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3 in banner drop at BAA

mini mouse... | 19.08.2007 12:37 | Climate Camp 2007 | Climate Chaos | London

3 women have made a successful banner drop from the top of BAA's Heathrow Business Academy, less than a hundred yards from the northern perimeter road.

Mission accomplished :-)
Mission accomplished :-)

The are safe and comfortable, police are in attendance in the rear carpark.

mini mouse...


couple more shots

22.08.2007 19:54


Just to give you some context of its brilliance.



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19.08.2007 14:46


the lads

Well done

20.08.2007 01:47

It was amusing watching a few coppers and a specialist climber, all having a hard time getting it down after those three were up there for so long. : )
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