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YOU Could Be An Indymedia Journalist

IMC Liverpool | 14.09.2007 23:21 | Indymedia | Liverpool

It isn't that hard being an Indymedia journalist. YOU could do it easily. All you need is:

1. Determination to publicise the news ignored by the corporate media
2. Access to a computer with the internet
3. Time

Admittedly, number 3 is in short supply for most of us, but if you have numbers 1 and 2 then surely you can find number 3 somewhere. So why not come along to Liverpool IMC's open night at Next To Nowhere, Bold Street next Wednesday, September 19th at 7pm, for some information and inspiration?

The Liverpool Indymedia team will be on hand to offer advice, tips and techniques, as well as a brief overview of Indymedia's history - from its formation in the battle of Seattle to the global network it is today.

Don't just hate the media, BE THE MEDIA!

IMC Liverpool


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If You are not Breaking the Law, Why Worry.

15.09.2007 09:02

Filmed and watched by the State?

I am not sure that the FIT [1] and other overt surveillance teams will bother to make it to this event - but you never know. I was stooped by the FIT, and underwent a lot of surveillance along with many other people at the G8. [2]. I feel if you’re not breaking the law, what’s there to worry about?

I am pretty sure too they will have a few spies or infiltrators at the meeting, but who could say for sure.

It has been suggested that it’s worth taking some action to counter them. [3],I think it’s best to have as little contact with them as possible and make their job that little bit more difficult, but, not to go too much out of your way to counter their methods, mainly so that it doesn’t cause you any hassle.

I remember going to a Wombles meeting, and they jumped out of the bushes in front of us and started filming and taking flash photos, but fortunately we had been told they were hiding outside the door to the meeting, even so it made me jump and left me feeling harassed. They didn’t get a picture of US because we covered our faces with newspapers. They must have been surprised to see anarchist reading the Financial Times and Daily Telegraph.

So, I would not talk to the FIT, no matter how friendly they were being. They are looking for information, descriptions, names of people, what you are like, etc. etc .. I would cover my face but not go to great lengths to do so. If you are on a demo, and carrying a placard pull it down over your face when you pass the surveillance teams if you don’t want your photo taken.

As bugging the meeting itself, quite a lot has been written about what should be done about mobile phones. [4]. There can transmit sounds and speech in a room, and can be used as bugging devices:- whether they are switched on or off – even I believe they can be set up to with the battery taken out.

To counter mobile phone bugging, leave then outside the meeting in a box – they can be claimed back when people leave. This has been standard practice for several years by some activists; I remember having to do it 5 or 6 years a go in Spain.

However, don’t think that if there are no mobiles in the room you are not being bugged, because other portable electronic devices and objects can be set up to do the same: that’s bug a room. Pens, Cases for Glasses, and just about anything A quick search on the internet using the keyword ¨Bugging¨ will give you many on line vendors who sell these devices very cheaply.

You can purchase a bug sweeper quite cheaply on the internet too, if you are having a meeting to discuss where to hide the treasure, or if you are organizing a surprise party for someone.

Lastly a spy in the room will use their memory, or take notes, to relay information afterwards. Or go out of the meeting and get on his mobile, or meet someone around the corner if

It’s best to stay cool and make the spy’s job that little bit more difficult without causing too much hassle for every one. And don’t get paranoid, what’s the point, you are not breaking the law

[1] Indymedia reports FIT for What Purpose

[ 2] Indymedia Report: A lesson .. on FIT

[3] Indymedia Report: Counter FIT

[4] Indymedia Report Mobile phones, the stealth ID card, bug and tracking device in your pocket:

Yours as ever

Harold & Ron´s - Security Agency

Harold Hamlet
mail e-mail:

To Next-to-Nowhere from Everywhere

15.09.2007 09:25

All the more reason for EVERYONE to turn up.

You might like to wear a scarf in this unreasonable I mean unseasonable climate.


Harold & Ron Security

15.09.2007 21:53

Oh!. I just wanted to add: that if you require surveillance: eyes, ears phones, tracking, and email we can do it for 15 quid an hour plus expenses, or a daily rate of 100 quid. We try to keep our costs down, and we are a non-profit making Security Agency.

We also give free advice.

We don’t take on many cases because we specialize in tracking state agents, and there’s not much call for that, and besides we are very choosy, although once a client asked us to find his lost dog. We liked him, so we looked for the dog, and found him - in Poland. of all places, performing in a circus. Shit hot or what!

For example: you may suspect someone’s a spy. We’ll bug their house, probably get their emails, and track their mobile phone. And Ron, if he can be arsed, will follow the gits.

We work totally by the book and respect the law, however, sometimes there are issues. Our company mission statement is: Discretion, discretion, discretion; stay cool because who gives a fuck anyway - which scans a lot better in Latin.

Harold and Ron’s Security Agency

Harold Hamlet
mail e-mail: