr Marsh?" - Erm... it's explained in the piece, and he's someone who will continue to have a local impact long after the protestors have left.

It then points out why the protestors are there, and that police do not think there's a problem. So it's pretty balanced. It's a shame that the headline doesn't reflect that angle as well - and that there aren't more quotes from the residents (who may be pro as well as anti, if the police are accurate) but I've seen a lot worse.

It's also informative for the protestors. Now you know that a local councillor thinks there are health and safety risks.

Norville B


22.09.2007 10:51

You give a headline that you're demonised, but slur Gary Marsh as BNP.
What evidence is there to support this? None.
Get a grip, Joe, you do your cause no favours.


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