What the case of Pegah Emambakhsh teaches us
Roberto Malini - EveryOne Group | 04.09.2007 23:12 | Gender | Migration | Repression | Sheffield
The case of Pegah Emambakhsh has revealed that Europe has abandoned a long time ago the road of the respect for human rights. The fear for the fight between the different culture and the suspiciousness towards the others has slowly sunk our civilisation in a cultural and social swamp. People see enemies everywhere. The values of the freedom have been replaced from those - ambiguous and dangerous - of the security.
Dear friends, our invitation to send flowers to Pegah Emambakhsh has been hailed by hundred and hundred of people all over the world. The splendid bunches of roses, lilies and orchidee raised her moral. Pegah feels you all near her and your neighborly gives her courage and hope for the future.
In the meanwhile the world speaks a lot about this case. The case of Pegah Emambakhsh has revealed that Europe has abandoned a long time ago the road of the respect for human rights. The fear for the fight between the different culture and the suspiciousness towards the others has slowly sunk our civilisation in a cultural and social swamp. People see enemies everywhere. The values of the freedom have been replaced from those - ambiguous and dangerous - of the security.
In a scenario of blind terror, dominated by the phantoms of the weapons of mass destruction, the assassination attempts, the demographic invasion and the fall of the Western civilisation, racism and xenofobia aliment themselves leading men without scruples to the apogee of the power.
Like in 1920 and 1930 years (in Germany), the family and the nation are presented by the guardians of the death as bulwark against the fall. Whipping boys of this sick situation are once again the weak people, the poor ones, the different people, that are not lapidated by fundamentalist regimes, but the nations in which we live.
The case of Pegah helps us to understand that we are losing the principles on which the free world is founded: the respect of the rights, of the traditions, opinions and the dreams of the humanity. We have created immortal laws, like the Universal Declaration of the Human rights or the
Convention on the Status of Refugees: laws that guide us to deal with the minorities in the right way; laws that help us to escape from the barbarisms, laws that indicate us the building of a more right world, where everyone has the possibility to express himself and to try of being happy.
But today we are forgetting those sacred laws. The case of Pegah Emambakhsh has revealed us that "the information" (the media), that is the voice of all of us, is not more an common asset, but an instrument that prides the constituted power.
The United Kingdom of these weeks is a clear example of this decline of the information. The vicissitude of Pegah incarnates all the values that we have lost. It is a story of love, courage, justice seeking, solidarity and at the same time a story of pain, violence, death and injustice.
All the world is speaking about it. It is spoken in the houses, where people are moved for the vicissitude of Pegah and send postcards and flowers to her. Flowers in the gaol of Yarl's Wood! It is spoken in the highest political centers, where it is asked how is possible that a civil state have organized deportations of refugees towards the torture and the death, like in darkest times of our History.
But the press and the television of the United Kingdom have tried to hide the story of Pegah with the silence. A guilty silence, that we hope will be broken by some brave journalist or a network boss that still has a conscience.
As for us, we have been contacted by a British journalists and also interviewed from an important television. No word that we have pronounced has been successively published or sent on-air. In regard to a stronger power than the freedom of speech, expression and information.
The case of Pegah Emambakhsh, dear friends, citizens of the United Kingdom, teaches us that only you can help the men whom are governing you to find again the way of the civilisation. It teaches that only you can help all those who should provide you information to make it with honesty, as free men and patriots, as compassionate men and do not as servants of the powerful ones, especially now that the powerful ones are changing to executioners.
Citizens of the United Kingdom ask for truth and justice. Take truth and justice and if they won't be guaranteed, then change the men that are governing you, the men who inform to you, until you have the privilege of being able to exert the democracy.
Otherwise, while you're distracted by silly news about Cristiano Ronaldo (that's just an example), you will leave them free to destroy all the patrimony of truth and justice that has been handed down through centuries of civilisation, of thought and progress.
For the EveryOne Group, Roberto Malini - www.annesdoor.com
In the meanwhile Pegah waits with anxiety that justice will be done. We invite you to send her letters and postcards, that will relieve and help her to serenely pass the time till the decision of the judges of the appeal. Write her at the following address:
Pegah Emambakhsh
Yarl' s Wood Immigration Removal Centre,
Twinwood Road,
Clapham, Bedfordshire MK41 6HL,
United Kingdom
In the meanwhile the world speaks a lot about this case. The case of Pegah Emambakhsh has revealed that Europe has abandoned a long time ago the road of the respect for human rights. The fear for the fight between the different culture and the suspiciousness towards the others has slowly sunk our civilisation in a cultural and social swamp. People see enemies everywhere. The values of the freedom have been replaced from those - ambiguous and dangerous - of the security.
