Teddy bears Picnic
Video-istas | 17.07.2007 17:36 | Bio-technology | Cambridge
5 minute video of protest picnic and demonstration against t the GM Potato trials taking place in Girton, Cambridgeshire July 2007.
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When is protest and distruction of property legal and ethically OK
22.10.2007 21:33
I would say that unless if I had direct proof that people will be physically harmed the first civilized way to deal with it would be to bring it to the attention of the government - including local government and local and national news agencies. Also alerting NGOs could provide resources to fight against whatever is the problem
An NGO also has resources to mount a legal action.
I could also activate a demonstration or march - but it is not appropriate to destory property
Destroying property whether Tesco's store or an GM test site is not legal. This puts us on a par with criminals and thugs. Peaceful protest is not violent. Just becuase I think something is wrong it is just as fascist for me to try to impose my will on others as it was for a fascist government or company to do so.
It's it hypocritical to use destruction of property as a mechanism of protest. I assum many would disagree
Tony Stephens
e-mail: ajkmsteph2@charter.net