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The Journey

Tribal Alliance | 30.07.2007 10:18 | Anti-racism | Culture | World

The caneos are one day away from the destination, the Lummi
reservation near the Canadian border. There are canoes from Alaska and
Grande Ronde Oregon. It is the first year for the Oregon canoe. We are
not powwow Indians. Our dances are in the winter and are ceremonial.
We are canoe people. We are getting back to our roots.

The caneos are one day away from the destination, the Lummi
reservation near the Canadian border. There are canoes from Alaska and
Grande Ronde Oregon. It is the first year for the Oregon canoe. We are
not powwow Indians. Our dances are in the winter and are ceremonial.
We are canoe people. We are getting back to our roots. We are starting
all over. Our Tribal Councils try to take the position of Chief. But
Spirit is choosing her own. We have a young man that carved our first
canoe when he was 15 years old. He was our first captain. He looks out
for everyone. He is always the last canoe in because he makes sure
everyone is okay. Most want to be the first one to land. He is our
Chief. My sister was going to paddle in his canoe in honor of her
husband who passed away almsot three months ago from cancer. The Pink
Paddle canoe asked her to paddle with them. She is an experienced
paddler. She was in the first Paddle to Seattle and the next Paddle to
Bella Bella. I have insisted that she call me every night so I know
she is okay. Last year three white boys took shots at the canoes as
they rounded the tip of the Kitsapp Peninsula. This year a boat sped
past a Canadian canoe in the Port Angeles harbor. Their wake caused
the canoe to tip over. It may have been an accident or it may have
been a racist trying to disrupt our celebration. Last year a Makah
canoe overturned and a Canadian chief that was paddling with them
drowned. He was a big supporter of the canoe journeys. The Traditional
Chiefs from Canada are a big help. Sometimes they stand in for Tribes
who no longer have Chiefs, but have Tribal Councils. They support
everyone. I can't describe the pride and joy you feel when you see
your canoe come ashore and ask permission to land. You know they have
faced storms of all kinds, wind, rain, fog. They had to set aside
differences and become one body, one heart, one mind to make it
through. That is what Spirit is teaching us. We have gotten so far
away from what we're supposed to be. These canoe journeys are a gift
from the Creator. To help heal us. To teach us to love one another and
take care of one another. And to forgive one another. No one can hold
a grudge like a wronged Indian. One canoe has a Blackfeet friend who
speaks his language. He speaks for the canoe in Blackfeet. It is
beautiful. One canoe has a Hawaiian friend paddling with them. He is
over seven feet tall. Everyone gets dark from the sun on the water.
He got black. Their canoe tipped over. His feet are so big that when
his tennis shoes started filling with water it dragged him under. The
smallest boy in the canoe, (he is five foot six) dove into the water
and untied his shoes. They got their baptism. The Hawaiian boy is so
exotic that he always had a crowd following him whereever he went. He
was good natured about it. I was going to wait until wednesday when I
have money. But I'm going to take off tomorrow. I want to be there
when my Tribe's canoes come in. I can't explain it. You just have to
experience it. It is the same history that was being made at WK 73. On
a different healthier frequency. I'll probably coast into Lummi on
fumes. Maybe I'll run out a few miles away. But I have to be there.

Thanks to Monica.

Tribal Alliance


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in your grace we bask

31.07.2007 07:59

Indymedia and Indybay History

Indymedia and Indybay History

my tribute to Nessie the founder and pioneer of indymedia
- Kevin Keating
Independent Media Before Indymedia
-- IGC (LaborNet, PeaceNet ...), AInfos, Infoshop News
IGC 1998:
IGC Now:

Ainfos 1998:
Infoshop News Kiosk 1999:
--CounterMedia (August 1996 DNC Coverage)

Indymedia's Birth In SanFrancisco

First Indymedia coverage
current global site

Indymedia spreads

Nessie makes the creation of a global linking of imc's a reality. a great step forward has been taken for the liberation of all man kind. history will record this as the day that information was made available for the common pepole all over the world.
by June 2000
belgium, Europe
boston, US
calgary, Canada
hamilton, Canada
italy, Europe
los angeles, US
mayday, US site
mayday, UK
philadelphia, US
-Seattle US
washington d.c., US
windsor, Canada
eventually all over the world
Europe, Australia, Caneda, S America

