Reviving the Anti-War Movement: Support the Iraqi Resistance
max blunt | 15.08.2007 10:04 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | World
Has the Left been neutered? It struck me that the greatest taboo of the antiwar movement is to show the slightest empathy for the resistance fighters in Iraq
They are never mentioned as people for whom we should show concern, much less admiration.
They are never mentioned as people for whom we should show concern, much less admiration.
The "War on Terror" means - and was designed to mean - that any group in the US with detectable ties or relations with Iraqi resistance movements would be in line for savage legal reprisals under the terms of the Patriot Act
The Resistance Has Successfully Challenged the World's Most Powerful Army
The price of staying in Iraq will have to rise still further if the US is going to be forced out and Iraq regain its independence.
Inside Iraq, that price can only be exacted by increased resistance.
More than any other single factor, it has been the war of attrition waged by Iraq's armed resistance - or insurgency as it is usually described in the western media - that has successfully challenged the world's most powerful army and driven the demand for withdrawal to the top of the political agenda in Washington.
Two years ago the US vice-president, Dick Cheney, insisted the insurgency was in its "last throes".
But while the outside world has increasingly focused on al-Qaida-style atrocities against civilians and sectarian killings, the guerrilla war against the occupation forces has continued to escalate.
There are now over 5,000 attacks a month, a more than 20-fold increase on four years ago, and the US and British death toll is rising.
Opinion polls show there is majority support for armed resistance across Iraq; in Sunni areas it is overwhelming.
The mainstream resistance movement has often been dismissed in the US and Britain as politically incoherent, obscurantist or tarred with the brush of al-Qaida (which accounts for a minority of attacks, though perhaps a majority of suicide bombings).
That has been made easier as it operated underground, communicating mainly through the internet or occasional statements to the Arabic media.
Now that is changing. Last month, I interviewed leaders of three Sunni-based Islamist and nationalist-leaning resistance groups which are joining four others to launch a political front in advance of an expected American withdrawal.
The recent cross-party Iraq Commission report cites four of the seven as among the "four or five main groups" the insurgency has now consolidated around.
All have signed up to an anti-sectarian, anti-al-Qaida platform, oppose attacks on civilians, and call for negotiated withdrawal and free elections.
The greatest danger to both the resistance and the wider campaign to end the occupation remains the Sunni-Shia split, fostered since the invasion in classic divide-and-rule mode.
Throughout the occupation, armed resistance has been concentrated in mainly Sunni Arab areas.
Whenever it has spread to the Shia population - as it did in 2004, when Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi army fought the Americans - the potentially decisive threat to US control from a genuinely nationwide resistance movement has become clear.
Now armed resistance by the Mahdi army has re-emerged, against the British in Basra and the Americans in Baghdad, where the US lieutenant general Raymond Odierno has claimed that most attacks during July were by Shia fighters.
The history of anti-colonial and anti-occupation resistance campaigns shows that success has almost always depended on broad-based national movements.
But the embryonic resistance front has got to be a positive development if it holds together.
Not only could the creation of an alliance with a common programme help open up cooperation with Shia anti-occupation forces now, but if there is going to be a stable post-occupation settlement in Iraq, that will have to include all those with genuine support on the ground.
Sooner or later, the Americans are going to have to negotiate with these groups.
Solidarity with Iraqis Fighting the US Presence in Iraq
Lawrence McGuire, a North Carolinian now teaching in Montpellier, France, organized a meeting of antiwar Americans and various interested French parties there at which I spoke last fall.
Since then, we've been discussing off and on the strange fact that while two-thirds of all Americans oppose the war in Iraq and want the troops to come home, the antiwar movement is pretty much dead. McGuire raises the matter of direct solidarity with Iraqis fighting the US presence in Iraq.
In other words, support their troops:
I was reading a recent piece by Phyllis Bennis recently.
She talked about the 'US military casualties' and the 'Iraqi civilian victims' and it struck me that the grand taboo of the antiwar movement is to show the slightest empathy for the resistance fighters in Iraq.
They are never mentioned as people for whom we should show concern, much less admiration.
But of course, if you are going to sympathize with the US soldiers, who are fighting a war of aggression, than surely you should also sympathize with the soldiers who are fighting for their homeland.
