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Three more Palestinian children slayed in Israeli shooting

Zionism is Murder | 31.08.2007 08:25 | Palestine

Three more Palestinian children have been killed by IDF gunfire after Israeli soldiers shot at them in the northern Gaza strip while the children were playing and collecting scrap metal.

Sara Ghazal, 10, critically wounded died later in hospital
Sara Ghazal, 10, critically wounded died later in hospital

The slaying Mahmoud Ghazal, 10, and Yehiya Ghazal, 12, and Sara Ghazal, 10, and that of 11-year-old Mahmoud Ibrahim Al Karnawi shows that the prospect of the peace summit called by arch-Zionist George W. Bush has not compelled Israel to scale down its military campaign against Palestinians. Instead, Israel is clearly stepping up raids against Palestinian population centres.

Hamas called the Israeli attack a war crime and called on Abbas to halt his meetings with Ehud Olmert.

Media report: AlJazeera

Zionism is Murder


Zionist War Mongers Straining at the Leash

01.09.2007 00:24

Palestinian children playing in sacks of supplies donated by UNRWA in Jenin
Palestinian children playing in sacks of supplies donated by UNRWA in Jenin

On the evening of 26 August, Israeli television's Channel 10 revealed that the Israeli army Southern Command had completed intensive training exercises for a huge military campaign. According to Alon Ben David, the station's military commentator, Israel's recent incursions into Gaza was a preliminary exercise for a major IDF offensive to be undertaken in coordination with Washington.

Head of the Israeli army Southern Command Yoav Galant is an ardent advocate of the reoccupation of Gaza in its entirety, including the strip that borders Egypt, and several members of the Olmert government support him, including Deputy Prime Minister Avigdor Lieberman. In fact, the Southern Command has already undertaken training exercises with such a mission in mind.

Organisations like the United Nations Relief and Works Agency has already condemned IDF actions in Gaza

See: The United Nations Relief and Works Agency condemns IDF incursion into UNRWA school in Gaza - Jerusalem, 3rd August 2007



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A rather unfortunate name drop, wouldn't you say?

31.08.2007 12:28

Goebbels, hey?

Wasn't it also a Nazi tactic to lay seige to civilian population centres and cut off the
supply of energy, food and medicines whilst playing at shooting fish in a barrel?

Hermann Being

Bring Blair to speak about how civilized we are.

31.08.2007 13:42

Blair is needed in the Middle East to teach peace efforts and civilized manners to the people there, the zionists will be listening to see how he does hide their crimes against humanity with his infatigable islamophobic polite blurb. And, at the end of it all, the Israelies will be our best European partners (as always have been, we sold them nuclear weaponds technology, didn't we?), and because their killings are like ours and their civilisation is based on the same principles of denial, for the palestinias they will be divided in good and bad, and we will treat the good as bad as the bad because otherwise they may ask for too much, and they are not to be trusted after all as they are known to make the wrong choices. So bring Blair to the region, he has the balls to do nothing to solve the problem and can speak his enemies to oblivion, a win-win situation for our friends of civilization. the zionists.
