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9/11 Truth Invades Live Earth

Paul Joseph Watson | 10.07.2007 21:21

A giant banner that read '9/11 inside job' was on display at this past weekend's Live Earth concert in London, reaching a potential audience of 2 billion people, before the truthers responsible for the wake-up call had the banner stolen, were briefly detained and then told to leave by security.

East Anglia Truth (, a British group who specialize in 9/11 truth activism, chose to turn Al Gore's Wembley Stadium propaganda bandwagon into a showcase for real issues with a huge black banner that also carried the '' legend. The banner was visible throughout the performance of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Though some slick editing obviously took place during the BBC live feed, we were able to confirm that the banner was prominently displayed on other TV coverage and highlights packages of the event, which meant that the message got out to a potential audience of 2 billion people, as well as those in the crowd at Wembley.

The group had the opportunity to display the banner for some time before they were approached by security and it was confiscated. They were then briefly detained and ordered to follow the security guards, who took them to "speak to management," but the men disappeared and the group were allowed to leave.

Pictures and video here

Paul Joseph Watson
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10.07.2007 22:28

Another example of how these geeks are incapable of organising their own events so have to hijack other peoples. (As well as other peoples news sites) What exactly do the enviromental lobby have to do with 9/11? Just a soft target for attention seeking losers.

Big Lizard

more on these

11.07.2007 00:19

I found them at the recent gay pride peddling their state serving propaganda. they get about - anywhere they can spread their disinformation and distraction.



11.07.2007 02:25

Sure ya did.


(See, what YOU've done there is called Disinformation ...)

We're coming up on the sixth anniversary, and the "Saddam has WMD!!" guys STILL haven't been able to support their Conspiracy Theory with hard evidence.

911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad

you're a funny guy

11.07.2007 08:30

... "peddling their state serving propaganda"

Sure big lizard, sure ...

mail e-mail:

Way to miss the point

11.07.2007 10:09

Rampant consumption is sending the world to hell in a handcart and we're supposed to care about blocky video footage of something that happened in the US 6 years ago?

So I guess GWB staged 9-11 to give him an excuse to force his totalitarian brand of environmentalism on us? To force us into accepting the Kyoto protocol? Uh, wait, no... Personal carbon rationing, he likes that, doesn't he?

Oh bugger. Must be that Al Gore is a holographic lizard.

The Big Iguana

Well at least....

11.07.2007 12:37

...this is a report of an action, which is what IMC was set up for. Rather than the usual non-news, speculative, innacurate, paranoid garbage that the 'truthers' spam this newswire with.


same rules apply

11.07.2007 16:00

I agree Guido. When I was still as dismissive of 911 investigations as you are, I was urging 911 actions here, and was pleased to see a similar banner drop on the M6 motorway. However other topics here often are 'analysis' or investigation so it is good to see the occasional new 911 post unrelated to an action. For instance, nobody has mentioned that Christine Boutin, Frances housing minister, recently admitted she was revaluating her position on whether Bush may have ordered the attack. That must be the highest ranking official since Michael Meacher was sacked, surely worth some comment.



11.07.2007 16:24

Whenever 911 or some Israeli outrage is reported there are ALWAYS opposing comments.

This never used to be the case.

I also notice quite a lot of 'non-news' and events reported, which although they me be of great interest to one or two people are generally very boring to most.

Which leads me to believe that this site's content is in fact managed to minimize dissent rather than support it.



12.07.2007 00:56

"For instance, nobody has mentioned that Christine Boutin, Frances housing minister, recently admitted she was revaluating her position on whether Bush may have ordered the attack. That must be the highest ranking official since Michael Meacher was sacked, surely worth some comment."

Yeah, she is as bonkers as Micheal Meacher who is absolutely barking.


Ad-Hominem attacks don't change the physics

12.07.2007 02:06

Big Lizard
"geeks" that's ad-hominem in the style of fox news.

"What exactly do the enviromental (sic) lobby have to do with 9/11? "

9-11 used to justify "Oil Wars" you know oil? one of the problems with western gluttony
"I'm just popping to the shops dear"

"attention seeking losers." more in the style of Fox news


"state serving propaganda" HaHaHa

"they get about - anywhere they can spread their disinformation and distraction."

