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Honour Killings

Ilyan | 26.06.2007 07:41 | World

Has any Moslem man been killed for going out with a woman without parental approval?

Sauce for the Goose should be sauce for the Gander.

This is a request for news and perhaps should be classed under Religion. You might guess I have just been listening to the BBC telling of the Nationwide Moslem network that is most efficient at finding Moslem girls who have gone into hiding to liberate themselves. Male blood relatives then move in and kill them.

Brings the words brother and father into some disrepute. Or, having done that deed, do they then maintain their personal honour and kill themselves?



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The story that Radio 4 won't be telling

27.06.2007 10:09

Download: Flashpoints Radio piece on Honour Killings - mp3 13M gives some background on the issue. They say that about 5000 Honour killings are estimated to take place globally each year. Flashpoints gives some perspective by noting how many American women are killed by men every year.......
