Khilafah from Below, not Above
Mark Barrett | 10.08.2007 22:04 | Culture | Terror War | Zapatista | London | World
Friday, 10 August 2007
Khilafah from Below, not Above
In Judaism's Declaration of Faith, Deuteronomy 6:4 or Shema Yisrael it is said: שמע ישראל "Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad" or "Hear (sometimes translated as "hear and act upon") Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One". This is said to be the most important Jewish prayer, to be said twice a day, in the morning and at night.
By way of contrast it is said in Islam's Shahadah: أشهد أن] لا إله إلاَّ الله و [أشهد أن ] محمد رسول الله ] pronounced "lā ilāha illā-llāh, wa muħammadan rasūlu-llā" or "There is no god (ilah) but Allah (the One God) and Muhammed is the messenger of Allah." And most definitely this means submission, for, according to Muhammed's teachings, the purpose of religion is the same as the literal meaning of the word 'Islam', which is "the peace that comes with surrender to the will of God". Or, as it states in the Qu'ran: "truly it is only in the remembrance of God that hearts find their rest."
In this basic commandment: submit to, which is to say love, God's will, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are one and the same.
Indeed, the Jewish prayer continues by affirming this (as does Jesus stating it as the highest commandment, Matthew 22:36-40) this part called V'ahav'ta, to be found at Deuteronomy 6:5: 'to love God with all your heart, mind (sometimes translated as might) and soul.'
Likewise in the teachings of Jesus we're encouraged to worship God, in spirit and in truth, doing nice things for each other (like sharing food, in graceful remembrance of God, the divine existing in all worldly things) but also to fight the power, for the liberating truth.
So, all three monotheistic faiths contain different ways in which to worship, which is to say remember, the One God of Life, and of course it is fine for them to differ. But where they must unite is in the fight to embody this Unity: for the downtrodden, for animals, all of nature, for each other, & for ourselves. To challenge the status quo where, presently only the rich are honoured in this way. 'The purpose of religion is to be an irritant to the state', it is about feeling and living according to the interconnectedness of things: which is precisely why it must work to irritate, transforming it (the capitalist-controlled state) so that it works on the same basis, honouring all..
This then is the meaning of khilafa, or stewardship, and jihad or holy war to get us there: the ideal of a democratic khilafa, or caliphate-of-stewardship, led from below, as with the zapatista! And, by the spirit of openess, be a witness to God's teachings for this time, which are: feisty stewardship of each, local community, and so, by extension taking democratic control of the particular political system that we have inherited, and over which we have the power to change.
But not for God you Islamist neo-Leninist vanguardist jihadis. No, instead ye shall know them by their far better, democratic fruits.. through non-violent action against the state they'll achieve democratic khilafa, built 'from below'. For, once heard, the sound of the One Lord can only lead in one direction: in grace towards forgiveness, good works and, yes, a transforming attitude towards the state, which is, most definitely, in the hands of 'the enemy'..
(Jews, Christians & Muslims Unite!)
Read full post, with pictures, music etc at:
Also, FYI a new list, Good Idea / Civilisation looks to bring together diverse religious and other radical constituencies, a form of ijtihad, or independent enquiry, as: (1) a process of ntercultural/civilisational dialogue around anti-war/the nature of just war (2) a bridge between Judaeo-Christian, Islamic and other religious, and non-religious, political traditions (3) a stimulant for the reinstatement of authentic religious and/or other ethical values as an appropriate political arbiter; and (5) a force against false consciousness. Our motto is Gandhi's when describing western civilisation: "I think it would be a good idea"..
Pls spread the word to any religious or, better still anti-religious orientated anti-authoritarian activists perhaps we will be able to have some good dialogue..
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Khilafah from Below, not Above
In Judaism's Declaration of Faith, Deuteronomy 6:4 or Shema Yisrael it is said: שמע ישראל "Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad" or "Hear (sometimes translated as "hear and act upon") Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One". This is said to be the most important Jewish prayer, to be said twice a day, in the morning and at night.
By way of contrast it is said in Islam's Shahadah: أشهد أن] لا إله إلاَّ الله و [أشهد أن ] محمد رسول الله ] pronounced "lā ilāha illā-llāh, wa muħammadan rasūlu-llā" or "There is no god (ilah) but Allah (the One God) and Muhammed is the messenger of Allah." And most definitely this means submission, for, according to Muhammed's teachings, the purpose of religion is the same as the literal meaning of the word 'Islam', which is "the peace that comes with surrender to the will of God". Or, as it states in the Qu'ran: "truly it is only in the remembrance of God that hearts find their rest."
In this basic commandment: submit to, which is to say love, God's will, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are one and the same.
Indeed, the Jewish prayer continues by affirming this (as does Jesus stating it as the highest commandment, Matthew 22:36-40) this part called V'ahav'ta, to be found at Deuteronomy 6:5: 'to love God with all your heart, mind (sometimes translated as might) and soul.'
Likewise in the teachings of Jesus we're encouraged to worship God, in spirit and in truth, doing nice things for each other (like sharing food, in graceful remembrance of God, the divine existing in all worldly things) but also to fight the power, for the liberating truth.
So, all three monotheistic faiths contain different ways in which to worship, which is to say remember, the One God of Life, and of course it is fine for them to differ. But where they must unite is in the fight to embody this Unity: for the downtrodden, for animals, all of nature, for each other, & for ourselves. To challenge the status quo where, presently only the rich are honoured in this way. 'The purpose of religion is to be an irritant to the state', it is about feeling and living according to the interconnectedness of things: which is precisely why it must work to irritate, transforming it (the capitalist-controlled state) so that it works on the same basis, honouring all..
This then is the meaning of khilafa, or stewardship, and jihad or holy war to get us there: the ideal of a democratic khilafa, or caliphate-of-stewardship, led from below, as with the zapatista! And, by the spirit of openess, be a witness to God's teachings for this time, which are: feisty stewardship of each, local community, and so, by extension taking democratic control of the particular political system that we have inherited, and over which we have the power to change.
But not for God you Islamist neo-Leninist vanguardist jihadis. No, instead ye shall know them by their far better, democratic fruits.. through non-violent action against the state they'll achieve democratic khilafa, built 'from below'. For, once heard, the sound of the One Lord can only lead in one direction: in grace towards forgiveness, good works and, yes, a transforming attitude towards the state, which is, most definitely, in the hands of 'the enemy'..
(Jews, Christians & Muslims Unite!)
Read full post, with pictures, music etc at:
Also, FYI a new list, Good Idea / Civilisation looks to bring together diverse religious and other radical constituencies, a form of ijtihad, or independent enquiry, as: (1) a process of ntercultural/civilisational dialogue around anti-war/the nature of just war (2) a bridge between Judaeo-Christian, Islamic and other religious, and non-religious, political traditions (3) a stimulant for the reinstatement of authentic religious and/or other ethical values as an appropriate political arbiter; and (5) a force against false consciousness. Our motto is Gandhi's when describing western civilisation: "I think it would be a good idea"..
Pls spread the word to any religious or, better still anti-religious orientated anti-authoritarian activists perhaps we will be able to have some good dialogue..
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Mark Barrett
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