Unfair Exclusion of Da*** Ro** from Climate Camp
Da*** Ro*** | 05.08.2007 15:21 | Climate Camp 2007 | Climate Chaos
Katie and Anna Jackson see no reason for the exclusion.
When will this madness end? When will there be justice? If Climate Camp is not fair to the people who have volunteered and made scarifies over many months, what credibility does it have?
When will this madness end? When will there be justice? If Climate Camp is not fair to the people who have volunteered and made scarifies over many months, what credibility does it have?
From: C*******ne T***ge
Date: 2 Aug 2007 12:39
Subject: Hello
To: david****
Hi D**id Ro**,
I just want to say that I personally feel pretty uncomfortable with this whole situation and some of the ways that it has been dealt with by various people involved.
I had personal reservations at the time about the letter we originally sent you (signed by process and tranquility ie me and rachel) and still do. I still don't know if it was the right thing to do or not and I do think that you and Rachel should speak.
All the best
Date: 2 Aug 2007 12:39
Subject: Hello
To: david****

Hi D**id Ro**,
I just want to say that I personally feel pretty uncomfortable with this whole situation and some of the ways that it has been dealt with by various people involved.
I had personal reservations at the time about the letter we originally sent you (signed by process and tranquility ie me and rachel) and still do. I still don't know if it was the right thing to do or not and I do think that you and Rachel should speak.
All the best
Da*** Ro***