CIA Finally Releases 1973 "Family Jewels" Document - Partial Notes on Ch 1
Varlet | 27.06.2007 03:09 | Analysis | History | Repression
The CIA has, after a long battle against activists and journalists using the "Freedom of Information Act", finally released a document outlining the "most sensitive operations" it had undertaken from the 1950s through 1973.
This is a document that, as one would expect, raises far more questions than it answers.
This is a document that, as one would expect, raises far more questions than it answers.
The CIA has, after a long battle against activists and journalists using the "Freedom of Information Act", finally released a document outlining the "most sensitive operations" it had undertaken from the 1950s through 1973.
This is a document that, as one would expect, raises far more questions than it answers. A partial synopsis of the 703-page tome follows.
To follow along with the page numbers of the actual document I used to write this, you must go to the George Washington University's "National Security Archive" and download the complete, full version at this link:
It's 27 MB of sickening details of Murder, Inc's operations. I mean the CIA. The Mafia, AKA Murder, Inc. is a sometime CIA contractor.
The news media is full of (yawn) "revelations" that the CIA hired the Mafia to kill Castro. We've known that for decades. Some of these other things are not so well known.
P 53 of 703
John Warner, then Acting General Counsel [for Watergate
Investigating Committee or CIA (?)], agreed to limit testimony of
subpoenaed officials who would report on CIA-Washington
Metro Police covert activities undertaken against antiwar
activists in DC and other more sensitive matters which the CIA
did not want to be revealed, and which this "family jewels"
document seems not to reveal, either.
P. 62 of 703
Dec. 1970
Robt Ingersoll, head of Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous
Drugs, was so convinced that his agency "had been heavily
infiltrated by dishonest and corrupt elements [inherited from the
Federal Bureau of Narcotics], who were believed to have ties
with the narcotics smuggling industry" [interesting choice of
words - V] that he asked then CIA head Helms to help him set
up a group within BNDD that would spy on its own agents to
make sure that they weren't working for drug traffickers.
This "newly released" CIA document is heavily censored. More
than 2/3 of it remains blacked out.
P. 71
Ever wonder how Senators charged with oversight of CIA operations
conspire to stay "out of the loop" so they can deny knowledge of embarrassing CIA operations later on?
It's remarkably easy! When they are briefed on
sensitive CIA activities, they "[ask] not to be briefed in detail"!
Senator Russell and Rep. Mahon took this action when they
were briefed on how CIA money was transfered to the FBI for
still-classified operations, and how the CIA and NSA exchanged
equipment for other still-classified operations. This blows away
the fraud that there exists a firewall between the CIA, NSA and
FBI when it comes to domestic operations, as well as the charade that Congress actually exercises "oversight" of the CIA.
In this case, the CIA gave cashiers checks to the FBI to pay for its operation(s)
and also the CIA gave cashiers checks to the NSA to help pay
for its operations. Also, the CIA gave money to the State Dept.
"to help State Department defer Presidential representational
expenses of President Lyndon B. Johnson's trip to Southeast
Asia." The State Dept had sought $3 million from CIA, but the
then-Director of the CIA thought that was too much.
P.82 and attachments
CIA's Warren D. Magnusson, Deputy Director for Liaison and
Planning, Office of Finance worked with John Brown, White
House staff secretary, NSA and State Dept. to handle political
mailings on behalf of Nixon administration in reply to a torrent of
letters Nixon received from citizens after he revealed the secret
bombing of Cambodia in a 1970(?) speech(?). State Dept. handled all the
anti-bombing mail: CIA was tapped to pay for pro-bombing
mail. CIA would pay for "postage, addressing and printing" of
replies to the pro-Nixon correspondents. The actual addressing would be done "by an outside
firm" but would be paid for by CIA.
The CIA, White House and the various agencies conspired to
handle the accounting for the mailing so that the fact that the CIA
was involved would not be revealed in public reports.
