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SOCPatriarchy Revolution Meeting Report

Mark Barrett | 28.08.2007 21:03 | SOCPA | Social Struggles | London

Milkman of Human Kindness.. ?

Humans Keep off the Environment
Humans Keep off the Environment


At the Sunday meeting, held in lieu of Parly Square at the anti-slavery memorial in Victoria Tower Gardens, a small group met in agreeable fashion and cordially decided to resurrect the picnic on a monthly basis! Last Sunday of every month.

Also, as we are in the process of re-launching the website, if you'd like to have your (socpa / civil liberties oriented - widely defined) group represented on the front page as a members link, please suggest them on this list so that we can be clear about what's to be included. Also, please send any photos, news and other ideas you want to see included on the website, plus, any ideas for an agenda at the next picnic, Sept 30th (in preparation for Parliamentary return) would be very welcome, although we may already have something up our sleeve as we now have access to the ultimate weapon: a milk float!


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Mark Barrett
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29.08.2007 00:16

nuff said.

El Gringo Blanco