Numbskull “al-Qaeda” Patsies Flub in Glasgow
Kurt Nimmo | 30.06.2007 23:49 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Terror War | London
Naturally, the two patsies who “rammed a petrol-filled, four-wheel-drive vehicle into Glasgow airport,” as Reuters describes the pathetic suicide bomb attempt, are linked to the staged events in London.
Obviously, the British and Scotland branch of “al-Qaeda” needs to call the home office, as “al-Qaeda in Iraq” is far more effective at car bombs and the UK version needs a bit of tutoring. “A vehicle that crashed into Scotland’s largest airport was being treated as a potential terror attack linked to two car bombs found in London, police said Saturday,” reports MSNBC. “Britain raised its security alert to ‘critical’—the highest level possible and an indication that terrorist attacks are imminent. U.S. airports increased safety precautions.” In other words, goons with automatic weapons and dogs, reminiscent of Nazi soldiers on train platforms demanding to see papers, will be sending a message to holiday commuters next week, as America celebrates its independence to shop, eat hot dogs, and blow off fireworks made by slaves in China.
Naturally, the two patsies who “rammed a petrol-filled, four-wheel-drive vehicle into Glasgow airport,” as Reuters describes the pathetic suicide bomb attempt, are linked to the staged events in London. “There are clearly similarities and we can confirm that this is being treated as a terrorist incident,” declared Willie Rae, the chief constable in the Glasgow area. “Rae said the badly burnt man was found to have a ’suspect device’ hidden on his body, but he would not confirm it was a suicide vest. The hospital briefly had to be evacuated while the device was inspected.” Obviously, “al-Qaeda,” the Scottish division, recruited the most dim-witted duo available, or rather MI5 recruited these retards, probably unable to count on their fingers without losing track three digits in.
“Britain’s Home Office announced it had raised the national security alert level to ‘critical,’ the highest ranking and one which indicates further attacks are expected imminently,” or rather further attempts, purposely designed to be nothing more than pathetic flubs, will be executed, resulting in a marked increase in gun-toting goons at airports, engineered to get all of us accustomed to an ever increasing police state in our faces. If we are to believe the corporate media, the average Brit is inured to all of this, as the average Brit is climatized to 500,000 “security” cameras positioned everywhere, resulting in the average person being photographed 300 times each and every day.
Meanwhile, here in the United States, “Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff said the government is putting in place plans to increase security at airports, on mass transit and at transportation facilities,” according to Fox News. In other words, millions of holiday travelers will be subjected to the spectacle of increased numbers of goons with automatic weapons patrolling not only airports but “mass transit and … transportation facilities” as well, thus sending the message we are not safe from “al-Qaeda,” never mind these mentally challenged terrorists are apparently unable to make and detonate suicide bombs, unlike their brethren in Iraq who are, after all, well-trained by British SAS operatives donning Arab garb and wigs.
No doubt, as we celebrate our “independence” here in the land of wall-to-wall Wal-marts next week, the country is more threatened by unsupervised kids with sparklers than “al-Qaeda,” a phantom terrorist group created by the CIA and ISI and used by MI5 and the Mossad to keep the “war on terrorism” alive in the face of public apathy and indifference.
Naturally, the two patsies who “rammed a petrol-filled, four-wheel-drive vehicle into Glasgow airport,” as Reuters describes the pathetic suicide bomb attempt, are linked to the staged events in London. “There are clearly similarities and we can confirm that this is being treated as a terrorist incident,” declared Willie Rae, the chief constable in the Glasgow area. “Rae said the badly burnt man was found to have a ’suspect device’ hidden on his body, but he would not confirm it was a suicide vest. The hospital briefly had to be evacuated while the device was inspected.” Obviously, “al-Qaeda,” the Scottish division, recruited the most dim-witted duo available, or rather MI5 recruited these retards, probably unable to count on their fingers without losing track three digits in.
“Britain’s Home Office announced it had raised the national security alert level to ‘critical,’ the highest ranking and one which indicates further attacks are expected imminently,” or rather further attempts, purposely designed to be nothing more than pathetic flubs, will be executed, resulting in a marked increase in gun-toting goons at airports, engineered to get all of us accustomed to an ever increasing police state in our faces. If we are to believe the corporate media, the average Brit is inured to all of this, as the average Brit is climatized to 500,000 “security” cameras positioned everywhere, resulting in the average person being photographed 300 times each and every day.
