Glasgow False Flag Terror - NOT!
campaign for real terror | 03.07.2007 00:51 | Analysis | Terror War | London
When the two pathetic 'car bombs' were found in London, many people were quite rightly skeptical. While the media predictable spouted nonsense about the failed attacks having all the hallmarks of everyones favorite bogyman, al-Qaeda, the 'truth movement' people started their own predictable 'False Flag' speculation. Now however, the attack at Glasgow airport shed doubt onto those pointing at the British Security Forces as those behind the attacks.
Terrified passengers at Glasgow Airport fled in panic when at 3.11pm a 4x4 Jeep Cherokee rammed its way into the airport's front glass doors and burst into flames. A man emerged from the car ablaze and attacked police who had rushed to the scene. Hundreds of holidaymakers abandoned their baggage and scurried out all exits. All flights from Glasgow airport were suspended and the surrounding roads grid locked with traffic.
The attack occurred just days after two supposed car bombs failed to detonate in the heart of London but there are significant differences between this and other attacks - two arrests were instantly made at the scene plus there were hundreds of witnesses and CCTV. However the most important difference is the suicidal behavior of the attacker who was seen pouring petrol not just over the car but also himself in an apparent bid to kill himself in a ball of flames - perhaps taking out a few cops at the same time.
This appears to be a significant change. Not only are these attackers incompetent in terms of bomb building, concentrating instead on attempting a dramatic arson attack, but they choose a method of attack which gives themselves negligible chance of escape. This is completely at odds with your typical 'false flag' operation as it actually requires those responsible to be killed or captured, not a job many in MI5 etc would volunteer for.
However, the target of the attack remains typically uninspired and ill considered for a terrorist organization with a (quite valid) grudge against the British government and it's military and security forces. I'm always surprised how unimaginative these supposed dangerous terrorists seem to be when it comes to choosing targets for attacks. Do they try to assassinate our politicians or murder our military personnel in easy targets like pubs in Plymouth? Do they attack electricity and telecommunications infrastructure or water supplies? No, they invariably target insignificant ordinary people and yet surely they realise that the government has no real interest in well being of such people.
But I digress. While the media play to the governments agenda of trying to big up the threat and the terror, the 'truth movement' discredit themselves further and further with their conspiratorial 'false flag' speculations. Like the boy who cried wolf only backwards, those who cry 'false flag' in response to every terrorist incident, they are also guilty of advancing the agendas of those in power. As the 'truth movement' becomes and attracts more and more delusional paranoids, more and more people shy away from them and we get further and further from any hope at revealing the truth.
The attack occurred just days after two supposed car bombs failed to detonate in the heart of London but there are significant differences between this and other attacks - two arrests were instantly made at the scene plus there were hundreds of witnesses and CCTV. However the most important difference is the suicidal behavior of the attacker who was seen pouring petrol not just over the car but also himself in an apparent bid to kill himself in a ball of flames - perhaps taking out a few cops at the same time.
This appears to be a significant change. Not only are these attackers incompetent in terms of bomb building, concentrating instead on attempting a dramatic arson attack, but they choose a method of attack which gives themselves negligible chance of escape. This is completely at odds with your typical 'false flag' operation as it actually requires those responsible to be killed or captured, not a job many in MI5 etc would volunteer for.
However, the target of the attack remains typically uninspired and ill considered for a terrorist organization with a (quite valid) grudge against the British government and it's military and security forces. I'm always surprised how unimaginative these supposed dangerous terrorists seem to be when it comes to choosing targets for attacks. Do they try to assassinate our politicians or murder our military personnel in easy targets like pubs in Plymouth? Do they attack electricity and telecommunications infrastructure or water supplies? No, they invariably target insignificant ordinary people and yet surely they realise that the government has no real interest in well being of such people.
But I digress. While the media play to the governments agenda of trying to big up the threat and the terror, the 'truth movement' discredit themselves further and further with their conspiratorial 'false flag' speculations. Like the boy who cried wolf only backwards, those who cry 'false flag' in response to every terrorist incident, they are also guilty of advancing the agendas of those in power. As the 'truth movement' becomes and attracts more and more delusional paranoids, more and more people shy away from them and we get further and further from any hope at revealing the truth.
campaign for real terror
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What is the truth movement?
