My Dad Would have Been Ashamed
James Lennon | 12.07.2007 00:28
To all those Groups and bands.Those that voice their commitment to music and people.My dad would have been ashamed of you.Bono,traitoring with the state.Oasis tramping the political coke trail with the main dealer.None of you have spoke out about the injustice.You are part of it.You are not even free.You are the machines of manufactured music.No better than robots.Robots could do better and would look better.At least we would know they are robots.You are out for nothing but money and your own self interest.With your infighting and narcisism.The most famous person you know is reflected in the windows you pass.Immoral and humanly empty.Not only that your thick as the proverbial two short planks as well.Even those of you with university educations,(you know who you are).So what was suspected and even known in some circles is now out John Lennon has got more kids than the rest of the world knows.Actually two more than me and his official amount.And if this storey gets pushed about the shits in music we can put a tape or two out about our dad to show who we are.Or ask the General?Or( Paul.To show it's us (Paul,Hollydays nil)So wake up and do a Bob marley.
James Lennon