Heathrow seek ridiculous injunction against potentially millions of people
From Notts | 27.07.2007 09:33 | Climate Camp 2007 | London
Apperently BAA served injunctions to some 'protest leaders' of the Camp for Climate Action, Plane Stupid, the Heathrow campaign group No Third Runway Action Group and AirportWatch. The last group, Airportwatch, is a coalition of groups liek the RSPB, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the National Trust. Their members total a mere five million people. 'Members of all the groups would be banned from setting up a camp at or in the vicinity of Heathrow and from carrying items including spades, saws, ropes, cables, aerosol cans, balloons, whistles and loudhailers.'
Heathrow 3rd Runway: Flying in the face of public opinion

Climate Camp To Target Heathrow

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In Other Media:
Heathrow puts up legal barricades to keep away protesters

Catch-all Heathrow protest injunction could bar millions

BAA seeks Heathrow green demo ban

From Notts
HACAN Press release relating to the the injunction
27.07.2007 10:27
‘Mother of all injunctions’ sought by Heathrow Airport
Next week BAA will seek a High Court legal injunction which could result in ‘members and supporters’ of residents’ campaign groups HACAN and NOTRAG being banned from the Heathrow area (1). One of the biggest injunctions ever sought in the UK would also apply to national organisations such as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, AirportWatch, the RSPB, Plane Stupid and the Woodland Trust. It means that millions of Britons could be banned from the airport, the Piccadilly tube line, parts of the rail network and sections of the M25 and M4 motorways if it is believed they are going to protest in the area.
The attempt at such far-ranging legal measures is an effort by the industry to prevent peaceful protests at the Camp for Climate Action, which is due to take place near Heathrow next month (2).
Besides being barred from the airport and vicinity, those injuncted could be banned from using the ‘arterial infrastructure serving Heathrow Airport’. According to the BAA application, this ‘shall include’:
· Platforms 6 and 7 of the railway station known as Paddington Station, London W2;
· All railway trains and carriages known as and/or operating under the names “The Heathrow Express” and “Heathrow Connect”;
· All railway trains and carriages travelling to and from Heathrow Airport;
· All railway trains and carriages operating upon the Piccadilly line of the London Underground System (‘the Piccadilly Line’);
· The M4 Motorway and all service stations between and including junctions 3 and 6;
· The M25 Motorway and all service stations between and including junctions 13 and 15”.
John Stewart, Chair HACAN, said: ‘This is the mother of all injunctions. Our members are furious. HACAN is not a direct action organisation. Isn’t it time for BAA to face up to the fact that Heathrow is big enough already rather than trying to get this ridiculous injunction? Instead of rational argument BAA has resorted to legal bullying.”
Christine Shilling, NoTRAG Press Secretary says ‘it’s time BAA got it straight – we need protecting from them – they intend to bulldoze our homes, our schools, destroy our communities, erase our history and ruin our lives. But somehow we are now the threat and not them! It’s an Alice in Wonderland logic.’
Notes for Editors
(1). The hearing will take place in the High Court on the Strand on Wednesday 1st August at 10.30am. It is expected to last a day.
(2). The Camp for Climate Action is a grassroots event not organised by any of the groups named in the injunction application. It is instead run by everyone who attends, without leaders.
(3). Sipson obliterated, nearly 800 homes destroyed; communities ripped apart; 9 schools unusable; local roads gridlocked; thousands of homes in West Drayton and Hayes subjected to noise levels of 66dBA and increase in pollution above EU limits; Harlington and Cranford left sandwiched between flight paths; Longford, Harmondsworth sandwiched between runways; 2 churches rendered unusable; ancient buildings bulldozed; extra misery for another 100,000 West Londoners.
For further information contact
John Stewart on 0207 737 6641 or 07957385650
Christine Shilling on 0208 7597389
mini mouse
World Development Movement Press Release re injunction
27.07.2007 14:33