Smoking gun on page 93
The CIA provided? provides? dozens or hundreds of its
employees to act in various capacities "in the immediate office of
the White House per se", including "secretaries, clerical
employees and certain professional employees... and one young
man detailed to their Communications Section"... also "couriers,
telephone operators, a laborer assigned to the grounds and a
graphics man who designed invitiations for State dinners". These
people are "hired as bona fide White House employees." I
wonder if the White House staff are aware that all their security
screening of prospective employees is absolutely unnecessary,
since Langley has taken care to see to it that all available
candidates have already passed muster and are employees of the Company?
How nice to have all these people from diverse backgrounds,
holding all those many different opinions about important issues
of the day surrounding you when you are trying to make
decisions as the Chief Executive of the US! It's nothing less than a Potemkin-
cross-section of American public opinion!
Let's see what the gardener thinks about such and such
proposal... Maybe run it by the cook, or the secretary...
It doesn't matter: their "opinions" have been decided in advance
by the CIA as part of their "cover backgrounds".
I can see it now: "OK Agent Not-So-Smart, we're assigning you to be a lawn maintenance
technician working the Rose Garden. You'll be one of the few blacks working in the White House,
so we hope that the Chief will take a shine to you. Your cover is as follows: you were an organizer for SNCC in the early 60s,
who advocated for armed self-defense for blacks in the Deep South during the Civil Rights struggle.
You became disaffected with the group after seeing the rise of the Black Panthers and realizing what your
ideology must ultimately lead to. Disillusioned, you joined the Peace Corps and worked in Africa. You'll
have a case officer assigned to you, and you will report to him every morning at 4:30 AM to acquire your opinions on the
hot topics of the day."
What an interesting guy that gardener is! Too bad it's all just a cover story intended to lure the President into seeking
out a friendship with a "salt of the Earth" type! I bet that works pretty good, too!
Was George Stephanopoulous aware of any such arrangement during the
2 Clinton Administrations? How about Comedy Central's John Stewart,
who once worked at the State Dept? I always wondered how such a "staunch
opponent of US Government policy" like Stewart could snag to appear on his show
such war criminal luminaries as Gen. Peter Pace and George Tenet,
and probable long-time CIA asset Dictator General Musharraf of Pakistan.
The CIA also has "technical specialists" and "security officers
detailed to the Department of State to protect foreign visitors".
P 106:
CIA agents worked at the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (now the DEA)
and a CIA agent actually "served for over ten years as Director
of the Office of Public Safety for" the Agency for International
Development (AID).
Also P 106:
"Contract Personnel Division [of the CIA] prepares and
executes contracts with individuals engaged by the Agency to
carry out domestic activities. We also process Staff Agents who
are domestically assigned." Domestic activities? Isn't this
supposed to be in violation of the CIA's charter? Tsk, tsk! Of course, no details are given.
P 107:
Howard Hunt, "sometime between March and May, 1972"
contacted the CIA's "External Employment Assistance Branch"
(it helps "ex"-CIA spooks find post-"retirement" employment) to
see if they "had a retiree or resignee who was accomplished at
picking locks". One "Frank O'Malley of EEAB... sent him a
resume on Thomas Amato who retired 31 July 1971." They do
not elaborate on whether or not Mr. Amato actually went to
work for Hunt.
In this section, regarding "sensitive" disclosures pertaining to the
activities of the CIA's "Office of Logistics", which includes,
apparently the "Technical Services Division" (makers of James
Bond-like items like the CIA's infamous poison dart guns and such) we find that it was the
opinion of one John F. Blake, former Director of Logistics, that
lending out surveillance equipment, motor vehicles, gas masks
and even guns to non-Agency Federal and local police agencies is legally permitted
thanks to the "Economy Act of 1925" which "authorizes one
agency to support the needs of, or provide a service for, another
Government agency when such action would be more
economical and eliminate the need for one agency of
Government to duplicate facilities readily available from another."
