Rhys Jones And The Respect Project
james Jones | 14.09.2007 20:39 | Liverpool
Since the publication of the respect project there has been no media coverage of the murder of Rhys Jones since the 6th of september.No national newspaper has offered a reward,something quite close to the hearts of gangsters,is money.Someone said to me the respect project is a dumb solution.But the phrase "Dumb solution"comes from the american miltary when someone upsets a complicated operation with a solution an idiot thought of,or one the intelligent did'nt.The respect project is'nt a dumb solution as it will not solve the problem of the council working with the police to find Rhys's killer or to do something about what caused it.It is a publicity stunt.Like heavily armed police stopping cars to give the public leaflets because Sky news helicopters and the rest of the pack were there.Why that was done beats me,no it was publicity,look at us.When they could have been more personal with people and repectful by simply giving them a leaflet and saying it's a terrible crime help us solve it.Or you will be living with a child killer.The worst part is the Liverpool Echo runs this drivel.The only money offered was on youtube by people disgusted with what happend.Not one of Liverpool's businessmen put up a penny.Liverpool expected a blitz on it similar to Hillsbourough and Jamie Bulger.But that never happend.What a pity it might have woke us up to do something.An innocent child was shot dead playing in the street and the city is silent.SILENT.
james Jones