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Climate Camp Arrests - people needed on site

mini mouse | 12.08.2007 08:28 | Climate Camp 2007 | Climate Chaos | London

Reports are coming in of a first arrest at 2.45 am this morning.

A man was arrested at 2.45 this morning for "failing to explain how he bought a young person's rail ticket". Unconfirmed reports say he was assaulted in the van and taken to Heathrow police station. The number of the arresting officers were taken by legal observers.

There have also been 3 stop and searches.

A camper has urged "we need to get as many bodies on site as possible".

mini mouse



12.08.2007 09:10

The police are very pissed off that they didn't find the site for around 2 hours despite being very nearby. They're demanding to search everything entering the site and even copying every piece of available information from mobile phones, such as serial numbers and phone numbers stored in the address book. No news on the arrestee other than that its a 'known activist' who the police decided would make a nice token gesture of force. Anyone wanting to get down to work on the site is very much welcome to get down and get working.


2nd Arrest

12.08.2007 10:37

Someone has been nicked for walking on the road. Legal observers were present. Searches becoming a little less thorough, though even the back route into the site is being heavily policed.


Police powers

12.08.2007 13:43

Anyone searched should make sure they are told which powers the police are using.

Searches under the Terrorism Act are for things which could be used in an attack. This doesn't include rummaging through phones, wallets, books and so on and copying things down. If they do this get legal help and make a fuss about it.

A N Other

staying safe/not getting freaked out & directions

12.08.2007 14:25

There'll be a flurry of police hassle initially, as we're seeing, and as they get used to the idea that we're actually on their patch, and they didn't manage to stop us! After that it should settle down. Don't be freaked out by these early reports, and check out the legal info in advance - there's a funny I Spy card about police searches/powers, and how to say no to them (eg going through your mobile phone, which they have no legal power in this instance to do).

Also, there's specific directions (& other legal advice) on the climate camp website ( - and if that's down (as it appears to be just now), this stuff is also on the Earth First! website (

climate camper 2

Getting there + Police searches

12.08.2007 14:44

I see the climate camp website has been updated with 'Location and how to get there' by various methods
As for the police searches - it seems that searches made under the Terrorist acts include being able to search documents, go through your wallet, phone details, etc. Of course, they KNOW we're not terrorists, but it's a damn good excuse to do a whole load of intelligence gathering at one stroke. Please don't be put off going though! Just be careful what you take with you.


Phones PDA's etc

13.08.2007 16:44

As has been said the cops do not have the right to obtain information from these under s44, but it is best to password protect them (lock them) anyway. Also don't bring any ID - you do not need it!

Legal observer


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OK bods needed but whats the best way to get there?

12.08.2007 13:18

Am in oxford and can come down today or tomorrow.

Climte Camper

Police, anti-terror laws, arresting Cristina Fraser?

13.08.2007 22:09

I'm working on a blog regarding the fact that the Police can now justify using anti-terror laws for stopping climate activists. It is outrageous. This in itself should warrant as much protest as the climate change cause.

The Guardian today mentions that "Unfortunately, the star cook, an anthropology student, Cristina Fraser, had been arrested and was in the back of a police van."

Are there any details available as to why, and if she is still being detained?

Cheers, Tico

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