The historic revalue of Lima Norte, Peru
Sara Dreampicker | 28.06.2007 16:10 | Culture | Education | History | London
North zone of Lima city, Perú. A group of scientists have compiled, after revealing investigations, a counter about historic places in there.
In Perú, men had fight against adverse weather, inhospitable and irregular geography. However, the most important pan-American cultures had been grown here. In the same way, during the Hispanic domain, it was a geopolitical important spot in South American continent. That is why such a big quantity of archeological monuments, wherever you look. There is no place that it does not have important monumental buildings, without cultural relevance among his micro region.
Even if the National Culture Institute of Perú (INC) is on charge of cense, catalog and protect the patrimony, has the control and knowledge of this places, it is an insufficient for him to support the right advisory, which implicates to protect patrimony from robbery, mal use or, in many cases, destruction. Because of that, local governments (municipals), cultural and educative institutions have assume the challenge to become “guards” of that patrimony who are the local memories. That thing happens in the north side of Lima, knew as Lima – Norte, established in Chillon´s river valley, 8 kms from the historic center of Lima city. It is conformed by nine municipalities in which domains are the richest historic heritage. Next, we will show you the most important.
El Paraíso (the paradise) ceremonial center: 2500 years old. In 3 kms to the sea and 5 kms close the actual international airport Jorge Chavez, this construction is formed by 11 buildings that conform a complex with the letter U shape of. In this place stayed pre-ceramist agriculture people, conforming one of the several villages that could be found in the central coast.
Garagay ceremonial center: with most of 4000 years ancient, this is one of the most important places, because it counts with one of the most desconcertanting vestiges, previous to the first great big culture before the Incas, Chavín. It has iconographic elements that makes them recognized like that, and even presents polychromatic walls of great beauty.
San Pedro de Carabayllo church: As a part of San Pedro´s reduction, in Chillón Valley, created in 1571. In that time, the Hispanic government works for focalized places for Indians to stay and get controlled satisfactory. This act, witch mixed administrative, social and religious aspects, were called “reductions” and they were located in the same places that happened to be their native temples. The name was referred by his date of foundation, jun 29th, Saint Paul and Saint Peter holyday. In an area of 192 square meters, the church has a baptistery, a special place for the chorus, all of then crowned with a great canon crypt with a big window that illuminates that enclosed area in his back side, as well as a bell place. Initially the floor was covered by wood. The church is part of the urban group well know as San Pedro de Carabayllo, located in the 4.5 km of Panamerican Highway, in the entrance of Puente Piedra (Stone Bridge) district.
Santiago de Punchauca farm: in the same way as San Pedro, this construction is over the rest of a ceremonial center or “huaca” (small temple), called Punchau. The first owner of that ranch was the first major of Lima, Nicolás de Rivera, being their principal products wool and sugar. It’s a neoclassic building, who shows the chapel with his half canon crypt, which was hard to build. His historic importance dates from the beginning of XIX century, because in this place was the encounter with the “libertador” (liberator) José de San Martín and the last viceroy, La Serna, for the pacific exit for Peruvian independence.
Checta stone drawing: they are located in the km 42 of Canta highway, in the north east of Lima. The traces are rude, rustic and they are made over big unpolished stones. Even there are not studies about the age of the stones; it is presumed that they are territorial builds, between towns or cities. It symbolizes animals, plants and anthropomorphism drawings.
Catamarca: Located 5 kms far from the nor east of Canta village, in top of a mountain who has 3500 high, it is this fortification, which must be assumed as Canta’s governor’s property. They are circular buildings with false crypts and stone columns. They were designated to domestic service, religious, scientific and other ones. This city surprises because his design and structure, and also because his conservation in this inhospitable place.
With this showing of some of the historic monuments more important ones of Lima Norte, is necessary to say something about the enforcement of this non-governmental institutions, who wants to show the existence and protect the patrimony, without the financing of government who has other more dramatic needing, like make people access to basic services to this several places. Many of this monuments are now qualified as “intangible” and even are implementing a special tourist circuit, but there are needed the resources whom will let they be well conserved and being part of the recent born tourist industry.
If you are interested in knowing more or –even better- collaborate with those people who are working in those several conservation projects, you can contact:
Sedes Sapientiae Catholic University:
José Antonio Benito:
Carabayllo Cultural Center:
Reference documents:
Monumentos de Lima Norte. Cartilla de Información Turística. 2007. Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae.