The equipment loaned out to or bought for other government
agencies includes "telephone analyzer[s]" for the White House
Communications Agency, as well as the State Dept., Air Force
and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC); camera sets, TV
cameras and "actuators [&] recorders" for the FBI; a "special
purpose electrical" cable ordered in 1970 for the White House
Communications Agency and "Ink, Special Formula" from the
Technical Services Division for use by the Immigration and
Naturalization Service.
For at least one of the nation's domestic police departments,
the Dept. of Logistics provided:
396 gas masks
231 steel helmets and liners
287 protective vests
84 "Chemical Baton[s]" (with "various quantities and types of
replacement chemical cartridges, loading kits and batteries" for
these weapons
3 stun guns
6 "Mustang 35 Pistol[s]"
It is possible that the primary or even sole police department that
received all these things was the Washington, DC police
department in order to defend Langley from "violent" anti-war demonstrators,
but that is not specified in the memo.
P 134
List of "computer processing projects which the Office of Joint
Computer Support has participated in or is aware of and which
might be considered sensitive issues". The report, dated 11
May, 1973, lists 3 "Most Sensitive Projects", one of whose
name is still blacked out; 2 "Sensitive Projects", both of whose
names are still blacked out; and 5 classified "Sensitivity
Unknown, but Possibly a Matter for Concern", all of which are
either entirely blacked out or which have significant portions of
the terse, one-sentence descriptions blacked out. Glasnost,
One interesting program was codenamed "DMVREC" and (was? is?)
a "File of automobile license numbers".
Two other interesting ones are dedicated to "anti-drug" efforts.
Another's code name is blacked out: it (was? is?) a "Statistical
analysis of psychological data", and was listed as "Sensitive"
because of the "source of data" and the fact that "contractors are
involved with this project".
P 143
"During the[1972?] Democratic and Republican conventions, [DELETED] supported requirements levied by the Secret Service concerning name traces and other intelligence information relating to subversive influences which might affect those conventions. WHD [Western Hemisphere Division of the CIA] should be able to provide a detailed resume of activities supported in this matter". Too bad that the "detailed resume" somehow avoided inclusion in this section.
I'll have to continue my notes later on this week, as time does not permit me to continue.
Enjoy reading, brothers and sisters!
Workers of the World, Unite!
This is a document that, as one would expect, raises far more questions than it answers. A partial synopsis of the 703-page tome follows.
To follow along with the page numbers of the actual document I used to write this, you must go to the George Washington University's "National Security Archive" and download the complete, full version at this link:
It's 27 MB of sickening details of Murder, Inc's operations. I mean the CIA. The Mafia, AKA Murder, Inc. is a sometime CIA contractor.
The news media is full of (yawn) "revelations" that the CIA hired the Mafia to kill Castro. We've known that for decades. Some of these other things are not so well known.
P 53 of 703
John Warner, then Acting General Counsel [for Watergate
Investigating Committee or CIA (?)], agreed to limit testimony of
subpoenaed officials who would report on CIA-Washington
Metro Police covert activities undertaken against antiwar
activists in DC and other more sensitive matters which the CIA
did not want to be revealed, and which this "family jewels"
document seems not to reveal, either.
P. 62 of 703
Dec. 1970
Robt Ingersoll, head of Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous
Drugs, was so convinced that his agency "had been heavily
infiltrated by dishonest and corrupt elements [inherited from the
Federal Bureau of Narcotics], who were believed to have ties
with the narcotics smuggling industry" [interesting choice of
words - V] that he asked then CIA head Helms to help him set
up a group within BNDD that would spy on its own agents to
make sure that they weren't working for drug traffickers.
This "newly released" CIA document is heavily censored. More
than 2/3 of it remains blacked out.
P. 71
Ever wonder how Senators charged with oversight of CIA operations
conspire to stay "out of the loop" so they can deny knowledge of embarrassing CIA operations later on?
