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More 9/11 truth - though no need for tin foil hats

tigersiskillers | 11.09.2007 14:29

Cambridge University engineer explains WTC collapse without the need for explosives.

A reasonable explanation for the 'pancaking' rapid collapse of the damaged towers.

Perhaps the lizard men got to him?



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foil hat

11.09.2007 14:37


a polluted mainstream

11.09.2007 14:50

So 'lizard men' and 'tinfoil hats' from you equates to 'conspiracy theorists' from the unimpeachable BBC ( which sacked Gilligan and Dyke for claiming there were no WMD in Iraq).

Just recently the establishment has begun to admit the Lockerbie terrorist trial was stage-managed. The Guardian said "few people apart from conspiracy theorists and investigative journalists working on the case were prepared to believe Bollier until the end of last month, when Lumpert, one of his former employees, walked into a Zurich police station and asked to swear an affidavit before a notary."

The term 'conspiracy theorist' is now the official title for anyone who questions the state sponsored explanation of anything. A term easily reduced to more tabloid smears like ''lizard men' and 'tinfoil hats'.

A recurrent argument against 911 being an inside job is that too many people would have have to have been involved in the coverup. One thing we can learn from that coverup is it doesn't take so many people to stage a false flag, and that one day far in the future the 'conspiracy theorists' will be indistinguishable from the 'investigative journalists' to the new paradigm of the mainstream.


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