Oh activists then? kinda looks like your disinformation to me. They're all the same these truthers aren't they? What a bigot! You should know what bigotry is if you were on Gay Pride.

Nutty by association?
"Must be that Al Gore is a holographic lizard."
where, in any of the footage of that action do they mention the genetic make up of Al Gore?

Guido you are a very patronising person. PubliK Skool?

"Yeah, she is as bonkers as Micheal Meacher who is absolutely barking."

hmm they're nutty all right imagine Meacher actually thought he had a chance to win in the war criminals' leadership election.
So anyone who knows 911 =Inside job is a nut like meacher?
So guido are you qualified to pronounce on someone's sanity?

What we've witnessed here I think are some of the usual tactics of the corporate media in the same way that the Greens were destroyed by the Icke association so the "truth" movement will be destroyed. ad-hominem they're all nutters You people are no better than Murdochs Fox news and ought really to be ashamed of your bigotry.

The first 25 feet of the collapse were at 9.6 m/s/s (98% freefall)two floors were pulverised with "massive energy" (Popular Mechanics) so we'd expect that "massive energy" loss to decelerate the collapse it doesn't, that's physics. not madness. Any one who thinks 911 was an "outside job" when they've examined all the evidence is in need of psych' treatment. Watch out tho' coz I know people who now believe the "Zionist Theory" of history as a result of being brain washed by psychotic white revenge brigade holocaust deniers 911 Truth web sites.. the fact remains however 119 was an inside job and if you're too lazy or disinclined to have your "world view" changed by that simple piece of information then we deserve everything we get from the Industrial Military Media Complex and the petro corporations.

Boycott Oil.
Truth Out!


Guido should see a doctor

12.07.2007 06:37

Christine Boutin is "bonkers" for simply thinking about 911 ? Let's get this clear, she never said she believed Bush was behind it, just that it was worth considering. And that is enough for Guido to question her sanity. How very Stalinist of you Guido, calling someone crazy for thinking. She is "either with us or against us" eh ?

And Micheal Meacher is "absolutely barking". You have so many different euphemisms for madness to smear anyone who doesn't fully agree with you, I wonder why. A third of americans believe their own government were involved in 911, they must be also "nutters" - forgive me for anticipating your next smear.

Guido proclaims crazy people have risen to the governments of France and the UK, but fails to question what the implications are for 911 if there were crazy people had made it to the top of the US government. What if someone who believed God told him to slaughter hundreds of thousands of foriegners ever became President ? Such a "loony" may also think God told him he needed a pretext to do that. I'm talking crazy now, lock me up in a whitehouse and call me George.


Attenion fearless campaigners for truth. Does this not bother you??

12.07.2007 10:23

Britain has produced many esteemed investigative journalists over the years. John Pilger, Seamus Milne, George Monbiot and the late Paul Foot to name but a few. Yet not a single person with a proven track record of successfully challenging the line of the state gives the time of day to the wilder claims of 'Truth Movement'. Yes all of these people have agreed that the US government may have been 'criminally negligent' (as Monbiot puts it) in not stopping the attacks. But the controlled demolition theory and the other conspiratorial claims about 9/11 and 7/7 are not taken seriously by any of these people.
Are you suggesting that they are in on it too? Was John Pilger working for MI6 when he exposed the horrors of the Vietnam war? So if they are not part of the conspiracy why are they so silent on such a huge issue? Why should everyone else believe a bunch of people who have sprung from nowhere in the last few years, over others with decades of experience in exposing the evil goings on in the corridors of power? What about Seymour Hirsh? Possibly the greatest investigative journo of his generation. Who has done more damage to Bush's propaganda machine than any other individual. Is he being forced to stay silent on the 9/11 conspiracy? Then there is Michael Moore. Not a fan of the neo cons or someone who is known for keeping his mouth shut. How did they buy his silence? Or could it just be that Hirsh, Moore and other well informed rational individuals think like most people that the main claims of the 9/11 Truth movement are complete bollocks and a useful stick for the neo cons to beat everyone that opposes them with. "You are all mad. You think that we murdered 3,000 of our own citizens and you dare to criticise us on Iraq."
In fact when it comes to credible individuals with a proven track record of exposing the truth against the state line. Just who does believe that: The Pentagon was hit by a missile/The twin towers were blown up by the US government/The hijackers are still alive/It was the jews ect....? No one springs to mind.


what comes next

12.07.2007 12:18

is that someone pops up and says:

"Rational? spook plant mi6 lover more like.

