Naomi Klein talks in Hove about new book "The Shock Doctrine"
Anon | 11.09.2007 16:51 | South Coast
Naomi Klein, journalist, activist and author of No Logo, gave a talk in Hove last night about her new book "The Shock Doctrine- The Rise of Disaster Capitalism". The talk was preceded by a short film based upon "The Shock Doctrine" and was very well attended. Klein also pledged support for the Hands Off Iraqi Oil campaign (
Klein was heavily critical of the "free market economics" espoused by Milton Friedman etc and increasing privitization in the wake of disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and September 11th. The short film that preceded the talk referred to the invasion and occupation of Iraq as "the most privitized war in modern history".
To see that short film:
To see that short film: