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Milan Rai in prison for non-payment of SOCPA fines

JNV | 22.08.2007 18:59

The first person to be convicted of organising an "unauthorised" demonstration within 1km of Parliament Square was sentenced to 14 days imprisonment yesterday for refusing to pay his fines. Milan Rai was arrested with Maya Evans after naming the dead in Iraq opposite Downing Street without permission from the police.

22 August 2007
Justice Not Vengeance [1]
0845 458 9572 or 07973 484 202


The first person to be convicted of organising an "unauthorised" demonstration within 1km of Parliament Square was sentenced to 14 days imprisonment yesterday for refusing to pay his fines. Author [2] and editor [3] Milan Rai (42) is currently being held at Wandsworth prison, following a court appearance at Horseferry Magistrates court on 21 August.

On 25 October 2005, Mr Rai was arrested opposite Downing Street with vegan chef Maya Evans, after the pair read out the names of Iraqis and British service personnel who had been killed in Iraq since the 2003 invasion. Mr Rai was subsequently convicted of organising an "unauthorised" demonstration within 1km of Parliament, fined £350 and
ordered to pay £150 in costs [4].

In May 2007 the pair were convicted again, this time for organising and participating in an "unauthorised" demonstration within 1km of Parliament, namely the "No More Fallujahs" weekend of nonviolent resistance marking the 2nd anniversary of the US/UK onslaught on the Iraqi city of Fallujah [5]. At least 550 women and children are believed to have been killed during the latter attack [6], during which US forces used white phosphorus - a substance that burns down to the bone on contact with human flesh - as a weapon [7].

At his second trial Mr Rai was fined £100. On both occasions Mr Rai had declared that he would refuse to pay his fines on grounds of conscience. In June, Mr Rai was awarded Catholic peace group Pax Christi's biannual Peace Award [8].

Contact 0845 458 9572 or 07973 484 202

[1] Justice Not Vengeance (JNV) is an anti-war group campaigning for a peaceful resolution of international conflicts, based on justice and equality. See
[2] Mr Rai is the author of the following books: 'Chomsky's Politics' (Verso, 1995), 'War Plan Iraq' (Verso, 2002), 'Regime Unchanged' (Pluto, 2003) and '7/7: The London Bombings, Islam and the Iraq War' (Pluto, 2006).
[3] Mr Rai is the editor of Peace News, the UK's oldest peace movement newspaper. See
[4] Under section 132 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (April 2005) organising an "unauthorised" demonstration within 1km of Parliament is a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment for up to 51 weeks and a £2500 fine. Participating in such a demonstration is a criminal offence punishable by a fine of up to £1000.
[5] See
[6] See 'Death toll in Fallujah rising, doctors say', IRIN, 4 January 2005,
[7] See 'U.S. official admits phosphorus used as weapon in Iraq', CBC News, 16 November 2005,
[8] See



Polite response

22.08.2007 22:47

"Milan Rai in prison for non-payment of SOCPA fines

In prison effectively for reading out the names of dead in Iraq - or
organising for the names to be read out."

Jesus H. Shufflebotham this is topsyturveyland gone twumpy. Go Milan Rai!

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Hide the following 9 comments


22.08.2007 21:17

Well done, Milan - we need more people like you standing up to unjust laws. Hope your stir of porridge goes OK.

A Peace News subscriber

and where is the rotten stinking mainstream media?

22.08.2007 22:44

a man has been imprisoned in this country that claims freedom. his crime? standing up for the simple principle that there is no need to ask permission to hold a small peaceful demonstration near the 'mother of parliaments'.

this story should be the front page of every newspaper - this is what our stinking corrupt and terrified government has come to.

respect to milan who has more integrity in his little finger than all the fat overpaid newspaper and tv editors put together.

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The Telegraph has it.

23.08.2007 08:46

At least online and it's quite a good piece

Well Done Mil!



respect to milan

23.08.2007 08:50

The press are always nervous about reporting the stories of people who show no fear of prison.

We are all meant to be afraid of the sanctions of the law.

The more we stand up to the punishments and the threats of the state the more they lose their power over us.

Milan is an inspiration.



23.08.2007 10:53

scroogle "remember wireless prog" - it seems good sentient thought is breaking into the mainstream, that old set of "conspiracy theory" dismissals dont work these days. . . .( a bit of a holiday for PN worker . . . . hold THAT frontpage! cheers, keep it up. . . . but)


where is the media?

23.08.2007 11:08

why none of the mainstream media has picked up on this?..i totally agree with ricki it should be in the front page of every newspaper. it is a shame that no one knows about this except people who are in "mailing lists" and check indymedia. good on you milan for standing up for what you believe in.

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The usual technique.

23.08.2007 11:26

Imprisonment one stage removed, similar to that used against those who refuse to buy a TV licence on principle. Instead of banging him up for a politically sensitive alleged crime they rely instead on his principles to get him for refusing to pay a fine. So much repression in the UK is in a disguised form which gives the illusion of democratic freedom.


prison address?

23.08.2007 12:44

Is there an address we can send cards or messages of support to?

We could try:

Milan Rai, Wandsworth Prison, Heathfield Road, Wandsworth SW18 3HS

...but I imagine we would also need his prisoner number? Anyone know it?


Sentence was deserved

23.08.2007 12:49

Milan Rai was threatening to sully the name of the great and glorious leader Anthony Blair by linking his reign to dead Soldiers and Civilians in Iraq
The great man who after all recieved a standing ovation in the House of Commons on leaving and was so busy putting right wrongs he didnt have time to attend a Parliamentary debate on the Iraq war
A great and glorious leader who was not responsible for anything that went wrong ever or guilty of any crime under International or Domestic Law
Surely everyone realises there is no way British Law would have a man in Prison who had commited no proper crime
(after all this was a crime created to silence another who sullies still the great and glorious leader on a daily basis)
Anthony Blair was the greatest most glorious leader ever known in this land even now the GLC prepares Parliament Square for a huge statue of the glorious leader now an International Man of Peace
All should be imprisoned who sully the name of Anthony Blair or question the Warmongers
Let also the Independent Newspaper be closed down for has not the great and glorious leader told us of its lack of reverence for his person

all in solidarity
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