In a scenario of blind terror, dominated by the phantoms of the weapons of mass destruction, the assassination attempts, the demographic invasion and the fall of the Western civilisation, racism and xenofobia aliment themselves leading men without scruples to the apogee of the power.
Like in 1920 and 1930 years (in Germany), the family and the nation are presented by the guardians of the death as bulwark against the fall. Whipping boys of this sick situation are once again the weak people, the poor ones, the different people, that are not lapidated by fundamentalist regimes, but the nations in which we live.
The case of Pegah helps us to understand that we are losing the principles on which the free world is founded: the respect of the rights, of the traditions, opinions and the dreams of the humanity. We have created immortal laws, like the Universal Declaration of the Human rights or the
Convention on the Status of Refugees: laws that guide us to deal with the minorities in the right way; laws that help us to escape from the barbarisms, laws that indicate us the building of a more right world, where everyone has the possibility to express himself and to try of being happy.
But today we are forgetting those sacred laws. The case of Pegah Emambakhsh has revealed us that "the information" (the media), that is the voice of all of us, is not more an common asset, but an instrument that prides the constituted power.
The United Kingdom of these weeks is a clear example of this decline of the information. The vicissitude of Pegah incarnates all the values that we have lost. It is a story of love, courage, justice seeking, solidarity and at the same time a story of pain, violence, death and injustice.
All the world is speaking about it. It is spoken in the houses, where people are moved for the vicissitude of Pegah and send postcards and flowers to her. Flowers in the gaol of Yarl's Wood! It is spoken in the highest political centers, where it is asked how is possible that a civil state have organized deportations of refugees towards the torture and the death, like in darkest times of our History.
But the press and the television of the United Kingdom have tried to hide the story of Pegah with the silence. A guilty silence, that we hope will be broken by some brave journalist or a network boss that still has a conscience.
As for us, we have been contacted by a British journalists and also interviewed from an important television. No word that we have pronounced has been successively published or sent on-air. In regard to a stronger power than the freedom of speech, expression and information.
The case of Pegah Emambakhsh, dear friends, citizens of the United Kingdom, teaches us that only you can help the men whom are governing you to find again the way of the civilisation. It teaches that only you can help all those who should provide you information to make it with honesty, as free men and patriots, as compassionate men and do not as servants of the powerful ones, especially now that the powerful ones are changing to executioners.
Citizens of the United Kingdom ask for truth and justice. Take truth and justice and if they won't be guaranteed, then change the men that are governing you, the men who inform to you, until you have the privilege of being able to exert the democracy.
Otherwise, while you're distracted by silly news about Cristiano Ronaldo (that's just an example), you will leave them free to destroy all the patrimony of truth and justice that has been handed down through centuries of civilisation, of thought and progress.
For the EveryOne Group, Roberto Malini - www.annesdoor.com
In the meanwhile Pegah waits with anxiety that justice will be done. We invite you to send her letters and postcards, that will relieve and help her to serenely pass the time till the decision of the judges of the appeal. Write her at the following address:
Pegah Emambakhsh
Yarl' s Wood Immigration Removal Centre,
Twinwood Road,
Clapham, Bedfordshire MK41 6HL,
United Kingdom
Roberto Malini - EveryOne Group
Hide the following 3 comments
She's Coming to Tuscany
05.09.2007 07:55
Toscana Massonica
The Star
05.09.2007 13:54
The case has had loads of coverage in the Sheffield Star. Don't knock it - it's a good local paper.
Norville B
When Wishful Thinking Replaces Resistance
08.09.2007 22:14
country has been thoroughly demonized because it is not nice to women,
to gays, or to Jews. That in itself is enough to neutralize a large
part of the American "left". The issue of course is not whether Iran
is nice or not according to our views -- but whether there is any
legal reason to attack it, and there is none; but the dominant
ideology of human rights has legitimized, specially in the left, the
right of intervention on humanitarian grounds anywhere, at any time,
and that ideology has succeeded in totally sidetracking the minor
issue of international law.
Jean Bricmont