BNP's 'Cultural Officer' resigns after accusations
Lancaster UAF | 29.07.2007 18:26 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool
The so-called 'Cultural Officer' and member of the Advisory Council of the British National Party has resigned following a series of accusations that have been posted up on the Covert blog.
Bowden, former member of the Tory Monday Club before joining the BNP, became a target for the Covert Crew, headed by Tommy Williams, an old pal of Nick Griffins, when he supported Chris Jackson in the recent BNP leadership challenge - his being one of the hundred signatures required before the challenge could take place. Covert, ever-ready to suck up to the Welshpool pig-farmer who leads the BNP, printed the question, 'Is Jonathan Bowden A Nonce?', followed by a piece of fairly innocuous text but which included a reference to Bowden's 'Gary Glitteresque sideburns'.
The really offensive content is tucked away in the comments to the piece, where Williams and his little gang have allowed the more venomous of Nick Griffin's supporters to attack at will.
Bowden's resignation letter to Nick Griffin gives more detail.
'During the middle of Saturday afternoon the party head of security, Martin Reynolds, texted me to inform me that Tommy William’s tendentious and lying filth about me had been taken down. It appears that not only is this not the case but the criminal abuse has got ten times worse.
I have given a lot of time and effort to this party over the last 4 years. I am now being accused repeatedly of being a paedophile on the Internet by one of your quote unquote old mates.
I am sick and tired of the human scum and vermin which proliferate in such shallows waters. To be accused of being a child abuser is amongst the lowest thing that can possibly be imagined. To even refute such allegations from criminal psychopaths like these is beneath one’s dignity.
I will seek to have police action carried out against this vile Internet site, but I also intend to resign as cultural officer, advisory council member and member of the BNP. I do not wish to associate-even tangentially-with such low-grade lycanthropes and psychotic criminals. Williams, I gather, is a convicted drug dealer and career criminal with a string of convictions.
I have many other and better things to do with my life in future.
The stench of this rabble, lumpen and canaille is displeasing to me. I shall devote myself to the world of the arts from which I originate and to which I shall return.
Yours ever
Jonathan Bowden'
Williams and his fellow loons on Covert, using different names on the nazi Stormfront forum, have announced repeatedly and forcefully that the BNP will be purged of everyone who dared to support Chris Jackson in the leadership election campaign and it appears that they are starting with the bigger guns...
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Bowden, former member of the Tory Monday Club before joining the BNP, became a target for the Covert Crew, headed by Tommy Williams, an old pal of Nick Griffins, when he supported Chris Jackson in the recent BNP leadership challenge - his being one of the hundred signatures required before the challenge could take place. Covert, ever-ready to suck up to the Welshpool pig-farmer who leads the BNP, printed the question, 'Is Jonathan Bowden A Nonce?', followed by a piece of fairly innocuous text but which included a reference to Bowden's 'Gary Glitteresque sideburns'.
The really offensive content is tucked away in the comments to the piece, where Williams and his little gang have allowed the more venomous of Nick Griffin's supporters to attack at will.
Bowden's resignation letter to Nick Griffin gives more detail.
'During the middle of Saturday afternoon the party head of security, Martin Reynolds, texted me to inform me that Tommy William’s tendentious and lying filth about me had been taken down. It appears that not only is this not the case but the criminal abuse has got ten times worse.
I have given a lot of time and effort to this party over the last 4 years. I am now being accused repeatedly of being a paedophile on the Internet by one of your quote unquote old mates.
I am sick and tired of the human scum and vermin which proliferate in such shallows waters. To be accused of being a child abuser is amongst the lowest thing that can possibly be imagined. To even refute such allegations from criminal psychopaths like these is beneath one’s dignity.
I will seek to have police action carried out against this vile Internet site, but I also intend to resign as cultural officer, advisory council member and member of the BNP. I do not wish to associate-even tangentially-with such low-grade lycanthropes and psychotic criminals. Williams, I gather, is a convicted drug dealer and career criminal with a string of convictions.
I have many other and better things to do with my life in future.
The stench of this rabble, lumpen and canaille is displeasing to me. I shall devote myself to the world of the arts from which I originate and to which I shall return.
Yours ever
Jonathan Bowden'
Williams and his fellow loons on Covert, using different names on the nazi Stormfront forum, have announced repeatedly and forcefully that the BNP will be purged of everyone who dared to support Chris Jackson in the leadership election campaign and it appears that they are starting with the bigger guns...
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Lancaster UAF