Meanwhile, here in the United States, “Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff said the government is putting in place plans to increase security at airports, on mass transit and at transportation facilities,” according to Fox News. In other words, millions of holiday travelers will be subjected to the spectacle of increased numbers of goons with automatic weapons patrolling not only airports but “mass transit and … transportation facilities” as well, thus sending the message we are not safe from “al-Qaeda,” never mind these mentally challenged terrorists are apparently unable to make and detonate suicide bombs, unlike their brethren in Iraq who are, after all, well-trained by British SAS operatives donning Arab garb and wigs.
No doubt, as we celebrate our “independence” here in the land of wall-to-wall Wal-marts next week, the country is more threatened by unsupervised kids with sparklers than “al-Qaeda,” a phantom terrorist group created by the CIA and ISI and used by MI5 and the Mossad to keep the “war on terrorism” alive in the face of public apathy and indifference.
Kurt Nimmo
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01.07.2007 00:25
Is this Indymedia or LaRouche?
01.07.2007 04:49
Reports on BBC of civilians who had a go and fought the terrorists. Compare this bravery to the supine passivity of the English. The only way to avoid a police state is for the public to dispense local justice to these cretinous jihadis - frequently and often.
bad george
01.07.2007 05:43
Saturday night Braveheart
01.07.2007 07:54
The comments above are pretty shameful as they contribute to the problem they claim to address, the alienisation of large parts of our community, besides all onviously being the work of the one drunk..
The commentator obviously know nothing about Larouche to claim Nimmo has anything in common with him, and demeans the word bigot by using that falsely to smear him. He also seems to urge vigilantes rather than vigilance - urging "the public to dispense local justice" is fascism for beginners. And as for "Compare this bravery to the supine passivity of the English" - keep taking the medication Dick, some English officer manually entered the first Mercedes to disarm it while it took more than five minutes for more than one Scottish officer to leave the terminal building to investigate. Still, petty misplaced nationalism and violent anger is as much your trademark as posting several comments on the one thread under different names to claim a false consensus.
Your the goon.
01.07.2007 08:07
Your one of these people that would complain if the government didn't do anything, take your hate elsewhere fool.
Could try harder? Could try, at all!
01.07.2007 09:07
"...reminiscent of Nazi soldiers on train platforms demanding to see papers", no it will actually be more reminiscent of normality in the UK for most of us. After the brief spell of special branch being stood down from airports after the 'Real IRA' were put out of commission. The yanks seem to think, as per usual, the world exists inside their borders, bless them. Much like children thinking if they cover their eyes they become invisible. I suppose MI5 invented the IRA? Not dismissing Stakeknife and the DET, the assertion would David Icke territory.
"Naturally, the two patsies"- Nimmo must have a hotline to Special Branch's lead detective, since none of the rest of us know but the scantest details. But, he must be protecting his well-placed sources by not sharing the proof that men in question were "patsies". Must be great sitting there with a dossier naming their handlers, their tactics etc.
"Willie Rae, the chief constable in the Glasgow area"- Astounding level of research now. Glasgow doesn't have a policing "area". Glasgow falls under the Strathclyde force and even then Glasgow is broken up into several divisions, most of which extend beyond Glasgow.
Furthermore Glasgow Airport isn't even in Glasgow. Just like Luton and Heathrow are not even in London.
"or rather further attempts, purposely designed to be nothing more than pathetic flubs"- Again, we see no inclination to lay out the nitty gritty of this claim. The names, the documents, the sources of this totally glib statement whipped off with all the journalistic effort of Richard Littlejohn or Gary Bushell calling for an end to immigration and asylum. Phantom facts citied indirectly but never substantiated. That's before even going into why on earth some anonymous Doctor Evil civil servant would come up with the idea of making ther terrorist equivalent of the 3 Stooges make the police, the security services and the government look inpet beyond all belief. Are they all tired of their jobs perhaps?
"“al-Qaeda,” a phantom terrorist group created by the CIA and ISI"- So close but yet so far. An opportunity to actually be able to back up a statement with some hard facts is missed and instead goes for a rather childish dismissal of Al Qaeda as "phantom". So basically, he is telling us that 'Al Qaeda' doesn't exist at all and would have no semblance of existence without the US.
