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9/11 Truth: We Are Change UK Hit the Notting Hill Carnival

Let's Go Crazy | 03.09.2007 13:50 | Culture | Terror War | London

Here's the London We Are Change team at Notting Hill Carnival, the world's second largest carnival.

Around 3,000 flyers were given out. The video includes a clip of cop saying "we all know no plane hit the Pentagon".

Let's Go Crazy


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Unwelcome Guests on Why the Towers Fell

03.09.2007 14:27

Unwelcome Guests is an outstanding weekly two hour anarchist radio show:

Their latest show is on 9/11:

Unwelcome Guests: #374 - Why the Towers Fell
Proofs of Demolition by Explosive

Richard Gage, AIA is the founding member of He has been a practicing Architect for 20 years and has worked on most types of building construction including numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings. Richard became interested in the 9/11 WTC high-rise "collapses" after hearing the startling conclusions of a reluctant 9/11 researcher, David Ray Griffin, on the radio in 2006, which launched his own quest for 9/11 Truth. He presents proofs that the three World Trade Center buildings were brought down deliberately by explosives placed by experts

- Homepage:


03.09.2007 14:44

you guys crack me up....



03.09.2007 21:23

Amazing work by the conspiraloons.

They have managed to assemble a handful of 'experts' in the architecture and engineering field and put them on a professional looking website. And to think that there are only a few hundred thousand architects and engineers who disagree with them.

But of course those hundreds of thousands of architects and engineers they are all working for the CIA.
And the thousands of people working for hundreds of architectural/engineering and related trade publications that have analysed and carried stories on the twin tower collapse. They are of course all in on it too.

We should all just give up, the evil empire is clearly invincible.

Big Lizard

Your not normal if you don't agree with Big Lizard

03.09.2007 23:50

Entities supporting official Myth
Entities supporting official Myth

Hey Big "Fox News" Lizard

Google this:- "architects support NIST 911 report"

You assume architects and engineers silence = architects and engineers agree with NIST.

Now I don't want to make any assumptions about that silence .

But if you look at the people who produced the Nist report - the OKC bomb report - the Popular Mechanics "Debunkers" - The 1993 WTC bomb report - the BPAT 11-9 report - the people involved with investigating blast mitigation for the DOD - they turn out to be the same names. Strange in a country of hundreds of thousands of engineers and architects that the same few keep coming up again and again.

Again BL you use the same methods as the MSM in your anti-truth tactics. You claim the silent majority (the norm) agree with NIST et al, but the reality is very few have publicly stated their support for the Official yarn.


Energy equals half the mass, times the velocity squared.


Setting the record striaght

04.09.2007 11:20

Okay, finally, lets get this over and done with. The truth must come out before the 9/11 lot waste more of their and our time.

It wasn't the CIA, Mossad, or even Ed Begley Jr.

I did it. It was me. I also killed Jesus - he was a bad carpenter anyway.

There were no planes, just heavily disguised sea gulls with armour-plated beaks.

There were no explosives, we infested the entire three buildings with steel-eating termites.

And the Pentagon attack wasn't by a missile. A freak accident in a sex shop one kilometer away (often frequented by defense industry workers) caused a huge gas explosion, catapulting one of the top range vibrators (extra large) into the side of the Pentagon.

Now we can relax and get on with some worthwhile investigation, right?

And stop wasting pages and IMC server space on this bollocks.

The only truth on this issue is we will never find out.

Setting the record straight

Peace in Our Time

04.09.2007 12:32

Setting the record straighter

This is not "bollocks"

You might think it's bollocks, but I think you're wrong

Why? Because showing 11-9 to be False flag terror shows the M.O. of the ruling class. What they're prepared to do in order to further their NWO Global ambitions. It highlights the criminality of the ruling class. Knowing that 11-9 was an inside job puts into sharp focus the history of the western powers from before the first WW to the present day.

No-one is making you "waste your time on this".

You think the truth movement is a distraction created by the ruling class.
Certainly the ruling class are involved in a big way in a campaign of disinformation. It is true that the ruling class are hoping to control dissent by setting up Truth movements and having them led by nutters like Ian Crane and David Shayler, but all of that wont change the inconvenient truth that 11-9 was one in a long and continuing line of staged events to create the reality for, in this case, "The war on Terror" the war with no end.

How do I know? Physics. The Laws of Entropy (thermodynamics) The Laws of Conservation of Momentum and Energy.

So what? well the "War on Terror" is currently accounting for billions of dollars spent on weapons and genocide in the persuit of empire, it is used every day to justify the billions being spent on "security", private mercenary armies and surveillance. It is the excuse used for Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Rendition and torture It is used to legitimate dawn raids on family homes where children have guns pointed at their heads. It is used by the state to control legitimate protest e.g. Climate Camp. and all of this has its foundation in the Myth of 11-9.

It is used to continue and justify the strategy of tension that keeps the vast majority of normal people locked in their homes watching bollocks on the telly 'coz the world is too "dangerous".

This article was a report on a grassroots action, that is apparently what IMC was set up for. I see no evidence of any dodgy political agendas, only as I think Marx once said, nothing inflames the people more than the desire for truth and justice. i.e. people inflamed by a desire for truth and justice.




04.09.2007 13:23

i love the fact that the truthers have no sense of humour...obviously humour is a weapon used on the sheeple by the cia eh?


Just to help Big?Lizard go off the deep end...

04.09.2007 13:51

Publicise and Re-investigate 9/11 as hard as you can go.

The alternative? A generation of fascism, misery and horror for the majority. Think Auschwitz, Mengele, child rape and murder on an unimaginable scale. Think Rockefeller, Cheney and President Scherf(f)

Simple choice really.


"Fog of war could explain why some people were confused on the day of 9/11, but it could not explain why all of the..investigations and public testimony by FAA and NORAD officials advanced an account of 9/11 that was untrue."

Thomas H. Kean, Chairman, 9/11 Commission 8/4/06

now a 'member' at:

jeffersons ghost


04.09.2007 18:29

so to avoid fascism and child rape (??) we have to adapt your fascistic method of ramming bullshit propaganda down everyones throats, act like arrogant, clued up arseholes and tell everyone who disagrees with you that they are in fact 'sheeples' and just too ignorant to understand the complexities of 9/11 and he US adminisration. Oh i've seen the light! Lets hold hands and wave our little handmade placards about!


Deja vu

04.09.2007 19:20

That first photo. The man in black with the video camera. The very expensive top of the range video. Filming everything, to be archived for further use. Where have I seen that before? Oh yes, that BBC documentary on the Scientologists. The truth is out there.

Lights Can Touch

Big Lizards source maybe ?

04.09.2007 22:52

According to the reptilian:
And to think that there are only a few hundred thousand architects and engineers who disagree with them.

Is that so ? As far as I know hundreds of thousands of architects and engineers have never been asked for their opinions on the events of 911. But of course the survey could have been carried out while I was not paying attention would you mind posting it so I can check it out ..

Pico della Mirandola

Pathetic staged propaganda.

05.09.2007 10:34

I have seen the bearded Asian man (who is seen in the video pretending to be a passerby) handing out 9/11 truth material at two London anti war demos. How can anyone take these 9/11 truth nutters seriously if they are so blatently guilty of the same media tactics that they claim to be exposing?

Banged to rights!

How dumb can you get ?

05.09.2007 13:24

banged to rights : if you had a brain you'd be dangerous .