If you don't know THE TRUTH like me, then you are a worthless brain dead sheep"

That's how debate seems to work with fundamentalists.

i think

Think again, but try harder

12.07.2007 12:56

You speak of the 911 truth movement as if it is a single body that speaks with one voice. No one who questions the official story claims that is so.

I've not read John Pilger ( who incidentally wasn't produced by Britain fyi ) writing about 911 at all. I've also not read him writing about Global Warming but that doesn't mean he is an oil-company stooge.

George Monbiot, contrarily, speaks with more authority about global-warming but has a tendency to stray outside his area of expertise, he is as much commentator as journalist.

Seymour Hersh ( like most well-known journalists ) is briefed by the security services. He has the wit to admit this could result in him being used as a conduit for state 'disinformation'.

As for the neo-cons saying "You are all mad. You think that we murdered 3,000 of our own citizens and you dare to criticise us on Iraq."
Well, that is true, they do say that. And that is undoubtedly a reason serious commentators like Chomsky, who Pilger et al take their lead from, stay away from the possibility of 911 complicity. That is understandable, they have a serious body of work to preserve. Chomsky is always besieged with right-wing critics, which is why every page of every Chomsky book has to have references and quotes at it's foot.

However, it is quite another thing, quite the opposite thing in fact, for people on sites like this to smear everyone who disbelieves or even questions the official 911 theory as "bonkers" and "barking".

If you aren't interested in a thread or a subject, then it would be natural to avoid it rather than demean it. I bet if someone posted here that the moon-landings were faked, everyone who criticises the 911ers would just ignore it. IM shouldn't speak with a single voice, it is not a political party. There should be alternate theories posted here that we can all disagree with and disassoicate ourselves from or else it would be a very boring site. Sure, if the newswire is full of articles on just one subject, then complain about that, but that isn't the case just now. Or if you have contrary evidence to a post, discuss it as politely as you can. But to smear everyone who questions the official 911 story as mad or disruptive is as wrong as claiming everyone who supports it is a spook. It is to do the neo-cons work for them. Worse, the neo-cons have no influence here and some of you commentators do. When we expect censorship we begin to self-censor, and that is the worst sort of censorship. The journalists you mention are familiar with the propaganda model - I suggest you read up on it too if you haven't as it is as applicable today as when it was first published.


Appeals to Authority won't change the Physics

12.07.2007 13:04

When events like 911 occur people rush to get information from their trusted authorities (Usually the news Media) its why these events have occurred throughout history.
These events allow for the programing of populations through propaganda

"Those islamo-fascists did it because they hate our freedoms"

Pilger knows that the News Media lie, he knows, for example that in the UK 90% of youngsters who get their information from television news think that the Palestinians are the "settlers" in Palestine.

So Pilger has a poor understanding of physics he's a good lad though.

"Are you suggesting that they are in on it too?"
"why are they so silent on such a huge issue?"

No no-one is suggesting that. I guess they just haven't researched it taking the lead from their authority figures like Chomsky. Chomsky says it's not important therefore it's not important. Its "group think" which is very prevalent on the left.

All I know is that 119 was an inside job what other people think is up to
them, but I think they should know.

"Why should everyone else believe a bunch of people who have sprung from nowhere in the last few years, over others with decades of experience in exposing the evil goings on in the corridors of power?"

911 happened in 2001 less than a decade ago.
I suggest you try to look at the evidence especially the physics. I know people from the "humanities" find maths and physics difficult so you might be too lazy to do the work.

"the main claims of the 9/11 Truth movement are complete bollocks"

What are the main claims of the 911 truth movement?
911 was an Inside job is as far as I go.

"The Pentagon was hit by a missile/The twin towers were blown up by the US government/The hijackers are still alive/It was the jews ect....? No one springs to mind."

So you're avoiding looking at the physics with a list of known disinformation you are associating anyone that knows 911 was an inside job with the main thrust of the disinformation campaign that's run by the perpetrators and the defenders of the official line. Pilger knows that the Clinton regime were responsible for enabling the easy victory over the Iraqis with the oil for food policy. Clinton Bush are the sock-puppets of the power behind the throne. i.e. the petro corporations and the Industrial Military Media Complex that run governments get folks elected etc etc. If you are unable to see the hand of "big oil" as Greg Palast calls it in the foreign policy of the UKUS in the middle east since the first world war then you haven't looked at history.
And you don't understand Musolinis' "third way" i.e. government for the corporations not the people.