An oversimplification again worthy of right-wing gutter press journalists. US, Saudi and UK collusion, training and support of the "jihadi" fighters in Afghanistan, the Balkans and Chechnya are well documented. But to call them "phantom" is getting the cart before the horse. I suppose all those people from across the world who travelled to fight in Afghanistan and Kashmir before Bin Laden was on the scene only did so because the Pentagon sent them a big fat cheque? I suppose the US invented the USSR imperialism in the region too? Perhaps Russia never even existed to follow the 'Wag the Dog' logic at play.
Instead of going after this very important point: they were//are(?) our allies, who was/is hiring these people? He misses the ball completely and swings a kick for the arch-loony theory of a "false reality". Can he dumb down any lower without digging a shaft? Oh yes, we can lower the tone by a indirectly racist implication that anyone of a muslim background is incapable of being independently outraged/inspired to the point of engaging in terrorism.
You would think that since these facts of the US/UK-Pako-Saudi Axis dribbled into the public domain that someone would be making an ongoing effort to expose the individuals behind the West's support for Bin Laden, Zawahiri and their organised crime network?
Names, documents, photos, whistleblowers? Who rubber-stamped Abu Hamza's visa? Who was his handler? Who exactly were training their recruits in the US/UK and where and when? Can we trace the money trail back to anyone and make it stick? In other words, try to blow the lid off the crooks that pass as our guardians.
Not Nimmo. He's content with an oversimplification on par with reducing the Universe to "quite large" and then opting for sitting back and carp like some sullen teenager, adding nothing new to the debate at all. Inaccurate crap bordering on the insane.
Nimmo is either total moron or he is laughing all the way to the bank at the people who buy into his fantasy pyramid scheme. I think the latter is more likely. Or if you want conspiracies, he could actually be a clever diversion for people who aren't buying the official spin, leading them right up the garden path of Lalaland and away from being any danger to the people with blood on their hands.
Oh well, just another day in Nimmo's snakeoil empire, another memo from his sausage machine of apathy.
Bullet Proof Reader
Not the Houston drunk on oil
01.07.2007 09:09
Six percent in college
From livin on the block
Twenty five percent in prison
The school of hard knocks
Fifty percent in poverty
Is livin on the rocks
Five hundred brothas on a death row box
The punishment is capital
For those who lack in capital
Because a public defender
Can't remember the last time
That a brother wasnt treated like an animal.
They say they blame it on a song
When someone kills a cop
What music did they listen to
When they bombed iraq?
Give me one example so I can take a sample
No need to play it backwards
If you wanna hear the devil
Cause music's not the problem
It didnt cause the bombing
But maybe they should listen
To the songs of people starving..
cause its a crime to be broke in america!
Its a crime to smoke dank in america!
Its a crime to be black in america!
Its a crime to be black in america!
Its a crime to be Puerto Rican
African, Native american
Asian, Hatian
A woman
Bullet Proof Richard
01.07.2007 09:46
Nimmo-"the Scottish division"
BulletProof -"I suppose MI5 invented the IRA?"
No, but their massacre of peaceful protestors on Bloody Sunday certainly helped.
BulletProof -"I suppose all those people from across the world who travelled to fight in Afghanistan and Kashmir before Bin Laden was on the scene only did so because the Pentagon sent them a big fat cheque?"
No, but they did fight using training gained in Scotland provided by the SAS and they were heavily subsidised and equippped by the CIA.
BulletProof -"Nimmo is either total moron or he is laughing all the way to the bank at the people who buy into his fantasy pyramid scheme."
Shit, Richard, I doubt Nimmo has much money in the bank but I do know who funds you and your 'international brotherhood'.
Your are not bullet-proof - you aren't even credible. The fact a known MI5 agent posts state-propaganda here and yet can't stick to one name is laughable.
Nimmo 1 - International Brotherhood 0
BTW - you are not bullet-proof, nobody is. Your smears are obvious mince and will be repaid in kind shortly.