03.07.2007 05:58
hmm lets see
is stop the war a bunch of conspiracy nuts?
is the anti id card campaign a bunch of conspiracy nuts?
a handful of OTT people who believe in reptilian overlords do not make up the majority of the truth movement
say it as it is
Advance warnings
03.07.2007 08:49
Now, given that fact, why was no warning issued to the UK public ?
This is either state complicity or state incompetence, there is no other choice. So what do you believe ?
More non news
03.07.2007 09:39
This is supposed to be a newswire where people can read the kind of grassroots reports that are ingnored or censored by the mainstream media. The fact that the conspaloons have recently bombarded this newswire with all kinds of crap related to London and Glasgow does not necessarily make any response to them newsworthy. As I said I dont disagree with the original post (actually well written and and quite rational) but I think its more suitable for sites like Urban75.
are you kidding me?
03.07.2007 11:20
do people still really look at that web site?
i thought that control freak ran everybody out of town through his hatred of freespeech.
deary me.
One of the
03.07.2007 13:42
medic fanatics
03.07.2007 16:12
Doctor immolates himself in burning vehicle. How did he do that when as a hospital doctor he knows burns hurt like hell?
Intelligent well educated bombers leave mobile phones in non-explosive car bombs in London with Sim cards registered to their names.. That's how they've managed to track down the country and worldwide network so quickly!!!!!!!.Tell me another
Blackburn police arrest two guys delivering gas canisters to a construction site!!!!!!!!!
The more the story goes the more absurd it becomes.
They really are trying your credibility, and unfortunately there still seem to be many who are believing what they're being told
Must be a tricky one for certain people....
03.07.2007 18:16
Notice how dh has modified his original conspiracy theory that he was punting on this site at the weekend?
These egotistical tossers don't get out much do they?
Big Lizard
All false flag fests
03.07.2007 20:12
We know about those SAS guys stopped with their car packed with explosives outside Basra, the guys who are taken with their vehicles which are then loaded with explosives and the innocent guy gets his car exploded in a crowd of people as was reported by CNN, the Iraqi person who gets his car impounded by US troops, collects it from the pound and is directed across town to complete paperwork and in that busy market area or near that mosque - BOOM. The hits on the UN, the Red Cross, the Samarra mosque. The Iraqi list is endless
Chechnya - the second invasion was predicated on false flags - the bombing of the Moscow appartment blocks by the FSB, blamed on the Chechnyans, as detailed by the wierdly murdered Litvinienko in his book
The history of the Palestinian conflict is riddled with Mossad false flag ops.
That's not to say their aren't quite a few idiots taken in by the CIA/Saudi version of "martyrdom"
Of course those countries are deliberately created hells on earth.
Everyone feels the pressure.
These people were comfortably off medics living in quiet suburbs and villages.
There's a possibility of mind control programmes in operation and other hypotheses can be found as to the method of conducting these attacks.
History would never move without wild speculation, and then the searching for evidence to back up the speculation.
I would say that in the current circumstances look for all the inconsistencies, absurdities, changes in detail of the official story. Don't believe any of it for one minute - these are multiply proven liars that are putting it out after all.
I know this story is wrong - the absurdity as it unfolds tells me so. The best turn anyone can do for themselves and their own, is proceed from the same.
Intelligent people leaving mobile phones in the London vehicles so all their contacts could be easily tracked down by the police through the phone records. Don't make me laugh. That's better than the last will and testament of Mohammed Atta in the suitcase and the passport falling out of the WTC, and all those ID documents conveniently carried on 7/7 remaining unscathed in the train and bus wreckage.
And where are the CCTV images relating to the current events. They say they have one good one. Were all the cameras working this time? Will we be presented with a very few grainy suspicious looking images, or will we get to see any of it.
BS detectors on high alert
So ....
03.07.2007 21:00
The immensely powerful intelligence services, who after all 'carried out 9/11' and appear to have got away with it, arranged for a set of blokes to carry out a shoddy terrorist effort leaving so many clues they were bound to get caught (or else invented a set of blokes etc., etc.), one of them pouring petrol on himself and setting fire to it in the process. (Jeepers they must pay their stooges well !).
Their US branch also publicly warned their UK branch of this in advance, wanting for some reason to create an impression of incompetence or conspiracy...
Or did a small group of very pissed-off muslim extremists, launch a determined but unsophisticated attempt to kill people and embarass Brown on his coronation..
Trying to be objective, which sounds more plausible?