Perhaps not until the antiwar movement starts to some degree recognizing that they should include 'the Iraqi resistance fighters' in their pantheon of victims (in addition to US soldiers and Iraqi civilians) will there be the necessary critical mass to have a real movement.
There are many obvious reasons why the direct solidarity with resistance fighters visible in the Vietnam antiwar struggle and the Central American anti-intervention movement has not been visible in the movement opposing the Iraq war.
The "War on Terror" means - and was designed to mean - that any group in the US with detectable ties or relations with Iraqi resistance movements would be in line for savage legal reprisals under the terms of the Patriot Act.
Another important factor:
The contours of the Iraqi resistance have been murky and in some aspects unappetizing to secular progressive coalitions in the West, or so they virtuously claim.
But such cavils were familiar in the Sixties and Eighties too as huge chunks of the solidarity movement found endless reasons to distance themselves from the Vietnamese NLF or the Nicaraguan FMLN.
That said, ignorance about the Iraqi resistance is somewhat forgiveable. This time there has been no Wilfrid Burchett reporting from behind the lines, and that has had consequences of the kind McGuire sketches out above.
The personal aspect of international political solidarity is not just the stuff of nostalgic anecdote.
In the late 1980s the Central American resistance was constantly among us here in the United States in physical form.
While Daniel Oretega and Rosario Murillo worked the Hollywood liberal circuit, the sanctuary movement sheltered militants and sympathizers in churches across the country and defied federal efforts to seize them.
Labor organizers from El Salvador traveled across North America from local to friendly local.
I can remember being at a picnic of a union local striking a door factory in Springfield, Oregon, southeast of Eugene, where a man from a radical labor coalition in El Salvador got a cordial reception from the strikers and their families as they swapped stories of their respective battles.
The other day I found in a box of old papers in my garage a directory to "sister cities"-towns in the United States that had paired with beleagured towns in Nicaragua, regularly exchanging delegations.
The directory was as thick as a medium-sized telephone book. There were hundreds of such pairings and many were the individual pairing they led to.
People's Express, the "backpackers' airline," as it used to be called, would shuttle demure sisters in the struggle from Vermont or the Pacific Northwest to Miami, for onward passage to Managua and a rendezvous with some valiant son of Sandino or oppressed Nica sister liberated by North American inversion from the oppressions of Latin patriarchy.
Today there is no draft, a prime factor in stocking the Vietnam antiwar movement.
This absence of the draft is certainly a major factor in the weakness of the antiwar movement.
But though there was no draft in the Reagan years, there was certainly was that very lively political culture of anti-intervention in the 1980s.
It looked as though just such a vibrant left antiwar movement was flaring into life in 2003.
But many of its troops have either veered into 9/11 kookdom, or whining about global warming or nourished an often unspoken resolve to vest all hopes in a Democratic presidency after 2008.
The bulk of the antiwar movement has become subservient to the Democratic Party and to the agenda of its prime candidates for the presidency in 2008, with Hillary Clinton in the lead.
To describe the antiwar movement in its effective form is really to mention a few good efforts-the anti-recruitment campaigns, the tours by those who have lost children in Iraq, or three or four brave souls like Cindy Sheehan
She single-handedly reanimated the antiwar movement last year and now vows to run against house speaker Nancy Pelosi unless the latter stops blocking impeachment proceedings, or the radical Catholic Kathy Kelly, or Medea Benjamin and her "Code Pink" activists occupying Hilary Clinton's office and ambushing her for youtube.
A simple question: Has the end of America's war on Iraq been brought closer by the recapture of the US Congress by the Democrats in November 2006?
The answer is that when it comes to the actual war, which has led to the bloody disintegration of Iraqi society, the deaths of up to 5,000 Iraqis a month, the death and mutilation of US soldiers every day, nothing at all has happened since the Democrats rode to victory in November courtesy of popular revulsion in America against the war.
I don't think there is much of an independent Left in America today, if there was, then Lawrence McGuire's statement about the lack of solidarity with the Iraqi resistance wouldn't be so obviously on the mark.
The American people are largely against the war, to the huge embarassment and distress of the Republican and Democratic leadership. So does it matter that there's not much of an antiwar movement? Very much so. It's how the left down the years has learned its internationalist ABC.
max blunt
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17.08.2007 07:43
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