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Space Hijackers Northern Cell

Bristly | 19.09.2007 12:55

The Space Hijackers - - are spreading our wings and venturing up north.


Responsible for all manner of events, everything from organising parties for 2000 people on London Underground through to challenging the government to cricket and attempting to drive a tank into an arms fair, we have been causing trouble in London for 8 years now.

However, there are a lot of people on our mailing list who live in the north and never get to come and play. To co-incide with the last day of our exhibition in Sunderland we are organising a meeting to get together a bundle of like minded troublemakers to see if we can set up a northern cell.

Bring red underwear (to prove you're not police), subversive thoughts and a strong liver.

Sat 22nd September
The Northern Gallery Of Contemporary Art
Fawcett Street

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ah well

19.09.2007 15:28

at least they have fun. better than the depressing, useless arseholes from the swp and frfi we have up here in the north east. Are you bringing the tank up with you? hehe



19.09.2007 17:35

bought a tank, got it to dsei, didnt do anything with it, sold it
soon to be mythologised in an art show
i guess it was bound to happen


fun is important

19.09.2007 20:53

'at least they had fun'

Indeed! Fun is massively political after all. I had a quick bash in the shower earlier over christina ricci in Buffalo 65, and as i spaffed on the wall i thought 'what a huge blow against the corporate megamachine. There's one five minutes of real joy they'll never get back from me'.

If we are to be the best protestors we can and do protests that protest history will remember we have got to have fun. If we can't use our legitimate right to dissent in this democracy without having fun, we are just like the robots man, the Parties and the drones going to work in their polluting cars. The squares.
They don't get it, they don't have fun.

'If i can't dance its not my revolution' - Emma Goldman.

Funbar McFunchops