The troubles
01.07.2007 12:46
It's also known that the FRU and other army intelligence units provided arms funds and targets to loyalist paramilitaries
To a large extent the Irish troubles were deliberately manipulated and maintained by agencies of the British state. The pressure was taken off and relationships allowed to normalise, as they are now, only when a new internal threat had been invented.
By the way, to what extent will people, even if driven by theoretical fanaticism, be likely to, or even capable of throwing punches and shouting Allah Allah, whilst doused in petrol, and actively on fire all over, as reported by a Glasgow airport eyewitness.
Suggests a deeper programmed script has been artificially implanted
Carry on Terrorising
01.07.2007 13:30
Editors !!
The latest attempts to destroy on our freedom, democracy and way of life have been thwarted.
These attacks are clearly the work of Iran-backed Al Qaeda : definitely nothing to do with ID cards, re-inforcing the July 7 - anniversary this week - "suicide bombers" tale or making the spectacle of £100,000-per-year gun-toting automatons on the capital's streets more acceptable.
The plan to destroy Glasgow Airport and surrounding areas was defeated by human error and human ingenuity.
Thankfully, these Arab chappies, with their unlimited cunning and financial resources, had forgotten - as in London - to load the cars with explosives : secondly, they had not foreseen that Glasgow Airport had, cunningly, installed barriers to stop potential foreign bounders driving to the aircraft and blowing up same.
According to an eye-witness, one "bomber", he confronted, was " ... just talking jibberish." I can, already, see conspiracists pouring forth on programming, mind-control, drug-induced .. etc. ..
Gordon Brown has risen to the occasion and, whilst not-yet potential Oscar-winning material, as per the Met's Peter Clarke, the dour Gord will certainly be able to keep the perfectly straight face, necessary, above all else, in these tricky times ahead.
01.07.2007 13:40
Who knows...
Bullet Proof Reader
deeper script
01.07.2007 13:53
True, but that was implanted by the BBC and Murdoch over the course of years.
What may be of interest to you is the first comments here are by the poster formerly known as 'MI5', prinzerle, the fake peace activist who has threateneded my own family with worse than this attack, whose organisation is keeping up the harassment to this date, and yet who can never post under his real name or allow it to be published. He was also having a go at you on the earlier thread.
So there is the obvious MI5 manipulation, which happens in the mainstream and people here have learned to filter, then there is the subtler MI5 manipulation which happens here. I knew he would post here about this, I suspect he is gleeful at these events he has has helped to create. His faux outrage and calls for revenge are typical. From arguing for compulsory CCTV in every home, demonising official state enemies to arse-licking his military, his manufactured shlock and horror is as predictable as it is treasonous. I don't think these attacks could be MI5 but they have certainly been fuelled by known MI5 agents who are now trying to exploit them.
The solution is to stand 'shoulder to shoulder' with people of any culture our establishment attacks and expose those of us who wish to pour petrol on the situation.
To all the 'damage control' operatives here:-
01.07.2007 14:21
wherein Keith Olbermann, anchor at MSNBC talks to Larry Johnson, ex-CIA about "to underscore the truth behind the }present UK] madness - that the so-called bombs were primitive at best and would not have killed anybody."
"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William
Colby, Former Director, CIA
Bon Chance
The alternatives?
01.07.2007 15:25
Larry Johnson came across as eminently sensible and reasonable: and when put in perspective we have had essentially 3 NON-events (incendiary not explosive devices) especially when set against the backdrop of Iraq, as well as the Northern Irish war and UK mainland strikes.
Therefore - what IS the fuss about? If this is terrorism, then we should dismantle the state security apparatus which plainly seems to have accomplished scant little besides lock down the place, arrest but not charge Muslim males between 24 and 40 years of age, and intrude into everybody's lives with the persistence of a Peeping Tom. And we have let this happen because of why? Our obsession with Big Brother? or was it because we were all so afraid of the Big Baddies? How did we let this become the security state it has become - the political fall-out is immense, with our democracy sliding down the drain in apathy and resignation and disempowerment.
These laws need to be overturned: it is time to get the government of Big Brother off of our backs.
Am I being too naive to consider that Brown is a potential ally in this move, or is really the Blairite he claimed never to be?
Dan Dare
Danny - interesting post
01.07.2007 17:04
I think your experiences with MI5 would enlighten people on the website.
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