9/11 hero William Rodriguez conquers Europe
Reprehensor | 10.07.2007 23:16
For the last two months, William Rodriguez has been presenting all over the UK, and into Europe, in France and Germany.
If you missed his appearance on George Galloway's TV program, "The Real Deal" last month, here is a better video version, with Rodriguez's segment beginning at the 7:21 mark:
Here is an after-presentation interview from last week in Liverpool:
To get an idea of how busy Rodriguez been, check out the list of appearances at the British board, nineeleven.co.uk;
(In Rodriguez's Galloway appearance he refers to FAA tapes that were erased, the recordings that Rodriguez was talking about were actually after-action interviews that were destroyed not tower-to-plane transmissions.)

Here is an after-presentation interview from last week in Liverpool:

To get an idea of how busy Rodriguez been, check out the list of appearances at the British board, nineeleven.co.uk;

(In Rodriguez's Galloway appearance he refers to FAA tapes that were erased, the recordings that Rodriguez was talking about were actually after-action interviews that were destroyed not tower-to-plane transmissions.)