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The Guardian fails to tell whole story on Crossrail and Metronet tube problems

railway revelations | 17.09.2007 10:31

The Guardian story on the tube losing out so that the Government can fund Crossrail omits two vital details that would be of interest to readers. The cost to taxpayers and tube passenger users and the man who helped organise the finances for Metronet, who is the same man behind Crossrail, which wants unlimited underwriting for the Crossrail project. Adrian Montague is the man who helps ensure taxpayers underwrite all bad debts as shown by his PFI schemes. He originally helped privatise British Rail, British Energy, the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, Metronet and now Crossrail. He has been knighted for his services to dodgy Government and was the right hand man to John Prescott.

The Guardian newspaper - Definition. A pro-Government newspaper that occasionally publishes articles worth reading to attract some audience outside Government is good at printing half stories which do not tell citizens what is going on with their money or their Government.

railway revelations


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17.09.2007 12:10

Correction - The guardian failed to agree with you so is therfore corrupt etc etc etc blah blah blah.


.-. anonymous poster is working for the Government

17.09.2007 16:36

This comment is not accurate and the anonymous poster cannot even bring themselves to give their real name. It has not got anything to do with The Guardian agreeing with a point of view - it is about giving readers half a story. This does not allow anyone to understand what is going on or why. On the point of Adrian Montague's involvement in Metronet and Crossrail - it is not a point of view, it is a fact. The Guardian did not report a fact that can be found in information at Companies House or just by going through old archive materials because it has a view - supporting propaganda of the Labour Government.

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