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More details: Feminist Fightback conference, 20 October 2007

Feminist Fightback | 17.09.2007 15:15 | Gender | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | London | South Coast

More details of the second Feminist Fightback conference, which takes place at the University of East London on Saturday 20 October 2007.

Feminist Fightback II - Saturday 20 October ‘07

Back for a second year, the Feminist Fightback activist conference is organised by a group of socialist feminists, including the Education Not for Sale student network ( It aims to bring together feminists from a wide range of perspectives to debate ideas and develop practical strategies for fighting women’s oppression and exploitation.

Fightback 07 will build on the success of last year’s conference, attended by over 220 people, which gave rise to several activist initiatives, including the March 3 2007 Torch-Lit March for Abortion Rights.

This year we will continue our campaign to defend and extend abortion rights and our discussions will include...

- Is sexy always sexist? Feminism, lads mags and pornography
- Ecofeminism
- Feminists Against Borders
- Islamic feminism
- Race, sex, class
- The gender pay gap, low pay and the class struggle
- Women's struggles in Latin America
- Darfur
- Women against sweatshops
- Introduction to socialist feminism

Plus film showings...
- Love, Honour and Disobey: a film by Southall Black Sisters
- A place of rage: woman in the US civil rights movement

Free creche provided.

Followed by a fundraising social at the Ivy House, 8-10 Southampton Row, near Holborn tube.

Feminist Fightback’s supporters include the National Union of Students Women’s Campaign, the Rail Maritime and Transport Union's Women’s Committee and the International Union of Sex Workers.

The conference will be held at the University of East London Docklands campus (see here for details and directions). For more information, or to register, ring 07890 209 479, or email

Feminist Fightback
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Last year's conference

30.09.2007 22:10

Whilst I don't discredit the work done by those involved in Feminist Fightback, having just researched some of the other work you do, I have to say that I found some aspects of last year's conference really undemocratic. In one discussion, a woman whose views didn't fit with the views expressed by a panel of speakers was literally shouted down, almost as if her opinions weren't at all valid. The panel of speakers in this forum also seemed to present only one side of a particular argument.
