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Time for your 15 minutes of Fame

Nick TW | 02.08.2007 15:22 | Social Struggles | London | South Coast

A request for extras to appear as Road protestors in a forthcoming respected ITV production.

If you have ever wanted to appear on TV here is your chance.

We are looking for 25 people with the look of Road Protestors to appear in a forthcoming TV production. The production will be shot around the Home Counties, Surrey or Oxford are most likely.

You will be well looked after, fed and paid for the day.

To apply please forward contact details and a recent headshot to

All ages welcome but you must be over 18.

Nick TW
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Hide the following 7 comments

Oh goody!

02.08.2007 16:16

Can we bring our Re-Investigate 9/11 posters with us? Big ones? - 9/11 UK thread

"Fog of war could explain why some people were confused on the day of 9/11, but it could not explain
why all of the..investigations and public testimony by FAA and NORAD officials advanced an account of 9/11 that was untrue."

Thomas H. Kean, Chairman, 9/11 Commission 8/4/06

now a 'member' at:


Red right hand

02.08.2007 18:38

"If you have ever wanted to appear on TV here is your chance."

Any muppet has the chance to appear on TV 20 times a day. Do you really think we give up our careers, our families, even our liberty and health in the hope that one day we can appear on TV ? The only activists who wish to appear on TV are compromised self-promoting idiots that have nothing to do with us.

"We are looking for 25 people with the look of Road Protestors to appear in a forthcoming TV production. "

The look of Road Protestors ? How very diplomatic. I wonder what the look of a smarmy money grabbing TV exec is once they've been down a tunnel or up a tree for a month.

Actually, someone please take Nick up on his offer simply to give the bloke the kicking he has just asked for. Whatever he pays you, take it, but I will pay you double if you post a photograph here of his face smashed up until he too has 'the look of a road protestor'.

it's me
I'm returning your call
it's monday wednesday friday
between noon and three
he says I
usually just let the phone ring
but I've always got a minute of time
for the next big thing

and I wonder
how can he see where he's going
with those dollar signs in front of his eyes?
I say thank you
for your interest
but my thing is already
just the right size

it's me
yes I'll play for the door
nothing more
on a tuesday
he says baby
what is your name
I forgot
he says baby
tell me again
are you really hot

and I think
he does not hear what I'm saying
he's just looking at my eight by ten
and wondering about
the part that was left out
does she have a body
that will really draw them in?

how much do you want
how much are you willing to do
baby this is no business
for a sweet little girl like you
can you play the game
act it out
frame for frame
do you know your lines
let's hear them one more time

but I'd rather pay my dues
to the six people
sitting at the bar
than to all those men
in their business suits
who say I'll take you away from this
if you'll just
get in the car


Whats happening to Indymedia?

02.08.2007 18:42

Commercial TV wanker opportunists and conspiracy nutters, please remove this shit!!!

Aunty Christ

corporate social greenwash

03.08.2007 09:33

and the site links to a 'corporate social responsibilty' service -you're aving a larf....yep aunty - indy seems to have a lot of liberal pro-party poltics stuff, and the classist good protestor/bad protester shite on it as well - a lot of that around- smear cmapaigns etc. from careerist bourgious activists. On that note I should mention the Tower Shamlets £1.4 million pound budget for'green roles' including a Corporate Director of Environment & Culture who does fuckall for their £120K salary. green capitalist scum. Anyway be the Media.


Hatchet job?

04.08.2007 02:58

Past experience of how "protestors" are portrayed in tv fiction should be enough to make people cautious of dealing with the likes of "Nick". Note that "Nick" does not publish his Surname. He hides behind "nicktw" How is anyone expected to trust someone like that?


To be fair...

04.08.2007 23:57

he did publish his full name and agenda on his url - Nick Thomas-Webster. Which is enough info to identify his address.

But you are right, showbusiness folk don't let morals interfere with a good story anymore than journalists do, and he did hide the story from us.


'the look'

06.08.2007 14:27

I asked Nick what look was required, here's his answer:

"Any look will do it should represent the wide spectrum of protestors and as
we all know we are all different. Send me a photo and I will put it up to
the casting director."

seems there was no reason to ask for a look in the first place...