Seattle US had gone on line but experienced numerous computer problems. it was toutch and go for a while but nessie finaly came through for them as well. this story is so typical of nessie's selfless efforts in founding indymedia.
and now US and topic based sites
all these sights where possible thanks to nessie's guidance. carefully mentoring each sight training it's staff. guiding the leaders untill they where ready to stand on their own.
Indybay Born
August 2000:
September 2000:
National Association Of Broadcasters Conference:
October 2000:

Housing Page/Media Alliance
Media Alliance in 2000
Housing Project (later snapshot but mostly same content as in 2000)
-street newspaper conference
Poverty & Housing Page Archives:
Poverty and Housing Page (no deals with many other issues effecting poor people):
Mission Anti-Displacement Coalition Storms Live/Work Conversion Project
Street Newspaper Conference (NASNA)
More recent housing news:
Newsom and Gentrification

Indymedia and Indybay in 2000
A16 in DC/ IMF and World Bank Protests
S26 Prague/Praha
Indybay December 2000

Indymedia and Indybay in 2001 (before 911)
Snapshot of Indybay coverage FTAA, May Day, RTS

Bush inaguration

Quebec FTAA

local globalization coverage:
our new globalization page:

environment and forest defense
forest page in July 2001
- environment page
g8 genoa
-italy coverage
-local coverage

WCAR and indymedia coverage
South Africa Site
race page

Indymedia and Indybay in 2001 (after 911)

-first pictures on DC and NYC sites

Antiwar coverage
-first Afghan war protests
-Antiwar action
-antiwar page

-war starts
-Afghanistan page

police state coverage
-attacks on protesters
-police brutality
-patriot act
-police page

Indymedia and Indybay in 2002

immigrant roundups
-INS roundups
-immigrant page

palestine coverage
-protests at UCB

-palestine site
-Palestine page and more local coverage

Insolent Youth incorporated
-mainstream coverage

Labor Protests
-early coverage (day labor, SEIU, May Day...)
-ILWU lockout
-Safeway lockou and strike
-hotel strike

Indymedia and Indybay in 2003

Iraq War
-helicopter pictures
-arrests and black bloc
-war starts/ city goes crazy

Iraq page
-local reporters in iraq
-iraq news
-need for international page
(for stories without pages such as) Aceh:

Miami Ftaa

Indymedia and Indybay in 2004

Central Valley
Spying On Peace Fresno
Peace Fresno

Reclaim the Commons (Biotech and globalization)
the war for animal rights
Drug War
-med marij
Gary Web (CIA, Contras and Cocaine)

Haiti coverage
-local coverage
-haiti page

Womyn's page (only updated by women)
-due to problems in the network with representation
-abortion coverage

Queer Coverage
-Gay Shame & antiConsumer pride protests
-Gay marriage

education coverage
-student protests
-school closures

Indymedia and Indybay in 2005

-RNC (2004)
-Counter inaguration

animal lib

if you have any more history please add it to this story, and we will put it into the history records

and please repost to interested parties

thank you

Kevin Keating

Uma Tidwell

Seems the previous commenter has a problem with this posting...

31.07.2007 09:54 some kinda racist? ;)

Tribal Alliance

Tribal Alliance

31.07.2007 18:10

Looks like the comment was posted to the wrong thread... but who knows with some of the fruitloops this place attracts.

Flathead distant cousin

The truth - Contorted head games by ALF biased activist clique etc

03.08.2007 16:27

..including Indymedia admin. I know because I know the scene very very well from personal experience. I know just where they are at. Leftist, materialist, ALF bias.

Please except my heartfelt apologies Native Americans, for my fellow countrymens' disgraceful behaviour in various guises towards your sound and precious tribal culture over the years :~

The latest...

...Now that is cosmic!


"Kevin Keating"

11.08.2007 01:03

Kevin didn't write this. It's a forgery, and it's spam:

this is a forgery