WDM is running a campaign against the growth of aviation and airport expansion, as part of its wider campaign to get the changes necessary to halt dangerous climate change. WDM is a member of Airportwatch, a coalition which this week was named in an injunction application by the British Airports Authority. The injunction seeks to prevent the 'Camp for Climate Action' from taking place near Heathrow Airport in August.
Benedict Southworth, Director of World Development Movement said:
“The World Development Movement is an established, well-respected organisation which has campaigned for change, both peacefully and successfully, on behalf of the world’s poorest people for over 35 years. For BAA to attempt to prevent our staff, members and supporters, along with millions of other law-abiding citizens from travelling on the Piccadilly line or parts of the M4 or M25 is not only insulting but ludicrous beyond belief. WDM is campaigning for climate change to be taken seriously by big business and the government alike; this insanely draconian attempt by BAA to stop peaceful protest starkly shows how much work there is to do.”
For comment or interview please contact:
Kate Blagojevic
Press officer, World Development Movement
0207 820 4900, 07711 875 345, Email:

Notes to Editors
The World Development Movement campaigns to tackle the root causes of poverty. WDM believes that charity is not enough and aims to change the policies that keep the developing world poor. It is a democratic and politically independent organisation with 16,500 supporters and 70 local groups across the UK.
Further background can be found in the 27th July edition of the Independent
wdm repost
FOE Press Release - Jul 27 2007
27.07.2007 14:44

Heathrow airport is going to court next week in an attempt to ban environmental campaigners from the airport, parts of the rail network and sections of the M25 and M4 motorways. The ban aims to shut down a planned peaceful protest against the expansion of Heathrow airport from 14-21 August 2007.
Heathrow Airport Ltd (part of BAA) have applied for an incredibly broad injunction under the Protection from Harassment Act, which aims to ban members and supporters of the umbrella organisation AirportWatch from setting foot on named locations in and around London if they are intending to take part in the Climate Camp protest. AirportWatch is a coalition of groups including Friends of the Earth, the National Trust, the Campaign to Protect Rural England, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Woodland Trust.
There will be a hearing on Wednesday 1 August 2007. Friends of the Earth's Rights & Justice Centre is acting for AirportWatch and other campaign groups in relation to this application for an injunction.
It is an important legal case because of the effect that it could have on legitimate protest in relation to aviation and climate change.
Friends of the Earth's Director Tony Juniper said:
"This heavy handed attempt to stifle protest shows how out of touch they are about people's concerns about climate change. The application for an injunction should be stopped and the aviation industry should scale down its proposals for airport expansion at Heathrow and across the UK. A strong climate change law which includes aviation would help address these concerns."
Friends of the Earth's Rights & Justice Centre will also be providing legal observers at the camp, though we are not involved with organising the camp.
Friends of the Earth is calling on the Government to:
* Include emissions from international shipping and aviation in the Governments draft Climate Change Bill
* Stop the expansion of all UK airports including a halt to a third runway at Heathrow
* Ensure the aviation industry pays for the environmental damage it causes
[1] Friends of the Earth's Rights and Justice Centre aims to help members of the public raise awareness and understanding of the use of the law to protect the environment. Its legal advice line can be contacted on FREEPHONE 0808 801 0405 between 6.30 - 8.30pm every Wednesday evening or by email

[2] Other defendants are represented by Harrison Grant Solicitors.
Friends of the Earth fully supports the right of people to protest peacefully.
For more information on AirportWatch's supporters see

Camp for Climate Action is aimed at government expansion plans and the aviation industry.
Contact details:
Friends of the Earth
26-28 Underwood St.
N1 7JQ
Tel: 020 7490 1555
Fax: 020 7490 0881

Website: www.foe.co.uk
foe repost
Ken Livingstone's Statement on BAA's proposed injunction
27.07.2007 14:47

Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, said:
“I regard BAA's proposed injunction as serious infringement of civil liberties and an attack on the right to peaceful protest. It could have a significant impact upon London Underground operations. BAA did not consult Transport for London about this proposed injunction. Transport for London will be writing to BAA to demand that all reference to its property and services be removed from any such injunction and will oppose any attempt to restrict the lawful use of its public transport services in the courts.”
Notes to Editors
MEDIA ENQUIRIES: Call Matt Brown at the Mayor’s Press Office on 020 7983 4716 (number not for publication) or email

