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Jacqui Climbs the Ladder!!

Redditch Animal Rights | 28.06.2007 15:44 | Animal Liberation | Repression | Birmingham

Have you heard, the MP for Redditch, Jacqui Smith is the new Home Secretary!! Hurrah!!!

As with her predecessors, i`ve no doubt that we can expect yet more erosion of civil liberties and criminalising of peaceful protest from the first ever female Home Secretary. And of course, the animals incarcerated inside the labs can expect more of the same suffering, torture, death, breaches of guidelines, law breaking, scandals, cover ups and corruption. For the animal abusers, the drug industry and all those seeking to line their pockets from scientific fraud, it will be business as usual as far as Jacqui is concerned. (the Home Office deals with the licensing of experiments on animals)

Jacqui was one of `Bliars Babes` when first elected back in 1997. She`s always been very keen to toe the party line and it was clear she had big ambitions from the start.

Prior to Labour`s triumphant victory in `97, Jacqui lived literally 2 minutes down the road from me. Both my parents were heavily involved in promoting the Labour Party back then - canvassing, fundraising, leafletting etc. On election days, our house would be used as Labour Party offices for the day!!! So it will come as no surprise that we helped Jacqui by voting her into power, spurred on by the knowledge that Labour would right all the wrongs in our society!! Within 6 months of Labour sweeping to power, we saw their true colours and became activists in many movements - animal rights, environmental, anti-war, anti-capitalist etc.

Our contribution to Jacqui`s success was strangely forgotten when both my mum and I were imprisoned on remand on the basis of pure fabrication and malicious lies, which were spewed out in court. Despite Jacqui knowing the truth and having the power to set us free, she remained silent!! She couldn`t be seen to go to the aid of `terrorists`, that wouldn`t do her chances of climbing the career ladder any good at all. When finally free and charges dropped, our hopes of justice and compensation were thwarted by the wonderful Labour government that we voted in.

Gordon Brown talks of changing this and changing that, but i think a banner in Parliament Square at the current peace camp has the situation summed up pretty well. It reads:


Exactly the same can be said of Jacqui Smith, but don`t just let her walk all over you, your rights and the rights of tortured animals. Stand up and fight, whilst you still can!!!

See , , , , ,

Redditch Animal Rights
Redditch Veggies & Vegans
Redditch Green Fair

Redditch Animal Rights
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Green Fair web address

28.06.2007 15:57

The correct web address for the Redditch Green Fair


Redditch Animal Rights

fair comment but

29.06.2007 14:37

this is fair comment but frankly, im genuinely surprised that it took so long for people (that vaunted 50% who opposed the war) to see through the whole charade. i was warning about the perils of a 'new' type labour in the era when the berlin wall came down 1989-91. i noticed that too many labour people were crying too much for the days of joe stalin. of course, the possibilty of change to a genuine, 'humane' socialism in those years didnt work out (although cuba has survived the transistion it must be said- all credit to castro there!) but even so, it seems that those people who planned to be quislings for the USSR Rouble now have to be quislings for the USA Dollar !
PS when first sending this, a web filter tried to block me

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