Victorian Landlord
F*** Cobalt | 09.08.2007 13:45
In their latest newsletter,published here.They have decided to penalise tenents who are in arrears,and other reasons.In a planned upgrading of the old disgusting kitchens in their properties,often infested with ants.They intend to exclude tenents who owe rent,have a family member who as an asbo,owe them for repairs or have not payed their gas bill.Incidently how they know a tenent has not payed thier gas bill would mean the gas company is giving out personal customer information.This social housing company of self appointed charitable businesmen/women are behaving like some victorian poor law organisation.The recent installation of double glazing is of poor quality and imbecilic workmanship.Frames are not fixed to the struture in some propert'y.And fixing holes left unfilled make the point of double glazing obsolete.It seems more of Cobalts budget is spent infiltrating the police.Supplying cash for the Cobalt police force.But be that as it may to actually make people to continue to live in rundown homes and to deny upgrades to them on the grounds of not being able to pay domestic bills is nothing short of slum property landlord tactics or sending the Beagle round.If they are allowed to get away with it you can expect it to spread to non social housing.I hope some of the mainstream read this and take it up.
F*** Cobalt
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