It's remarkably easy! When they are briefed on
sensitive CIA activities, they "[ask] not to be briefed in detail"!
Senator Russell and Rep. Mahon took this action when they
were briefed on how CIA money was transfered to the FBI for
still-classified operations, and how the CIA and NSA exchanged
equipment for other still-classified operations. This blows away
the fraud that there exists a firewall between the CIA, NSA and
FBI when it comes to domestic operations, as well as the charade that Congress actually exercises "oversight" of the CIA.
In this case, the CIA gave cashiers checks to the FBI to pay for its operation(s)
and also the CIA gave cashiers checks to the NSA to help pay
for its operations. Also, the CIA gave money to the State Dept.
"to help State Department defer Presidential representational
expenses of President Lyndon B. Johnson's trip to Southeast
Asia." The State Dept had sought $3 million from CIA, but the
then-Director of the CIA thought that was too much.
P.82 and attachments
CIA's Warren D. Magnusson, Deputy Director for Liaison and
Planning, Office of Finance worked with John Brown, White
House staff secretary, NSA and State Dept. to handle political
mailings on behalf of Nixon administration in reply to a torrent of
letters Nixon received from citizens after he revealed the secret
bombing of Cambodia in a 1970(?) speech(?). State Dept. handled all the
anti-bombing mail: CIA was tapped to pay for pro-bombing
mail. CIA would pay for "postage, addressing and printing" of
replies to the pro-Nixon correspondents. The actual addressing would be done "by an outside
firm" but would be paid for by CIA.
The CIA, White House and the various agencies conspired to
handle the accounting for the mailing so that the fact that the CIA
was involved would not be revealed in public reports.
Smoking gun on page 93
The CIA provided? provides? dozens or hundreds of its
employees to act in various capacities "in the immediate office of
the White House per se", including "secretaries, clerical
employees and certain professional employees... and one young
man detailed to their Communications Section"... also "couriers,
telephone operators, a laborer assigned to the grounds and a
graphics man who designed invitiations for State dinners". These
people are "hired as bona fide White House employees." I
wonder if the White House staff are aware that all their security
screening of prospective employees is absolutely unnecessary,
since Langley has taken care to see to it that all available
candidates have already passed muster and are employees of the Company?
How nice to have all these people from diverse backgrounds,
holding all those many different opinions about important issues
of the day surrounding you when you are trying to make
decisions as the Chief Executive of the US! It's nothing less than a Potemkin-
cross-section of American public opinion!
Let's see what the gardener thinks about such and such
proposal... Maybe run it by the cook, or the secretary...
It doesn't matter: their "opinions" have been decided in advance
by the CIA as part of their "cover backgrounds".
I can see it now: "OK Agent Not-So-Smart, we're assigning you to be a lawn maintenance
technician working the Rose Garden. You'll be one of the few blacks working in the White House,
so we hope that the Chief will take a shine to you. Your cover is as follows: you were an organizer for SNCC in the early 60s,
who advocated for armed self-defense for blacks in the Deep South during the Civil Rights struggle.
You became disaffected with the group after seeing the rise of the Black Panthers and realizing what your
ideology must ultimately lead to. Disillusioned, you joined the Peace Corps and worked in Africa. You'll
have a case officer assigned to you, and you will report to him every morning at 4:30 AM to acquire your opinions on the
hot topics of the day."
What an interesting guy that gardener is! Too bad it's all just a cover story intended to lure the President into seeking
out a friendship with a "salt of the Earth" type! I bet that works pretty good, too!
Was George Stephanopoulous aware of any such arrangement during the
2 Clinton Administrations? How about Comedy Central's John Stewart,
who once worked at the State Dept? I always wondered how such a "staunch
opponent of US Government policy" like Stewart could snag to appear on his show
such war criminal luminaries as Gen. Peter Pace and George Tenet,
and probable long-time CIA asset Dictator General Musharraf of Pakistan.