Your appeal to authority shows at least you're not anarchist you have no ability to think for yourself and are not self realised as a human being.
The appeal to authority is also a favoured tactic of the corporate media again you are using similar tactics as Fox News and are not addressing the issue at all.

You need to read and understand the Laws of Conservation of Energy and Momentum and I guess the journos you mention find that too daunting a task.

911 = Inside Job (see the empirical evidence) despite Pilger et-al.

The mistake you make is to confuse the "truth movemant" a a homogenious mass of jew hating nutters.
This is not Rational

Truth Out.



12.07.2007 14:13

The technical points raised by 'nobody' above do his/her other claims more harm than good. My brother in law is a qualified structural engineer with decades of experience in doing viability studies for large (level 6 and above) structures. In October 2001, the corporations funding the development of Canary Wharf brought him in as part of an emergency team of consultants. This was with regard to the HSBC tower, which was already under construction when the World Trade Centre was destroyed. Along with a team of experts he looked in detail at what happened in New York and if a similar collapse could happen if a Jet Liner struck Canary Wharf. By spring 2002 after weeks of meticulous study and argument the team reached a consensus that a similar attack would NOT cause the HSBC tower to collapse. This was, as you can imagine, a huge relief to the financial backers of the HSBC tower and their underwriters. The design of, and materials used for, modern tall structures are very different to what was done decades ago.

I have shown my brother in law 'Loose Change' and a number of other films related to the physical arguments about WTC being demolished after the planes hit. He has said that the science of the 9/11 truth movement is mostly bogus and the 'evidence' is a loose concoction of strung together half-truths to try and prove a single thesis. He should know, he spent months studying exactly how the collapse happened and could go to prison for fraud if his study was proved to be false. People seem to forget that there are huge amounts of money at stake in large-scale construction projects. This makes a cover-up over what happened on 9/11 impossible. It was the single greatest shock that the construction industry has even experienced and for that reason has been looked at in great detail again and again by many different companys and governments. For every study into what happened to be influenced or spiked by dark forces is just beyond belief. Especially when you consider that construction industry is worldwide and the event has been looked at by many governments hostile to the west including Iran and North Korea.

Graham Latimer

The brother in law, The HSBC and the underwriters HA HA

12.07.2007 15:18

More appeals to authority

This is not physics! its another appeal to authority

this time its the brother in law!

"a huge relief to the financial backers of the HSBC tower and their underwriters."

I'm soooo happy for them.

the point is that the collapse of the twin towers and wtc7 at the measured accelerations are also impossible.

The first 25 feet at an acceleration of 9.6 m/s/s 98% freefall and a "massive energy" (popular mechanics) sink to pulverise and destroy and eject the steel and concrete of two floors? now that is impossible no matter what your brother in law thinks.

It's a Law of physics.

Can we see your brother in laws data? you know his time over distance measurements that give you the velocity which in turn give you the acceleration and hence the energy? Can we or do we just have to take his word for it.

Where is your brother in laws study? does it involve the half truths and bogus science that we see in the NIST report. Does he work for an organisation like NIST who's employee lied in public? see NIST man John Gross involved with the investigation for years and yet claims to be unaware of the molten metal found under all three of the buildings destroyed on that day. Or perhaps he works for someone like the EPA who were ordered to lie about the air quality at ground zero. the air that's now killing 70% of the first responders (and their dogs)

No. experts never lie not about the safety of GM or fags or anything.
We must believe all experts coz they're all really honest!

Dear oh Dear

Boycott Oil
Truth Out


Ok, I have now changed my mind...