Boletín del Centro Cultural Carabayllo, junio 2005. José Ventosilla Ñañez.
Colli-Sapiens. Boletín del Area de Historia de la Universidad Sedes Sapientiae. Diciembre 2006.
Even if the National Culture Institute of Perú (INC) is on charge of cense, catalog and protect the patrimony, has the control and knowledge of this places, it is an insufficient for him to support the right advisory, which implicates to protect patrimony from robbery, mal use or, in many cases, destruction. Because of that, local governments (municipals), cultural and educative institutions have assume the challenge to become “guards” of that patrimony who are the local memories. That thing happens in the north side of Lima, knew as Lima – Norte, established in Chillon´s river valley, 8 kms from the historic center of Lima city. It is conformed by nine municipalities in which domains are the richest historic heritage. Next, we will show you the most important.
El Paraíso (the paradise) ceremonial center: 2500 years old. In 3 kms to the sea and 5 kms close the actual international airport Jorge Chavez, this construction is formed by 11 buildings that conform a complex with the letter U shape of. In this place stayed pre-ceramist agriculture people, conforming one of the several villages that could be found in the central coast.
Garagay ceremonial center: with most of 4000 years ancient, this is one of the most important places, because it counts with one of the most desconcertanting vestiges, previous to the first great big culture before the Incas, Chavín. It has iconographic elements that makes them recognized like that, and even presents polychromatic walls of great beauty.
San Pedro de Carabayllo church: As a part of San Pedro´s reduction, in Chillón Valley, created in 1571. In that time, the Hispanic government works for focalized places for Indians to stay and get controlled satisfactory. This act, witch mixed administrative, social and religious aspects, were called “reductions” and they were located in the same places that happened to be their native temples. The name was referred by his date of foundation, jun 29th, Saint Paul and Saint Peter holyday. In an area of 192 square meters, the church has a baptistery, a special place for the chorus, all of then crowned with a great canon crypt with a big window that illuminates that enclosed area in his back side, as well as a bell place. Initially the floor was covered by wood. The church is part of the urban group well know as San Pedro de Carabayllo, located in the 4.5 km of Panamerican Highway, in the entrance of Puente Piedra (Stone Bridge) district.
Santiago de Punchauca farm: in the same way as San Pedro, this construction is over the rest of a ceremonial center or “huaca” (small temple), called Punchau. The first owner of that ranch was the first major of Lima, Nicolás de Rivera, being their principal products wool and sugar. It’s a neoclassic building, who shows the chapel with his half canon crypt, which was hard to build. His historic importance dates from the beginning of XIX century, because in this place was the encounter with the “libertador” (liberator) José de San Martín and the last viceroy, La Serna, for the pacific exit for Peruvian independence.
Checta stone drawing: they are located in the km 42 of Canta highway, in the north east of Lima. The traces are rude, rustic and they are made over big unpolished stones. Even there are not studies about the age of the stones; it is presumed that they are territorial builds, between towns or cities. It symbolizes animals, plants and anthropomorphism drawings.
Catamarca: Located 5 kms far from the nor east of Canta village, in top of a mountain who has 3500 high, it is this fortification, which must be assumed as Canta’s governor’s property. They are circular buildings with false crypts and stone columns. They were designated to domestic service, religious, scientific and other ones. This city surprises because his design and structure, and also because his conservation in this inhospitable place.
With this showing of some of the historic monuments more important ones of Lima Norte, is necessary to say something about the enforcement of this non-governmental institutions, who wants to show the existence and protect the patrimony, without the financing of government who has other more dramatic needing, like make people access to basic services to this several places. Many of this monuments are now qualified as “intangible” and even are implementing a special tourist circuit, but there are needed the resources whom will let they be well conserved and being part of the recent born tourist industry.
If you are interested in knowing more or –even better- collaborate with those people who are working in those several conservation projects, you can contact:
Sedes Sapientiae Catholic University:
José Antonio Benito:

Carabayllo Cultural Center:

Reference documents:
Monumentos de Lima Norte. Cartilla de Información Turística. 2007. Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae.
Boletín del Centro Cultural Carabayllo, junio 2005. José Ventosilla Ñañez.
Colli-Sapiens. Boletín del Area de Historia de la Universidad Sedes Sapientiae. Diciembre 2006.
Sara Dreampicker
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