The CIA also has "technical specialists" and "security officers
detailed to the Department of State to protect foreign visitors".
P 106:
CIA agents worked at the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (now the DEA)
and a CIA agent actually "served for over ten years as Director
of the Office of Public Safety for" the Agency for International
Development (AID).
Also P 106:
"Contract Personnel Division [of the CIA] prepares and
executes contracts with individuals engaged by the Agency to
carry out domestic activities. We also process Staff Agents who
are domestically assigned." Domestic activities? Isn't this
supposed to be in violation of the CIA's charter? Tsk, tsk! Of course, no details are given.
P 107:
Howard Hunt, "sometime between March and May, 1972"
contacted the CIA's "External Employment Assistance Branch"
(it helps "ex"-CIA spooks find post-"retirement" employment) to
see if they "had a retiree or resignee who was accomplished at
picking locks". One "Frank O'Malley of EEAB... sent him a
resume on Thomas Amato who retired 31 July 1971." They do
not elaborate on whether or not Mr. Amato actually went to
work for Hunt.
In this section, regarding "sensitive" disclosures pertaining to the
activities of the CIA's "Office of Logistics", which includes,
apparently the "Technical Services Division" (makers of James
Bond-like items like the CIA's infamous poison dart guns and such) we find that it was the
opinion of one John F. Blake, former Director of Logistics, that
lending out surveillance equipment, motor vehicles, gas masks
and even guns to non-Agency Federal and local police agencies is legally permitted
thanks to the "Economy Act of 1925" which "authorizes one
agency to support the needs of, or provide a service for, another
Government agency when such action would be more
economical and eliminate the need for one agency of
Government to duplicate facilities readily available from another."
The equipment loaned out to or bought for other government
agencies includes "telephone analyzer[s]" for the White House
Communications Agency, as well as the State Dept., Air Force
and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC); camera sets, TV
cameras and "actuators [&] recorders" for the FBI; a "special
purpose electrical" cable ordered in 1970 for the White House
Communications Agency and "Ink, Special Formula" from the
Technical Services Division for use by the Immigration and
Naturalization Service.
For at least one of the nation's domestic police departments,
the Dept. of Logistics provided:
396 gas masks
231 steel helmets and liners
287 protective vests
84 "Chemical Baton[s]" (with "various quantities and types of
replacement chemical cartridges, loading kits and batteries" for
these weapons
3 stun guns
6 "Mustang 35 Pistol[s]"
It is possible that the primary or even sole police department that
received all these things was the Washington, DC police
department in order to defend Langley from "violent" anti-war demonstrators,
but that is not specified in the memo.
P 134
List of "computer processing projects which the Office of Joint
Computer Support has participated in or is aware of and which
might be considered sensitive issues". The report, dated 11
May, 1973, lists 3 "Most Sensitive Projects", one of whose
name is still blacked out; 2 "Sensitive Projects", both of whose
names are still blacked out; and 5 classified "Sensitivity
Unknown, but Possibly a Matter for Concern", all of which are
either entirely blacked out or which have significant portions of
the terse, one-sentence descriptions blacked out. Glasnost,
One interesting program was codenamed "DMVREC" and (was? is?)
a "File of automobile license numbers".
Two other interesting ones are dedicated to "anti-drug" efforts.
Another's code name is blacked out: it (was? is?) a "Statistical
analysis of psychological data", and was listed as "Sensitive"
because of the "source of data" and the fact that "contractors are
involved with this project".
P 143
"During the[1972?] Democratic and Republican conventions, [DELETED] supported requirements levied by the Secret Service concerning name traces and other intelligence information relating to subversive influences which might affect those conventions. WHD [Western Hemisphere Division of the CIA] should be able to provide a detailed resume of activities supported in this matter". Too bad that the "detailed resume" somehow avoided inclusion in this section.
I'll have to continue my notes later on this week, as time does not permit me to continue.
Enjoy reading, brothers and sisters!
Workers of the World, Unite!