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Russian for oil

Fly Posters | 05.08.2007 11:10

It appears global warming isn't so bad after all, it means that previously unobtainable oil and gas can be now got to due the shrinking of the polar ice caps as demonstrated by russia in their recent planting of a flag on the sea bed under the north pole.

"The new oil rush has been galvanised by the accelerated shrinking of the polar ice cap because of global warming, which has allowed exploration that had been previously unthinkable because of the extreme conditions."

-Independant on sunday

It kind of makes me think of the heroin addict, who after collapsing most of his veins gets exited when a "new vein" appears, blissfully unawares that it is a smaller vein expanded under pressure to take over the job of the collapsed veins.

The expedition was led by explorer and scientist Artur Chilingarov, in an attempt to claim the large gas and oil reserves believed to be under the north pole, now, I am not a scientist like him, but I can see the fucking insanity in this!

Fly Posters