GENERAL PUBLIC/NON-MEDIA ENQUIRIES: Call the Public Liaison Unit at the Greater London Authority on 020 7983 4100
DUTY PRESS OFFICER: For out-of-hours media enquiries, please call 020 7983 4000
RSPB take on it all - 27th july
27.07.2007 15:07

Last modified: 27 July 2007
Airport operator BAA will attempt next week to limit the extent of a protest near Heathrow about the adverse impacts of climate change and the government’s failure to take sufficient action to minimise them.
The company is applying to the High Court to take out an injunction to stop violence and flight disruption it fears will be caused by a grass-roots protest (The camp for climate action) planned for Heathrow from August 14 to 21.
BAA has named the environmental coalition AirportWatch in its injunction application, set to be heard next Wednesday. The RSPB is checking the implications of the proposed injunction. The Society is a member of AirportWatch but believes its members' travel plans would not be affected.
The RSPB is checking the implications of the proposed injunction.....but believes its members' travel plans would not be affected.
The BAA move comes as thousands of people in England continue to suffer the effects of severe flooding. Research this week linked increased rainfall to the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change.
A Draft Climate Change Bill is being considered by the government to help tackle climate change but it is not tough enough. It sets a target of cutting UK emissions by 60 per cent by 2050. The RSPB believes this target should be 80 per cent.
The RSPB is campaigning for action on the following:
* Taxes on flying to take into account its environmental cost;
* Incentives for people to use energy more efficiently – low energy light bulbs and roof and wall insulation make a significant difference;
* Incentives to buy the most energy efficient white goods;
* The creation of wetlands and estuaries to help absorb the power of high tides and high rainfall;
* The protection of areas linking existing wildlife sites to allow species to relocate as their existing homes become damaged by climate change.
Martin Harper, Head of Sustainable Development, said: 'There is overwhelming concern all over the country about the effects of climate change. The RSPB is not linked with the camp but the injunction the company is proposing threatens to halt a protest reflecting that concern.
'The RSPB wants people to take action individually to reduce their own use of fossil fuels and the government to take the threats posed by climate change much more seriously. The floods of the past weeks are more than enough evidence to show how vital this is.'
rspb repost
Woodland Trust Statement on Injunction - 27th July
27.07.2007 15:13
Heavy handed injunction from BAA - what it means for the Trust

You may have heard or read about a proposed injunction by BAA which seeks to ban members of organisations associated with AirportWatch (which includes the Woodland Trust) from protesting near Heathrow. You can read more background to this using the links on the right.
Ed Pomfret, head of campaigns, says
"This injunction is being sought against AirportWatch, the coalition against damaging airport expansion of which the Trust is a member, as well as a number of other organisations and individuals. It aims to stop the Climate Camp which is planned at Heathrow. The Woodland Trust is not directly involved in the Climate Camp at Heathrow nor are we actively encouraging our members to take part.
The injunction being sought is a very heavy handed response from BAA. We would be very concerned if it was granted and replicated up and down the country preventing the Woodland Trust and our members from taking part in legal and peaceful protest against airport expansion which threatens irreplaceable ancient woodland and would also be damaging for the climate.
The proposed injunction is to be considered by the Courts next week and we are currently considering the legal situation if it were served."
The Trust is concerned about airport expansion proposals that destroy ancient woodland. Here you can take action to respond to specific proposals at two regional airports and make sure that protection of ancient woodland remains high on the agenda.
More information:
* Information on the threat across the UK
* Find out why we're concerned about the climate change impacts of airport expansion
* View Woodland Trust press releases on the issue
* Get further information on the issue including useful links, reports and consultation responses

woodland repost
Greenpeace website frontpage response to injunction
27.07.2007 15:18