12.07.2007 15:40

Blimey! It seems that those fearless 9/11 truthers are taking on the Iranians and North Koreans as well! I never knew that they were part of this neocon conspiracy too!!
Out of sheer admiration for the unspeakable bravery of our fearless campaigners for truth. I feel it is now time to face facts and admit that when I was:

criticising Guantanimo Bay/the bombing of Lebanon/police violence in the UK and the rest of Europe/corruption in the Labour Party and trade union leadership/the invasion of Iraq/slave wages in the city of London/the renewal of Trident/the Christian right/Tony Blair/the murder of Jean Charles/deaths in police custody/the CPE laws/the eviction of squatters/the G8 leaders/the victimisation of trade unionists/ect

It was all just an elaborate con so that my Fox News paymasters could get me to undermine the heroic 9/11 truth movement and the serious threat they pose to global capitalism. How stupid of me to think that I could get away with this. How clever they are to have rubbled me. Oh well I guess I'm just going to have to retire now and accept that before long the truthers will have convinced every literate person on the planet that 9/11 and 7/7 were inside jobs and finally the evil empire will come crashing down.......


Truth Out! You Big Lizard Liar

12.07.2007 16:50

Oh so we're back to ad-hominem and downright misrepresentation

Big Lizard you are Fox News and you are a liar

"Hey everyone. 'Nobody' expects us all to believe that he is an expert structural engineer as well as a physicist."

Who is "everyone" Big Lizard? are you doing this for some audience or because you really believe the oughtright bollocks you're spouting.

I don't expect anyone to believe anything.
I expect everyone to do their own research (which is what I've done)
and stop being so f'ken lazy.
I know that it is a psychological tactic employed by the disinformation psychotics to push any inconvenient truth beyond the norm i.e. where most normal people fear to tread and so marginalise the inconvenient truth same way Icke did for the Greens

"Notice how he has completely failed to address the key points in the posts that he is slagging off."

The "key points" in the posts are the usual pathetic ad-hominem attacks or pointless appeals to some authority other than the authority of scientific truth in this, the inconvenient truth that 911 was an inside job

"Instead its the usual 'your all in on this' line that works so well when a conspiraloon finds himself in a corner"

I see you put that 'your all in on this' line in quotes as if I said that when I have'nt, more misrepresentation

See how this psychopath responds to one of the key points of my last post i.e. 70% of first responders dying because of government lies. Here is another tactic of corporate media shoot the messenger.

"desperate conspiraloons" ad-hominem ad nauseam

"another con that they have seen in film made by someone they have never met"

not true those figures are my own i.e. after 25 feet of the collapse the acceleration is 98% freefall. there is a massive energy sink that should decelerate the collapse the empirical evidence shows no such deceleration.
And that is the key point you are avoiding with ad-hominem and the usual bout of name calling.

"Pretty much all of their other theories (the holograms was my personal favorite) have been disproved."

Again you are using known disinformation to support your argument Again you are saying that all who know 911=Inside job also support the "no-planes" theory which is known disinformation.
"socially inept sheep" ad-hominem ad-nauseam

I think by now you should know I know 119 was an inside job
and no bleating by the Big "Fox News" Lizard is gonna change that.

Boycott Oil
Truth Out


Changed my mind back again.....

12.07.2007 16:54

The 'Brown's Bombs' feature was removed by the person who originally posted after intense discussion on the features list. The person agreed that the feature was controversial and should be redone before putting it back up again. The general concensus was that is was a radical departure into the realms of the theoretical which is not why IMC was set up. There are hundreds of website that cater for debates and speculation. IMC is grassroots news service. The feature was signed imc-uk-Features. Actually it was the work of just one person without any real collective effort. Dont worry you will have a new home for your conspiracies before long...


Psycopaths all

12.07.2007 17:03


"criticising Guantanimo Bay/the bombing of Lebanon/police violence in the UK and the rest of Europe/corruption in the Labour Party and trade union leadership/the invasion of Iraq/slave wages in the city of London/the renewal of Trident/the Christian right/Tony Blair/the murder of Jean Charles/deaths in police custody/the CPE laws/the eviction of squatters/the G8 leaders/the victimisation of trade unionists/ect"

Like I don't!

yeah and taking pictures and selling them.
yes guido you sell pictures of actions to whom? the highest bidder? any one?

Did I ever say you were paid by fox news?
No I said you were using the same tactics as the main stream media in ad-hominem attacks on people who know 911 was an inside job. Yet more misrepresentation from you psycopathic liars that believe the fairy-tale of the official narrative.

Boycott Oil
Truth is Out!


All psychopaths?

12.07.2007 17:49

Well only one person seems to be losing their temper here. Try getting out of the kitchen if you can't take the heat. I mean really, if you can't handle a difference of opinion while sitting behind your keyboard and hiding behind a pseudonym then you had better run home to your mummy. Maybe she will believe you when you make statements like "I know it was an inside job."