Btw, if you don't believe in the eye-witnesses, do you believe in Glasgow airport? After all, these fiends are apparently capable of anything...
ends ------------------------------------------------- will this do, sarge?
Dousing the flames of fascism
06.07.2007 13:36
Sorry for the delay in responding Dick, I've been out dousing the fires you are busy starting. Anyone who cares to look through the archive as you have can see I was one of the people slagging DH off a year ago until I sussed I was being manipulated. I don't even know who DH is but I do know who you are. And who employs you. And waht group you infiltrated. And much more.
Anyway, for what it is worth, this is my egotistical take on the Glasgow Airport attack.
There are genuine grassroots organisations opposing the official US-UK genocide-for-oil. Most of them are non-violent, some of them are not. It is arguable which approach is sensible. Most violent people who end up in prison tend to regret their violence. Most non-violent people who get murdered don't have that chance.
From personal experience I believe there is collusion by the mainland UK security services and domestic fascist gangs. Similarly I believe there is similar MI5 infiltration into activist groups. I do have mainstream journalistic proof such collusion with fascist-terrorists and such infiltration of peace-groups occured in Northern Ireland in the near past, and I do have proof the 'lessons learned from the Troubles are being rolled out nationwide'.
So I think it is sensible for people to assume the tactics used there then are being used here now. And I think it is worth each of you reviewing those tactics for yourselves.
I make mistakes though, quite often. I assumed that the Glasgow attack was homegrown idiots inflamed by the fact that both the Iraqi and Afghani governments were condemning US/UK airstikes on civilians - and unlike the hysteria here, those airstikes were murderous and are common.
What I don't understand yet is why the domestic attacks were supposedly warned about a fortnight in advance by secuity services. What I do know, and what I'm not going to talk about, is that anyone resident in Houston for more than a week, and who wasn't a moron, would have known about a far more likely way to cause massive deaths at Glasgow using exactly the same resources. I'd like to see the CCTV footage of the airport from ten minutes before the attack. Such footage exists. Why can't we see it ? So I've just got a gut-feeling about that attack. I may be wrong. I'd like to see that footage.
What I love though is that a suicide letter was recovered from the Jeep. These "cretinous Jihadis" who can't even build a car-bomb have proven time and again that they are capable of manufacturing fire-proof paper, a feat unsurpassed in the West.
What I do know is that these attacks have been leveraged to cause racial tension and firebomb attacks within all the communities in Scotland that have people of different colour. By fascists. Now there are some of us suited to investigations, some of us better placed bilding bridges, but there are some of us better off fighting fascism physically. I've just started my first local anti-fascist group. Neighbours, friends and family so far. None of you are invited but you may want to consider similar community groups. A community grouip is far less easy for the security services to infiltrate. Counter-vigilantism is needed now. I would rather die in a firebomb attack than in the next gas-chambers.
One side effect of these attacks is that domestic support for the Iraq debacle will increase. Scotland had been dissasociating itself from the war by electing an anti-war government. So if you look at who is he main benificiary from the Glasgow attacks in terms of support, it is a genocidal British government caught up in a failed foriegn resource war. Or Al Qaeda , a foriegn group armed and trained by our government in the 80's in Scotland.
Good to see that people are keeping this discussion open-ended
06.07.2007 15:39
I'm relieved to see that posters here have a basic understanding of false-flag "terror" events, and the manner in which they are used by various intelligence agencies to advance political agendas.
I think David Shayler's articles and interviews have helped tremendously to bring this "hidden" history to a wider audience in the UK and the US.
Particularly with respect to intelligence infiltration and manipulation of the Provisional IRA, the "Irisn National Liberation Army" and British employment of bin Laden to destabilize Qadafi in Libya.
I don't automatically dismiss the willingness of chumps, fools and patsies to be used as provocateurs by the intelligence services.
We need to continue sifting through the emerging "details" of these events, distinguishing between the plausible and the absurd; between the spontaneous and the contrived.
Always remember to first pose the question: Cui bono ?
What short-term or long-term agendas are advanced by these "events" ?
What evidence or indications present themselves that suggest foreknowledge or staging by the authorities.
It's good to see that people here are not getting totally sucked into easy "pat" explanations.
Let's keep our eyes, ears and minds open folks.
Let's remember to be skeptical of "information" coming from the controlled media and official sources.
We know that 9/11 and 7/7 were staged as false-flag ops.
Let's not lose our perspective.
06.07.2007 20:21
still it stinks
a lot