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Yet another front-group joins the BNP's fast-growing collection

Lancaster UAF | 02.08.2007 13:48 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool

That makes twenty-five, no twenty-six, no twenty-seven etc etc

The BNP's apparent mania for creating new organisations between which it can spread its diminishing resources in a vain attempt to screw money out of as many people as possible continues with the official launch a few days ago of ABEX, the Association of British Ex-Services Personnel.

ABEX comes complete with a mission statement:

'The aim of ABEX is to promote and support the welfare of ex forces personnel and their dependants, and those organizations whose agents have risked life and limb in the service of this country, through democratic representation to ensure fair and equitable treatment within our society.'

In common with every other organisation the BNP has set up in the past ten years, the BNP states that ABEX 'is not a BNP group' and that it is an 'independent and non-party political association'. Strange then, that it has been a BNP-run 'circle' for the past three years - at least according to the last three sets of accounts submitted to the Electoral Commission (2003-5) - under the care of BNP-terrorist Tony Lecomber and subsequently Sadie Graham, following Lecomber's sacking as Group Development Officer last year.

Even more strange is the statement that ABEX is 'a non profit organisation and [is] applying for Charity status at this time'. Obviously it hasn't got it. If it had, the Charity Registration number should be shown on its website and it isn't. Not that ABEX has a hope in hell of gaining charitable status (as the BNP well knows) because groups run by political parties are not allowed to be charities.

This group that is not a BNP front-group is so independent that it intends to have a stand at the party's annual Red, White and Blue booze-fest this weekend, presumably alongside that other well-known not a BNP front-group Solidarity 2, its fake union...

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Lancaster UAF
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And campaign for an Armed Forces Pay Cut

05.08.2007 11:31

Having come up with the wheeze of another enterprise, feet have already been shot:

ABEX is campaigning to reduce military pay. While it might make good political rhetoric to the Far Right, the reality is that the Military are better paid than other public sector workers.

Which was one of the reasons for targetting the Military: they have the largest discretionary income after tax and pensions of all the Public Servants. ABEX could ensure a nice little earner for a long time.

The use of the Downing Street petitions platform as a way to harveste-mails is an idea that could only have come from the petty bourgeouis money mad. While spam is viewed with disgust by many, the wheeze of collecting names for a "cause" and then milking even a few (those who sign their petition Corporal might just do it) is an alternative to an ISA that nobody could have imagined in civilised society.

Nick Griffins Accountant