'There there dear. If you say so...."


Re. Physics

12.07.2007 18:24

So my brother in law is part of the conspiracy, and works for some company that are involved in the cover up? Actually he is a freelance. Like most of the highly qualified who work in construction he has no long term contract and works for whoever requires his expertise. The response to my post above really does prove that these 9/11 truth people will only ever believe what they want to believe. Anyone who disagrees is a 'secret agent' of some description. They are just not worth debating with.

Graham Latimer

Yes I Know 11/9 was an inside job

12.07.2007 18:52

Supercilious and Patronising as usual Guido

yes I know 911=Inside Job
like I know acceleration at the earths surface is 9.8 m/s/s
Like I know the earth orbits the Sun
Like I know that a Law of Physics is inviolable
Like I know that if we're to believe the gravity only hypotheses put forward by the fairy-tale spinners then these Laws of Physics are violated.

You should follow the truthers around you never know you might be able to sell some pics of their actions, you know make a few bob.

Peace Out!
Truth Out

Boycott Oil.....



12.07.2007 19:14

god what a tiresome lot!

Graham Latimer

"So my brother in law is part of the conspiracy, "

Did I ever say that? I don't know you i don't know your brother in law
This is the internet.

Now I could say my best mate is a Physics PhD with a first degree in architecture and that I've got another mate who has a degree in architecture or another with a degree in Physics and real world experience in engineering.
I could go on about the large and growing number of architects and engineers who question the veracity of the official yarn
I could go on to say that they all agree that 9/11 was an inside job.

Would you accept that as proof? I don't think so.

You use the word believe quite a lot in your comments this is not a belief its scientific truth founded on inviolable laws of physics.

Did your brother in law try to model the collapse of HSBC at 98% freefall?
Did he even consider the accelerations involved in the collapse?
Without seeing his data we don't know.

Where is the study and the others you mention?

As Gallileo pointed out authority may not have the answer.

Boycott Oil
Truth out!


the 9/11 truth movement remind me of.....

12.07.2007 19:34

they're both a bunch of fucking nutters. but then again i must be in the pay of mi5 for saying that.....right?


Careful Guido

12.07.2007 20:08

Try not to rile our resident conspiraloon geeks too much. The consequences could be unfortunate.
They might lose their focus and start asking themselves questions like - Why can't I name a single credible journalist who supports my views on 9/11? Why instead do I just make excuses on behalf of the ones who don't? Why can't I cope with the simple fact raised by Graham that even the governments who hate America attach zero credibility to the controlled demolition argument? Why am I even paranoid about my fellow truthers? Why do I think that 3,000 dead yuppies are more important than the half million that will die of starvation every 3 months? Why do I have to go to these lengths to gain a tiny bit of self importance? What are the real and fundamental truths that I am hiding from by immersing myself in this crap?
Then if they get really agitated they might run out of their suburban homes and meet some poor people...

Big Lizard


12.07.2007 21:31


I happen to be a "poor person" lizard, but poverty is a relative thing.
that's all you have more of the same old same old ad-hominem ad nauseam

"Graham that even the governments who hate America attach zero credibility to the controlled demolition argument?"

For the third time of asking where are these reports?

"Why do I think that 3,000 dead yuppies are more important than the half million that will die of starvation every 3 months?"

well I don't think any human is more important than any other human
murder is murder

It's the truth about 119 that's more important as it clearly demonstrates the length the ruling class will go to to achieve their aims It shows you their MO and once you understand that you understand human history.

"What are the real and fundamental truths that I am hiding from by immersing myself in this crap? "

well come on Lizard you've got all the answers what are the fundamental truths?

"Why can't I name a single credible journalist who supports my views on 9/11?"

any number of reasons but mainly writers are no good at physics, they're scared? they're not paying attention any number of reasons really.

So Lizard no real argument just Jibes and name calling you're just too f'ken spooky for words you use the tried and tested methods of the MSM to try and marginalise the inconvenient truth that 11/9 was an inside job.

Truth Out
Peace Out
Troops Out
Close Guantanamo
End Torture and rendition
Boycott Oil and Fcuk the spooks on indymedia. What a bunch of pathetic sharks!