On Wednesday, the aviation industry is taking five million people - including a lot of their own staff - to court. If you're a member or supporter of a group that's concerned about climate change, the chances are you're a defendant too.
BAA is seeking an injunction to prevent supporters of several groups that are concerned about climate change from setting foot on Heathrow, and the routes into it (including parts of the M4 and the whole of the Picadilly Line). The problem is, the combined supporter base of these groups comes to more than five million people - and includes the Queen and Prince Charles.
Here's a doozy for you: on Wednesday, the aviation industry is taking five million people - including a lot of their own staff - to court. If you're a member or supporter of a group that's concerned about climate change, the chances are you're a defendant too.
The industry seems to want to ban five million of us from Heathrow and all routes to the airport, including the Piccadilly line, parts of the rail network, and sections of the M25 and M4.
In three weeks' time, the Camp for Climate Action is due to gather near Heathrow to peacefully protest against Heathrow's vast contribution to climate change (the airport's planes emit more greenhouse gases than many individual countries) and its planned third runway expansion.
The owner of Heathrow, the British Airports Authority (BAA), seems to be, frankly, terrified.
It's seeking an injunction, which names as defendants "all persons acting as members, participants or supporters" of anti-aviation group Plane Stupid, anti-noise group HACAN and AirportWatch. The injunction is to stop people from setting foot on Heathrow and "the arterial infrastructure serving" it.
So far, so good. Just another example of the aviation industry's corporate bullying, albeit a draconian one.
But the interesting bit is that AirportWatch, named on the injunction, is just an umbrella organisation. Its member organisations include the National Trust, the RSPB, the Woodland Trust, the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England, Transport 2000, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, among many others.
The combined supporter base of these organisations is well over five million people.
And it includes the Queen, patron of the RSBP and CPRE. Prince Charles, president of the National Trust, would also be banned from Heathrow and its surrounds - as would Imran Khan and Shane Warne, who recently fund-raised for HACAN.
Even more bizarrely, the injunction covers many of BAA's own staff. Their 2006 Corporate Responsibility report (pdf) tells us that BAA sent its airport staff to the RSPB nature reserve at Lochwinnoch "where they spent the day building nest boxes for the native bird population". Which seems to me to fit the description of "persons acting as members, participants or supporters".
When we got the news, after sitting around open-mouthed for a bit, we suspected that BAA didn't know who or what AirportWatch was; they'd panicked, we thought. Hadn't done their research.
But 'a source' who's spoken to BAA has just told us that BAA is deliberately making the ban as broad as possible, and leaving it up to the police to apply it with common sense. Which means, if BAA wins, the police will have the right to stop you, me or Her Maj from, say, getting on "all railway trains and carriages operating upon the Piccadilly line"...
I've been trying to get hold of an electronic copy of the injunction for all the defendants out there but I've had no luck so far (the version delivered was so large it filled four ring-binders). If I manage, I'll post it here.
Take action!
If you're not one of the defendants and are feeling a bit left out, feel free to show a bit of solidarity; just sign up to a green organisation of your choice. If we can get another five million people banned from Heathrow, BAA might find it doesn't need its third runway after all... In fact, they could solve all their problems of lost luggage, queues and general chaos while they're at it.
gp repost
Is BAA at Heathrow running scared?
29.07.2007 08:03
NoTRAG is an anti Heathrow expansion protest group funded by the London Borough of Hillingdon. Its objective is to prevent expansion of Heathrow outside its existing operational boundaries.
BAA (Ferrovial) intends to wipe us off the map. Now it wants to deny us a voice. Even for an industry well practised in subterfuge such calumny takes some beating.
NoTRAG has been campaigning for 6 YEARS. It has NEVER been involved in civil disobedience. Its officers have always co-operated with the police. And yet now BAA sees us as such a threat to the activities of Heathrow Airport that we must be prevented from going there!
Christine Shilling, NoTRAG Press Secretary says "it's time BAA got it straight, we need protecting from them. They intend to bulldoze our homes, our schools, destroy our communities, erase our history and ruin our lives. But somehow we are now the threat and not them! It's an Alice in Wonderland logic".
Christine Shilling, Press Secretary